Table of Contents
President's Message
TWO Opportunities to Submit Proposals for National/Peer Reviewed Presentation
Pre-conference Housing 'Grab and Go'
Pre-conference: Home Baking Association
Keynote: Dr. Lowell Catlett
Pre- and Post-Board Meeting Highlights
News from the Southern Region
2014 PILD Conference
Meet the 2014 Annual Session Kentucky Co-liaisons.
National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Science 20423 State Road 7 Suite F6-491 Boca Raton, FL 33498 (561) 477-8100 [email protected]
President's Message Kathleen Olson (MN)
What a privilege to serve NEAFCS as your President! There are many exciting and magical things coming up in the next year.
Many of us have just returned from our Annual Session at the Galaxy Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. The theme for the conference, Bridging the Centuries – A New Era for Extension, was a great one for this session. We passed the beautiful bridges in Pittsburgh every day walking to the convention center, and on the Welcome Event river cruise on the Gateway Clipper, but we were able connect with our colleagues from the 6 JCEP associations from across the country. We experienced some great speakers: Dr. Lowell Catlett, Dean of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences at New Mexico State University (who was our keynote speaker at Annual Session in New Mexico in 2011) as our opening keynote; and Dr. Bruce McPheron, Vice President for Agricultural Administration and Dean of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University, as our farewell brunch speaker. We were privileged to have Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack speak at the farewell brunch. There were about 2500 registered for the conference, including 600 NEAFCS members. Family and Consumer Sciences offerings were well received, the Super Seminar on the Master FCS volunteer program had 211 registered; pre-conference on housing had 20 registered and Home Baking had 53. Special thanks to our co-liaisons - Carolyn Wissenbach, PA and Jane Conroy, ME for their role in planning and working on our behalf for the Galaxy conference. Marsha Lockard, ID and Past National President, as JCEP liaison was instrumental in many ways in assisting with NEAFCS plans.
My theme for this year is “NEAFCS IS Magic!” As part of that theme, we are going to have some fun. I mentioned in my remarks after the installation at the awards banquet that I had a few “tricks” up my sleeve for this year, and it has already started. A magic symbol will be “hidden” in each issue of e-news throughout this next year. If you locate this symbol email me and tell me where the symbol is in the newsletter at [email protected]. The first 3 people to do so each month will have their names placed into the top hat for a drawing in August for a FREE FULL REGISTRATION for the Annual Session in Lexington, Kentucky! You will also notice a new look to the newsletter and we invite your reactions to that.
Consider becoming more engaged in NEAFCS this year. We need YOU to share the magic of NEAFCS! Join a committee, apply for an award, submit a proposal for a concurrent session, poster or webinar, run for an office in your state or nationally, ask a coworker to join our association or mentor a new professional. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your National President. I will do my best to work effectively with the board to serve the best interest of our profession and our association.
Kathleen A. Olson NEAFCS President, 2013-14
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TWO Opportunities to Submit Proposals for National/Peer Reviewed Presentation Carol Chandler (OH), Past President
Don’t miss the opportunity to submit a proposal to present a concurrent session at the JCEP Leadership Conference (February 11 – 13, 2014 – Memphis, TN) and/or Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) Conference (April 6 – 9, 2014 – Alexandria, VA). Information about the type of presentations appropriate for each conference, guidelines for submission, and information on the review process can be found on the JCEP (Joint Council of Extension Professionals) website . Be sure to read both RFPs carefully as each conference is requesting different topics for presentations. Both events offer conference registration scholarships to the highest scoring proposals.
Don’t delay – due dates are: JCEP Leadership Conference – October 31, 2013 PILD Conference – November 8, 2013
Pre-conference Program: Housing 'Grab and Go' Programs, Dr. Mike Vogel (MSU) September 16, 2013 - Galaxy IV Carol Miller (OH), Program Development Sub-committee
To an enthusiastic audience, Dr. Mike Vogel, Montana State University Extension Housing and Environmental Health Specialist and Family and Consumer Science Program Leader, familiarized participants with packaged programs (literally, packaged in a box) on various housing topics. Each box includes lesson plans on multiple topics, PowerPoints, fact sheets, background resources, evaluations, and more.
