From the Desk of the Secretary: Changes to the Newsletter Starting Fall of 2024 Lisa Peterson (IL), NEAFCS Secretary
I am delighted to share some changes to our NEAFCS newsletter starting this fall. First and foremost, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for entrusting me with the role of Secretary for the past two years. It's been an incredible journey, and I'm honored to serve our vibrant NEAFCS community.
When I stepped into this position, my primary goal was to enhance our network newsletter, boost engagement based on your valuable feedback, and ensure that every member feels connected to NEAFCS each month. Over the past two years, we've conducted two comprehensive communication surveys, reviewed your insightful comments and suggestions from the NEAFCS strategic planning leadership survey, analyzed readership data, and formed an Ad Hoc Committee dedicated to improving our newsletter.
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Under One Sky Rick Griffiths (NM), NEAFCS President
It's hard to believe that it's been a year since we were last together in Providence, Rhode Island, exploring the “Oceans of Opportunity” NEAFCS has to offer. Serving as your President for the past year has been an honor and a privilege. I thank you for placing your trust in me to guide our Association forward. As I reflect on my time as President, I believe now more than ever in the commitment of NEAFCS being a member-driven organization; without the work of our numerous committees, state affiliate leaders, and you being involved at all levels of our organization NEAFCS would not be the successful organization it is today, I thank each of you for your dedication and commitment to our Association.
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What YOU Need to Know NOW in NEAFCS! National Office Staff
This feature of the newsletter highlights current reminders of member benefits, programs, and approaching deadlines to keep you in the know.
- CANDIDATES: Meet your 2024 Board Candidates. New this year, candidates have pre-recorded their 3-minute speech for members to view prior to Annual Session. Visit the following link to read their applications, position statements, and watch their 3-minute speeches. Contact your affiliate leadership/ voting delegates to share your thoughts on each candidate so they can make an informed decision prior to voting.
- SIGN UP GENIUS: Attending Annual Session and looking for a way to help out onsite? Keep an eye out for the volunteer sign-up to be sent in the coming week. There are many opportunities to help serve NEAFCS, so please consider signing up for at least one! Members like you help make the meeting a success!
NEAFCS Board Candidates Videos Julie Garden-Robinson (ND), Immediate Past President & Nominating Committee Chair
Have you watched the NEAFCS Board candidate videos? We hope so! If you have not viewed the videos, there’s plenty of time to do so before the annual conference. Candidate applications are available at
The use of video was an innovation of the nominating committee to allow each of you to meet the candidates. These videos WILL NOT be shared onsite during Annual Session, and we have a no-campaigning-for-office policy.
Click Here for the full newsletter article:
NIFA Update: NIFA Invests $4.5 Million to Build Nutrition Hub Network
NIFA has announced $4.5 million in funding to establish three additional USDA Nutrition Hubs in communities across the country. The new Nutrition Hubs will provide tailored and scalable approaches to equitably advance food and nutrition security and help prevent diet-related chronic diseases, especially in historically underserved communities.
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We are Looking Forward to Seeing You in Tucson: Let's Talk About the Weather Traci Armstrong Florian (AZ), Service Project Subcommittee Co-chair & Invitation, Marketing & Promotion Subcommittee Member and 2024 NEAFCS Annual Session Planning Committee
Ah, September in Tucson—the desert sun will still be flexing its heat muscles! Let’s make sure we are all dressed for success while navigating Arizona cacti and enjoying the southwestern sights. Here’s your guide for a stylish and comfortable stay in Tucson, Arizona during mid-September’s NEAFCS Annual Conference:
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Central Region Update Barb Wollan (IA), Central Region Director
Central region leaders met via zoom in late June, with an opportunity to get a little bit acquainted with each other, learn how each state has engaged with the 90th Anniversary celebration (every state has been different), and most importantly, go over all the steps we need to take together in preparation for our annual session. It was terrific to be able to discuss all that in person, so we could clarify as needed and answer questions.
On August 22, all Central members who will be first-time attendees at the national conference are invited to a zoom gathering where they can ask questions and meet some people ahead of time. That way, they will find some familiar faces when they get to Tucson!
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Under One Sky is Exciting! Marcia Parcell (IN), VP Professional Development
In less than a month, we will be developing personally and professionally, celebrating the excellent work of our members.
As a lifetime learner, I am excited to attend the 90th Anniversary of NEAFCS Under One Sky! Each day is packed full of unique personal and professional development opportunities built by Debbie Curley, Rosie Stewart, and their committees.
