President's Message: Endowment Committee’s 90th Anniversary Campaign Rick Griffiths (NM), NEAFCS President
With the holiday season upon us, on behalf of the National Board, I would like to wish you, your family, and friends a Merry Holiday Season and a Happy New Year! I hope that you can take some time away from your busy Extension schedule to be with family and friends and reflect on the many blessings and opportunities that life brings us.
It's a busy time for the Association, with many programs launching for the new year. This month, I want to highlight one of those programs, the Endowment Committee’s 90th Anniversary Campaign. Read More:
What YOU Need to Know NOW in NEAFCS! National Office Staff
This feature of the newsletter highlights current reminders of member benefits, programs, and approaching deadlines to keep you in the know.

Email Rick at [email protected].
Meet Out New NEAFCS Program Manager Justin Mischler
My name is Justin Mischler, and I am looking forward to working with NEAFCS as the new program manager! I have a beautiful wife and two young boys who know how to keep me on my toes. I am an avid fan of all sports, and I love my Florida State Seminoles. Previously, I worked with different associations within Partners as a Program Manager, overseeing the certification program, yearly renewals, continuing education requirements, and marketing opportunities. Read More:

Registration for JCEP Conferences: ELC & PILD Now Open Julie Garden-Robinson (ND), Immediate Past President
As members of NEAFCS, you are automatically members of JCEP (the Joint Commission of Extension Professionals). Besides NEAFCS, JCEP includes all seven Extension associations. You may be a member of one or more of these, in addition to NEAFCS.
JCEP board members, including our current president (Rick Griffith), past-past president (Susan Routh) and I, recently attended a board meeting in Arlington, VA. Susan is the chair of the upcoming PILD (Public Issues Leadership Development) conference. Read More:
2024 Annual Session: Come early, stay late Hope Wilson (AZ), 2024 NEAFCS Annual Session Invitation, Marketing and Promotion Subcommittee Chair
As this year winds down and you begin planning for 2024, save September 16-19 on your calendar for the NEAFCS Annual Session in Tucson, AZ and include some extra time before and/or after to explore more of Tucson or other parts of Arizona.
The 2024 Annual Session will be held at the JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort & Spa, a beautiful oasis in the Sonoran Desert with views of Tucson Mountain Park. If you would like to add on to all the resort and spa has to offer, Tucson has many places to eat, play and visit such as Saguaro National Park, Sabino Canyon, Biosphere 2, Tucson Botanical Gardens, or Old Tucson just to name a few. Read More:
Central Region Updates Barb Wollan (IA), Central Region Director
The central region is at the starting line and excited about being the host region for the 2025 annual conference in Grand Rapids! We are excited to be able to build on the foundation established by the Michigan Affiliate in 2021, when COVID forced the shift to a virtual meeting. We’ve accomplished Step One: Identifying our leaders! (Drum roll….) Tri-Liaisons to the National Board for the 2025 annual conference will be:
Next Steps: forming committees and digging into detailed planning for a terrific conference! The next two years will be exciting and productive years in the Central Region.
Read More:

Professional Development's Many Purposes Marcia Parcell (IN), VP Professional Development
The Professional Development Subcommittees are presenting webinars for many purposes such as what members need to know, the structure of our land grant institutions, and hot topics that members are inquiring about or need to know about to address our changing world. Read on to learn about the webinars addressing these different purposes as well as ways to provide input for 2024 webinars. Read More:
Make Sure Your Work Doesn't Go Unnoticed - Write an Impact Statement for NEAFCS Chris Zellers (NJ), VP Public Affairs
Have you ever told a friend what you did as an FCS educator and had them reply with,

If so, it’s time to start writing your impact statement! Read More:
It's Not Too Late: Time is on Your Side! Michelle Wright (TX), Appointed VP Member Resources
While renewal time is ending soon, the doors of NEAFCS are always open for the recruitment of members.
NEAFCS would appreciate you sharing this information with those just starting in their FCS careers as well as former NEAFCS members. To become a life member, it’s $330.00, and that one-time payment is made payable directly to NEAFCS. We would truly appreciate you encouraging your peers to become Active members as early as possible to get more bang for their money. You can find the active and life member applications on the NEAFCS website. Read More:
NEAFCS Diversity Scholarship Glenn Sturm (VA), Diversity Committee Member
Did you know that NEAFCS offers annual session scholarships for presenters on topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion? To provide more diversity-related professional development sessions, as well as increase diverse representation among members attending the NEAFCS Annual Session, the Diversity Committee provides a scholarship opportunity for members presenting diversity-related concurrent sessions at the NEAFCS Annual Session. Up to 4 scholarships of $250 will be awarded to NEAFCS members. Read More:

Professional Development - Upcoming Hot Topic Session on AI Amber Allen (MO), Professional Development Committee Chair
A great round table discussion at the conference brought the importance of AI to the forefront and how Extension agents can use it. Mark your calendar for December 20th at 2 pm for the first Hot Topic Session on AI with Brock Turner, Purdue University. This webinar will briefly overview various AI models and focus mainly on the Generative AI models and how they apply to family and consumer sciences. Read More:
Elevate FCS! and Living Well Month: Amplifying the Significance of Family and Consumer Sciences Rosie Stewart (AZ), Public Affairs Advocacy Committee Chair
The Public Affairs Advocacy Committee strives to highlight the significance of our profession and programs for both internal and external audiences. Through two main campaigns—ELEVATE FCS! and Living Well Month—the committee empowers individuals to advocate for Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS). Read More:
What is the Public Affairs Committee? Chris Zellers (NJ), VP Public Affairs
If you came back from the NEAFCS Annual Conference eager to be more involved with NEAFCS the Public Affairs Committee might be the perfect way to get started. Read More:

Submit Your Best to Celebrate at Our 90th Annual Session Marcia Parcell (IN), VP Professional Development
“Under One Sky: Thriving in an Ever-Changing World” the proposal portal for the 2024 Annual Session officially opened on December 1st. We are looking for proposals to focus on methods to maximize our resources, to improve ourselves in the face of ever-changing needs, and celebrate our contributions to our communities and the nation. Stop. Think. What program could you submit as a proposal for the 90th Annual Session in Tucson, Arizona? The proposals need to be submitted by January 31, 2024. Are you unsure how to complete the process? Read More:
Putting Your Impact to Work in 2024 Amanda Dame (KY), Public Affairs-Education Committee Chair
Hold tight to your calendars! It's time to get pumped for the 2024 JCEP Public Issues Leadership Conference in the buzzing capital of Washington DC! Mark the dates of April 15-17 and gear up for a leadership conference like no other. Read More:

Let's Celebrate - 90th Anniversary Logo Chris Kniep (WI), Historian & 90th Anniversary Committee Chair
Step by step the 90th Anniversary Committee is crafting their action plan for 2024 and are excited to announce and share the logo that was recently approved by the NEAFCS Board. You’ll be seeing this logo on the website, on social media, in the newsletter and we hope that you will use it too! Ninety years of membership, accomplishments and so much more to celebrate! Read More:
Register for the Extension Leadership Conference! Jesse Ketterman (MD), Eastern Region Director
The Extension Leadership Conference (ELC) coordinated by the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) is well under way. The call for proposals closed in October and we are finishing the selection process. Notifications should go out in the near future. Read More:

Additional News & Opportunities for NEAFCS Members

Future issues of the NEAFCS Network will include recognition of members who have passed. If you would like to report the death of a NEAFCS member, please click here.