NEAFCS Committee Descriptions 
All committees are encouraged to have a balanced and diverse representation of members. The NEAFCS President serves as an ex-officio member of all committees.
Standing Committees are defined in the bylaws. Special Committees are established by the Executive Board. Ad Hoc committees are established to undertake specific tasks outside the scope of responsibility of existing committees.
Awards & Recognition, Member Resources, Professional Development and Public Affairs are organized into committees to better achieve the overall goals of the committee.
If you are interested in serving on one of the NEAFCS committees, click here to apply.
Check out the NEAFCS Leadership Ladder to help view the recommended steps for success and roles for each phase of the Leadership Ladder to guide you to a National Officer and beyond (document designed by NEAFCS member Mackenzie DeJong, IA).
NEW: Committee Resources
Annual Session Planning Committee (by appointment, only)
The purpose of this committee is to generate the overall plan for the Annual Session. The planning committee consists of the Vice President for Professional Development, National President, Conference Planner, Executive Director, Affiliate Liaison and up to three (3) additional people invited at the President's discretion (may include President-Elect, Affiliate President, Regional Director, Staff). Duties and responsibilities are:
- reviewing the NEAFCS Policy & Procedures Manual and Annual Session Handbook
- planning/developing the schedule for the Annual Session
- selecting speakers
- selecting special event venues
- selecting in-depth sessions
- working with the National Office to prepare budget, and determine registration fee subject to the approval of the NEAFCS board
awards & recognition committee
Chaired by the Vice President for Awards & Recognition, this is structured into three committees to achieve goals of the strategic plan and focus on priorities of the Executive Board and the membership, with special emphasis on recognition and accomplishments of members. The total committee will have a recommended range of 30-50 members. Committee members will consist of a diverse representation from all regions.
The Bylaws Committee is composed of one representative form each region, Immediate Past President, Board Secretary (Chair) and a member at large. Non-officer members shall serve a two-year staggered term. The Bylaws Committee shall be responsible for:
- reviewing the bylaws
- developing proposed revisions for consideration by the membership. A parliamentarian will review final proposed bylaws before presenting to the membership.
Bylaws Committee Members
Credentials Committee (by appointment, only)
This committee is chaired by a second year Regional Director. Committee will include the four Regional Directors and a member from each region who is not serving as a voting delegate. The Credentials Committee shall be responsible for:
- securing and preparing a list of delegates and alternates
- verifying and checking voting delegates during the Annual Session Business Meetings
Endowment Committee
This committee has 6-12 members including Active and Life members, two National Past Presidents, Immediate Past President and Treasurer. It will oversee the solicitation of funds for the endowment; it will work with the NEAFCS Investment Committee to develop the Endowment Investment goals.
- terms will be 3 years
- members may serve 2 terms
- Committee will include at least two representatives from each of the regions
Endowment Committee Members
Finance/Investment Committee (by appointment, only)
Composed of the Treasurer (Chair), Immediate Past Treasurer, Vice President for Awards and Recognition, Vice President for Professional Development, President-Elect, Immediate Past President and two representatives from each region who meet the criteria. Non-officer members shall serve a two year staggered term (Treasurer would serve 2 years as Treasurer, 2 years as immediate Past Treasurer). The Finance/Investment Committee is appointed by the President and shall be responsible for:
Finance/Investment Committee Members
JCEP's PILD Planning Committee (by appointment, only)
Composed of the Vice President for Public Affairs and a Public Affairs Committee member (either Education or Advocacy). Both are two year terms. The Public Affairs committee member is appointed in the alternate year of the election of the Vice President for Public Affairs. The terms on this committee begin and end at the Public Issues Leadership Development Seminar.
Member Resources Committee
Chaired by the Vice President for Member Resources, this is structured into four committees to achieve the goals of the strategic plan and focus on priorities of the Executive Board and the diverse membership, with special emphasis on services and activities that encourage action participation of all members. The total committee will have a recommended range of 40-50 members. Committee members will consist of a diverse representation from all regions.
National Nominating Committee (by appointment, only)
Chaired by the NEAFCS Immediate Past President, this committee is composed of two members elected yearly from each of the four regions at the Regional Business Meetings. The Chair serves as a non-voting member except in the case of a tie. The National Nominating Committee is responsible for:
- selecting a slate of officers for National Officers and Regional Directors
- presenting slate to the voting delegates
National Nominating Committee Members
National Office Committee (by appointment, with input from others)
Chaired by the Immediate Past President, this committee includes the President, President Elect, Treasurer and the Vice President for Member Resources. The National Office committee is responsible for:
- reviewing and monitoring services to ensure that they are effective, efficient
- making recommendations to the board regarding management company contract and responsibilities
Professional Development Committee
Chaired by the Vice President for Professional Development, this is structured into two committees to achieve goals of the strategic plan and focus on the priorities of the Executive Board and membership, with special emphasis on coordinating diverse educational opportunities. The total committee will have a recommended range of 30-40 members. Committee members will consist of a diverse representation from all regions.
Chaired by the Secretary, this committee provides an opportunity for members to network, communicate and share resources during Annual Session.
Public Affairs Committee
Chaired by the Vice President for Public Affairs, this is structured into three committees to achieve the goals of the strategic plan and focus on priorities of the Executive Board and the diverse membership, with special emphasis on current public policy and legislative issues. The total committee will have a recommended range of 30-60 members. Committee members will consist of a diverse representation from all regions.
site review committee (by appointment, only)
This committee is chaired by the Immediate Past President and includes the President, President Elect, Vice President for Professional Development, Regional Directors, the Executive Director (ex-officio) or Conference Planner, or others as designated by the President. The committee's tasks include:
- Review bids to determine the site of future Annual Session.
- Select future site and present recommendations to Executive Board for approval.