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What Does the Public Affairs Committee Do Nationally? Christine Zellers (NJ), VP Public Affairs
In past articles I have answered the question, what does the public affairs committee do? Many affiliates have public affairs committees and being a member at your local affiliate is a great idea, as is becoming involved on the national public affairs committee. If you are interested in meeting some of the great folks already involved in Public Affairs stop by the committee meeting. If you are curious about what public affairs does here is a brief overview:
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Support NEAFCS: Donate Now to Empower Future Leaders and Programs! Mary Evans (WY), Endowment Committee Member
The 90th Anniversary of NEAFCS is just around the corner. The Annual Session will be held September 16th—19th in Tucson, Arizona. Does this mean it is too late for you to donate to the “Be NEAFCS Strong” Endowment Fund Campaign? Absolutely not!
What does your donation do? Continue reading here:
Meet the 25 Ambassadors Shaping Your NEAFCS 2024 Experience in Tucson! Jessica Trussell (MO), Ambassador Committee Member
We want to wish a very special congratulations to the 25 outstanding Ambassadors selected from across the United States! These incredible volunteers have been trained to guide you through our time together, ensuring that every moment is as enriching as it is memorable. They are beyond excited to welcome you to the 2024 Annual Session of NEAFCS in the vibrant city of Tucson, Arizona, where we’ll unite "Under One Sky”.
Read more about the 2024 Ambassadors here:
Cultural Diversity in Early Childhood Classroom Alicia Boatwright (AR), Diversity Committee Member
Each year, Family and Consumer Science agents across Arkansas offer professional development hours to childcare providers within their counties. This year, the lessons included the topic of cultural diversity and inclusivity in the early childhood classroom. Cultural diversity in early childhood classrooms provide a range of opportunities for children and families to celebrate their differences. Below are some culturally responsive strategies that childcare providers can use.
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Consider Submitting an Abstract to JCEP ELC Julie Garden-Robinson (ND), Immediate Past President
Let’s have our organization represented at JCEP ELC! That stands for the Joint Commission of Extension Professionals Extension Leadership Conference. All members of NEAFCS are also members of JCEP.
The JCEP Extension Leadership Conference will be held Feb. 19-20 in Savannah, GA. The abstract submissions are due Friday, Oct. 11. Submitters will be notified by Nov. 5 whether their abstract was selected. Conference registration opens Nov. 6.
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Voices from the Past - Present - Future Christine Kniep (WI), Past President & Historian
On June 29th, 1933, in Milwaukee, WI, during the annual meeting of the American Home Economics Association, the National Home Demonstration Agents’ Association became a reality. Twenty-one home demonstration agents from 13 states were present: Alabama, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Vermont, Virginia, and Wyoming.
The 90th Anniversary Committee has asked each of these 13 states to collect stories of their work and membership in NEAFCS from a retired or life member, the affiliate president, and a “new” member – the start of an ongoing narrative history of NEAFCS. Between now and our 100th Anniversary, stories will be collected from all of the affiliates. These stories will be included in our newsletter, on our website, and in our historical records.
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Annual Session - 1966 - 2024 Christine Kniep (WI), Past President & Historian
At the 2023 Annual Session NEAFCS was gifted with Mary Jean Stobb’s program book from the 1966 Annual Session and her nametag with a First Convention ribbon - a historian’s dream come true! The spring green covered program book (measuring 4.25 x 5.5”) is filled with Mary Jean’s notes about the conference – quotes from speakers, suggestions for Homemaker meetings, ideas from the fashion shows, menus, meeting locations, attendance numbers, and so much more.
The Meeting started on Saturday afternoon with a President’s Workshop and dinner. Opening session was at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday with the keynote “It’s Up to you, Jane Doe!” Following the “Performing Professionally” theme, programs included: The Many Roles of a Home Economist, How You Can Increase Your Horse Power, Don’t Bother me with the Facts, What is a Virtuous Woman, and Beyond. Sponsored meals, style shows, and meetings went well into the night. The meeting concluded on Wednesday afternoon following the Recognition Breakfast, Recognition Ceremony, and a Fashion Review.
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Get Involved with the 2024 Silent Auction! Silent Auction Committee
Many of you will be in Tucson in a few weeks eager to meet up with friends and colleagues for the first time or for a wonderful reunion. Practical information and the latest research will be shared. In addition to all the learning that will take place, the Sponsorship and Support committee has a great Silent Auction planned.
The money earned during the auction will help to fund honors for NEAFCS members who are award winners. Please plan on donating an item that will spark the interest of bidders and come take part in the in-person event by bidding on items to take home as gifts or souvenirs.
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