Healthy Home Solutions is a multi-faceted program focusing on indoor air quality and the effects of poor air quality, like allergies and asthma. The resources presented are applicable for the home, schools and childcare facilities. Home Fitness teaches do-it-yourself home repairs and maintenance. Topics include information on basic repairs to walls, electrical and plumbing. This toolkit includes instructions on assembling learning labs to teach these skills which would be appropriate for any first-time homebuyer.
Dr. Vogel also presented the E³A – Exploring Energy Efficiency and Alternatives Education and Decision-Making Toolkit. This toolkit contains 80 fact sheets, lesson plans, background information, and online support for several renewable energy topics designed for home and farm, youth and adults. This toolkit also includes instructions for mobile learning labs. For more information visit
This workshop had something for everyone, not just those interested in housing. For attendees interested in family life, housing, nutrition, health and/or caregiving, Dr. Vogel presented a program on Alzheimer’s Caregiving at Home. This toolkit covers topics on making the home safe, mealtime issues, managing caregiver stress, legal and financial issues, and an overview of Alzheimer’s disease.
For those interested in Food Safety, he shared a food service guide to fats, oils and grease (FOG). Food service establishments are equipped with grease traps. If not properly maintained, the grease traps do not function properly and will cause problems with the septic tank or municipal wastewater system. This folder of information is a great addition to the ServSafe™ program and can be obtained for the cost of shipping. Contact Dr. Vogel at [email protected].
The program description for this preconference session promised four ‘grab and go’ programs; however, those in attendance would agree, he delivered so much more. Participants received information on ordering toolkits, as well as a USB flash drive containing all of the PowerPoint presentations, fact sheets and reference materials about these topics and programs. This was by far the best educational event that I experienced at Galaxy IV.
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Galaxy IV Pre-conference Session: Home Baking Association Julie Cascio (AK), Program Development Sub-committee
With more women working outside the home, time spent baking at home and teaching baking skills within families has declined. However a resurgence of interest in baking, and making food from scratch has the Home Baking Association offering resources to educators and families on how to be successful as skills are learned. However, there is an increase in numbers of people with sensitivities or allergies to various food items. The Baking for Special Needs pre-conference program introduced some of the issues around this increase in food allergies and sensitivities, and some of the challenges to baking. Since many of these allergens are caused by products that are the basis of traditional baking, challenges occur when using substitutions to make similar products. With samples in hand, participants in the workshop delved into a variety of baking experiences.
Experimenting with cornstarch and flax seed to make gluten free, egg free waffles, observing the ability (or lack) of yeast to expand dough when the elasticity of the dough is broken or non-existent, and weighing flour that had been measured using various methods were some of the activities in this session.
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Keynote Address: Dr. Lowell Catlett September 17, 2013 - at Galaxy IV Pat Brinkman (OH), Program Development Sub-committee
Dr. Lowell Catlett, Regents Professor and Dean of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences at New Mexico State University, was the keynote speaker for the Galaxy IV Conference, “Bridging the Centuries – A New ERA for Extension”. Dr. Catlett provided an upbeat presentation cultivating and engaging participants through his humor and hand motions.
We were encouraged to “keep moving forward.” He stated Extension has an excellent legacy in the Morrill Act, which is a base, but the most important thing we can do is to “keep moving forward.”
Knowing how to move forward poses a challenge, however. According to Dr. Catlett, economists think they can predict the future but no one really knows. If you poll people about the future only 47% will get it correct; not good odds. Yet, we, the American people, are resourceful and problem solvers, who move forward. One example is the oil crisis. Since the oil crisis, we have found new oil resources in Texas and North Dakota; becoming energy independent in 2011. Our manufacturing has changed. We don’t make the same types of products, but we still make more products than anyone else, just different items like medical and specialty products. After each recession, the United States has seen growth. With this latest recession, we experienced the second fastest growth among United States companies, with the largest profits ever. Americans are people who get up in the morning, go to work and solve problems.
As we move forward we find we are still learning; especially about how important connections or relationships are to our health and well-being. For years, women have lived longer than men; mostly due to their social connectedness. Men can gain three more years of life expectancy if they have a spouse or a dog. People need people if they are going to stay healthy. In fact, our body produces 104 steroids when we are in the presence of friends, which reduces our risk of dying by one-fourth over those who don’t have friends or close personal relationships. Additionally, having rich relationships cuts our risk of infections by one-fourth. Catlett continued, citing the importance of touch as shown by hospitals adopting “kangarooing” (skin to skin touch) with neonatal births. The hospitals cut down the time of the neonatal baby’s hospital stay from five months to five weeks. Touch or close relationships are so important.
