In-Depth Sessions

Tuesday, November 2, 2021
1:15 PM - 3:15 PM ET

The following two in-depth session will be offered during the virtual Annual Session. In order to participate in these sessions, pre-registration is required.  You may purchase more than one offering - allowing yourself to participate in one session live and watch the other via recording within 6-months post Annual Session.  

In-Depth Session Title Program Area Program Description Learning Objectives
Grand Rapids Furniture Making Traditions: Past and Present Sustainable Living: Textiles, Clothing, Housing, Environment; Community and Economic Development Learn about high-quality furniture making from a century ago until today in Grand Rapids. Tour both historical exhibits and a site where educators create inspiring learning environments to meet the changing needs of students and teachers. Learn about the furniture manufacturing industry in Grand Rapids, from household brands in the past to office furniture in the present.
Michigan ACES Initiative Child Development/Child Care/Parenting Virtual ACES Training The Michigan ACE Initiative is focused on raising awareness about Adverse Childhood Experiences and developing trauma-informed, healing organizations and communities across the state. Learn about the priorities
of the Michigan ACEs Initiative