Success is an Attitude

Review of Pamela Jett’s Presentation on Wednesday, September 26th at NEAFCS Annual Session

Pat Brinkman (OH)

If you missed Wednesday morning’s presentation of “Success is an Attitude” by Pamela Jett, you missed some tools you can use.  Jett reminded all of us that happier people are healthier and live longer.

It is up to us to decide in the morning that we are going to have a “Happy” (good) day.   We need to make a conscious choice and be proactive to choose to be happy.  Happier people are more employable, more likable, friendlier, better balanced, and tend to make more money.  

Jett gave us some tools to help us deal with our daily life as it is often not as we want.  These tools included:

  • Avoid toxic people.  Teach other people how to treat us.  Let them know that we do not welcome their toxicity near us.
  • Choose to be with people who build you up.  
  • Say to yourself “Yesterday was an interesting day and today is a happy day.”
  • Using 600 to 800 words a minute we all talk to ourselves – just not out loud most of the time.  Seventy-five percent of those thoughts are negative.  Jett said “No room in our life for stinking thinking.”  
  • Just push the “delete” button on those negative thoughts.  
  • Have you been upset with a co-worker, family member or other person(s) whom you have allowed to “live rent free in your head” and maybe even “go to bed with you at night”? Evict them and those negative thoughts right out of your head.

Choose to be happy.  Use “delete’ and “evict” and keep yourself positive.  You will have less stress and enjoy life more. 

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