Today, we connect through cell phones. Cell phones are game changers. First, the cell phone increased talk, then text and now photographs taken. Soon, through cell phones, we will be able to do instant blood tests and health diagnosis; radically change health care, and our ability to help people improve their health.
Extension needs to use technology like cell phones, iPads, Kindles. These can give us power and will not destroy us. We can increase our connections, expand our horizons, and “keep moving forward.”
Dr. Catlett concluded with “We (Extension) can own this new world.”
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Galaxy IV Conference Pre- and Post-Board Meeting Highlights Rhea Bentley (GA), Secretary
Pre-Board Meeting Highlights The board spent most of pre-board meeting going over logistics for the conference. The board was encouraged to use the NEAFCS website in communicating with sub-committee members. The board discussed having lunch with the FCS program leaders. President Carol Chandler presented the business meeting script to the board. The strategic plan was reviewed and board members were encouraged to use the plan during their committee meetings. The board discussed the Academy of Family & Consumer Sciences concept after a presentation by AAFCS Executive Director Carolyn Jackson.
Each board member gave her report. Kathleen Olson, discussed the restructuring of sub-committees; the Arrangements and Credentials sub-committee will be led by the Regional Directors. The Secretary will be responsible for the Registration sub-committee. The Exhibits sub-committee will fall under Member Resources.
Susan Cosgrove, VP for Member Resources, reported that she had been working with her sub-committee on guidelines for JNEAFCS advertising. It was suggested that the committee look at the cost and the wording in some sections, i.e. animal and animal products. Debby Mathews, VP for Public Affairs, reported that she has been working on a template for impact statements. Sonja Koukel, VP for Professional Development will be working with her current committees totransition to other board members. Maude Kelley reported that the process for the awards applications for 2014 is ready to put in place. Regional Directors discussed their plans for the regional meetings.
Carol Chandler appointed an ad-hoc committee this past year to look at the future structure of the NEAFCS board. A suggestion was made to the board that the ad-hoc committee consider having a life member position, perhaps ex-officio status, similar to what 4-H has on their board.
Post Board Meeting Highlights The 2013-2014 board convened following the closing session of the Galaxy conference. Past President, Mary Ann Lienhart-Cross, gave the new board words of inspiration and encouragement. The board spent time getting to know each another.
The board discussed the Galaxy conference and gave suggestions on things that could be improved. The co-liaisons for the 2014 conference in Kentucky shared some of the events that they have planned. They also shared information on some of the in-depth sessions. President, Kathleen Olson, gave an overview of the board manual.
The schedule for e-news was dispersed. It was suggested to have e-news articles submitted via using google docs upload with a copyright disclaimer statement for specific articles.
Discussion was held that the readership of the e-news is only about 30% of the membership and how readership can be increased. Many questions and issues that come up to the national office and board members areanswered in the newsletter so increasing readership would be helpful. After discussing some different options for increasing readership, it was discussed to have a contest to provide interest and could be connected to Kathy’s theme for the year and presented to the membership in the next month’s e-news. The drawing will be held in August after the August newsletter and prior to Annual Session from the names collected throughout the year.
There was discussion about the webinars and how well members had been participating. Susan Cosgrove, Vice President for Member Resources, suggested having the option for life members without internet access to pay an annual fee to receive communications from National office. Susan suggested that the states send the newsletter to their particular life members once it’s formatted in PDF.
Sonja asked Regional Director’s to be responsible for the ad-hoc committee (Rhea will chair) for the 100th celebration. Regional Directors would identify two from each region and present it to Kathleen, who will appoint the ad-hoc committee. Board members reported on their committees’ focus on for the upcoming year.
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News from the Southern Region Susan Routh (OK), Southern Region Director
Greetings! What an honor to serve as YOUR Southern Region Director! What a great group of members who attended the Southern Region meeting during GALAXY IV! Voting delegates reported that 220 members were conference participants representing eleven Southern Region states. Of those 220 members, 35 were first-timers! There were 23 administrators and 14 guests of NEAFCS Southern Region members attending the conference.
CONGRATULATIONS Southern Region Winners! Once again, Southern Region was well represented at the National level in the Winner’s Circle. We had a great time during the Southern Region meeting recognizing the winners. Weren’t the “NOISE MAKERS” fun and a novel idea to help celebrate with the winners? Great idea, Marian Ross!
Several members volunteered before arriving at GALAXY IV to help with the Southern Region meeting. A great big “THANK YOU” goes out to these members! Angel Neu (Texas) presented the Thought for the Day. Karen Tanner (Virginia) served as recorder while Melody Ennis (Oklahoma) served as Parliamentarian. Natasha Haynes (Mississippi) and Penny King (Oklahoma) volunteered to review the minutes. Lisa Jordan (Georgia) and Janis Pfeffer (Texas) served as Tellers and Brenda Hill (Oklahoma) and Holly Valentine (Arkansas) served on the Credentials committee. Brenda Miller (Oklahoma) and Sally Garrett (Texas) were elected to serve on the 2014 National Nomination Committee. Natasha Haynes (Mississippi) will serve as alternate. Congratulations to these members!
One of the highlights of the regional and national business meetings was the invitation to the 2014 Annual Session by the Kentucky delegation. WIN - PLACE - SHOW with NEAFCS is the theme for the 2014 meeting which is being hosted in the Southern Region. Please mark September 15-18, 2014, on your calendar and plan to be in Lexington, Kentucky. The Kentucky affiliate has been working diligently on this meeting. Congratulations to Sally Mineer, Kathy Byrnes, and the Kentucky delegation for the tribute to “My Kentucky Home” during the Awards Banquet. What a wonderful video presentation! We can’t wait to travel to beautiful Kentucky!
A great BIG “shout out” to Marian Ross for the awesomely amazing job that she did as Southern Region Director! Marian is a great motivator and her enthusiasm is contagious! She has worked very hard to represent well the Southern Region and surpassed that mark. Thank you, Marian!
Communication is the key to helping you become involved with NEAFCS and for the organization to serve you as a professional. I appreciate the opportunity to serve the Southern Region in this capacity. Please let me know how I can help you as members.
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2014 PILD Conference “Celebrating the Past, Leading the Future” Taking Shape Theresa C. Mayhew (NJ), VP Public Affairs
Final touches are being placed on next year’s Public Issues Leadership Development Conference which is set for April 6-9 at the Westin in Alexandria, VA. Highlights include pre-conference Washington DC tours; USDA, NIFA & ECOP updates; 100th Anniversary celebration of the Smith-Lever Act; JCEP selected presentations by extension colleagues; National Program Leader Town Hall discussions and panel session; States Night Out; and professional association meetings, culminating with individual state congressional and agency visits.
NEAFCS state affiliates are encouraged to send representatives from their state to attend this jam-packed, informational and motivational conference which is sponsored by the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP). It’s an excellent opportunity to meet our national partners and learn more about the work they (we) do as well as sharpen advocacy and leadership skills. Registration information will be available in January 2014 at Twenty (20) scholarships will be available to first time NEAFCS attendees so mark your calendars to visit our nation’s capital and help design Extension’s message for the next 100 years! More detailed information to follow soon so stay tuned!
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Meet the 2014 Annual Session Kentucky Co-liaisons
Sally Mineer Sally has been employed by the University of Kentucky in Lewis County, Kentucky as a Family & Consumer Science Agent for the last 25 years. She holds a B.S. degree from Morehead State University and a M.S. from University of Kentucky. Sally has been a member of both NEAFCS and AAFCS for 25 years. She has served on various committees and chairman plus served as State President for both organizations. She has attended numerous Annual Sessions and enjoys the professional connections she has made with being a member. Sally has one daughter-Natalie a freshman in college and one dog.
Kathy Byrnes Kathy began her Extension career in 1986 in Carroll County, Kentucky- a small county with a population of about 10,000. Three years later she transferred to Kenton County, one of our larger urban counties with a population of over 150,000. She has a B.S. in Home Economics Education from Eastern Kentucky University and a Masters of Education from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. She has served in various roles with KEAFCS, including state president. Kathy always looks forwards to NEAFCS Annual Sessions to see old friends and renew herself professionally. Kathy is married to Joe and lives in Crestview Hills, KY.
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