Table of Contents
President's Message
Call for Officer Candidates
Interested in Submitting a NEAFCS Proposal?
2014 JCEP Leadership Conference – Early Bird Deadline: January 24
NEAFCS Application 2014 PILD Registration Scholarship Application Deadline: February 25, 2014
Making Memories: Past Annual Sessions
Upcoming Webinars for the New Year
NEAFCS 2014 Action Plans
An Awards Ditty
Meet the Board: Theresa Mayhew
Important Dates
Members-only Webinar • Jan 27 Strong Women Healthy Hearts
Members-only Webinar • Feb 25 100 Years of Extension FCS History
JCEP Conference • Feb 11 Memphis, TN
PILD Conference • Apr 6-9 Alexandria, VA
NEAFCS Annual Session • Sept 15-18 Hyatt Regency, Lexington, KY
View All Events...
National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Science 20423 State Road 7 Suite F6-491 Boca Raton, FL 33498 (561) 477-8100 [email protected]
President's Message Kathleen Olson (MN)
It’s the time of year when everyone makes resolutions and plans to improve their lives. It’s also a great time to make plans to work on your local Affiliate and our National Association. Is your Affiliate in a rut or is it thriving? Is it growing or is it losing members? Are you attracting new members? Have you attempted to add members with the new member categories? Are you retaining and engaging existing members? Are you encouraging retiring co-workers to become a Life Member? Is there a better or more efficient way to accomplish our goals? When reviewing, it is helpful to go back and remind ourselves of our mission and vision for NEAFCS.
Start by remembering why we exist in the first place. The mission of NEAFCS is “to educate and recognize Extension professionals who impact the quality of life for individuals, families and communities.” Obviously, that should also be the mission of your Affiliate.
Our vision includes the following points: 1) Builds leaders for the future. What are you doing to invite new professionals into our association? Do they feel welcome? Do they feel like they are part of the group when they attend your meeting? Of course, it is important to support established members as well as Life Members and make them feel appreciated and supported too. Are you providing professional development and the support needed to help your members become better leaders?
2) Serves as a nation-wide resource for education, information, networking and partnerships. One of the best ways to encourage enthusiasm and support for each other is to share knowledge. This can happen in many ways – through presenting a concurrent session, showcase of excellence, or webinar. Or, serve as a mentor for a new member in your state. Social media is making it easier to share knowledge by posting ideas, resources or ask questions on the NEAFCS Facebook page, Linkin or Twitter. I’d like to see more Affiliates share ideas through social media for how they promote membership, support members for awards or presentation proposals, etc.
3) Provides innovative professional growth and development opportunities. We provide professional development in a variety of ways nationally through Annual Session, pre-conferences and webinars. We are working hard to offer opportunities for professional development outside of Annual Session, which involves travel and time away from work and family. What are some ways you can provide opportunities for growth for your Affiliate? Do you offer a professional development conference or add a speaker to another meeting where members are already gathered? Have you considered online or webinars for your Affiliate members? Share ideas you have used in your state for providing these opportunities in creative ways.
4) Recognizes and promotes excellence and scholarship in Extension Family and Consumer Sciences programming. As we develop and grow while sharing our knowledge, it is important to recognize our members in our Affiliate, regionally and nationally. There are formal awards, and we have a good system for that, but members need encouragement and support from their peers to apply. There are also informal ways to show your appreciation with a written note or acknowledgement at a meeting. Recognize or celebrate your members with certificates of appreciation, special plaques and awards, and even special gifts to outgoing officers, those who have achieved special status or promotion, retiring or served your Affiliate in a special way.
5) Promotes Extension Family and Consumer Sciences and the mission and goals of the Land Grant University Extension System. Promote your profession by being visible in your University. Send information to be included in your department or University newsletter on what your Affiliate is doing, names of officers, national committee or board service, award winners or presentations at a conference or webinar. Share your programs or research through presentations or journal articles like Journal of NEAFCS or Journal of Extension. Sharing your scholarly work in non-Extension professional journals showcases the value and good work that we are all doing. Celebrate the accomplishments!
Your National Association is also reflecting and reviewing its structure. Carol Chandler, Past President appointed an ad hoc committee last year to review and make recommendations for our national board structure. We want to be as efficient as we can and use our resources wisely. This committee started their work with a meeting at Galaxy and has been reviewing our mission and vision as well as other documentation the past few months. What will their recommendations be? We don’t know yet, but watch for more information about this in the coming months.
As we start a new year, what do you want to accomplish in 2014? How can you help make your Affiliate or your National Association stronger? What is the support you will need to make that happen? Make a plan to be successful. Be enthusiastic about your Affiliate, the National Association and our profession of family and consumer sciences. NEAFCS IS Magic!
Have a magical 2014!
Kathleen Olson
P.S. Remember to look for the magic wand in one of the articles in this newsletter (Hint: the graphic that accompanies my President’s message does not count). The first 3 members to email me at [email protected] with the exact location of the wand will qualify for a chance to be placed in a drawing for a free Annual Session registration, which will be drawn after the August newsletter. This contest runs from October through August.
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Call for 2014 Officer Candidates Carol Chandler (OH), Immediate Past President
Carol Chandler, Immediate Past-President and Chair of the National Nominating Committee, is now taking applications for board positions that will be vacated in 2014. The following offices are up for election this year. You DO NOT need to be contacted to apply but DO NEED to check the Policy and Procedures manual for the requirements needed for each office. Applications are due April 1st. Check out the list below to see what YOU might be interested in!
President Elect: Open to those who have previously served on the National Board and have been an affiliate President. A fantastic experience that enables you to give back to the association that has done so much for you! This is a three year term, three times the fun!
Secretary: Are you a person who gives attention to details? That is an important quality needed for our national board secretary! Interested in helping publish our monthly eNews? Would you like to become friends with members from across the country? As secretary, you will have the opportunity to work closely with the national office, the board and many members as you assist with registration for our Annual Session.
Vice President for Member Resources: Would you enjoy connecting with both active and life members? Interested in encouraging colleagues to submit research and scholarly work to the Journal of NEAFCS? Do you have a passion for helping Extension professionals understand the benefits of NEAFCS membership? This board member serves as an important liaison between the board and NEAFCS members and affiliates.
Vice President for Professional Development: Like to support others in their growth as a professional? Love planning events and coordinating all the pieces? Enjoy using technology to facilitate professional development opportunities? You’ll find serving in this office both challenging and rewarding!
Eastern Region Director/Western Region Director: Enjoy meeting new people and helping others? Interested in learning more about how NEAFCS operates from all levels? Want to develop some leadership skills of your own? Think about being a Regional Director. It’s a great way to meet colleagues and affiliate presidents from all over the nation and help them with their local and state leadership roles.
Questions? Contact Carol Chandler, NNC Chair at [email protected]
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Interested in Submitting an NEAFCS Proposal? Cynthia R. Shuster (OH), Program Development Subcommittee Chair
Submit a proposal (Deadline Feb.1)
Join the Program Development Sub-committee.
Interested in sharing a successful program with colleagues across the United States? If so, get going! The NEAFCS proposal process for the 2014 Annual Session in Lexington, Kentucky opened December 1, 2013 with a deadline of February 1, 2014. Members may submit one (1) concurrent session proposal as the lead author and one (1) showcase of excellence as the lead author. However, members may be a member of a team of educators on more than one proposal as long as they are not the lead author.
If you’ve never submitted a proposal to present at your national association meeting, why not make it a goal for 2014? Follow the guidelines provided below and you’ll be on your way to Win, Place, and Show in Lexington, Kentucky.
2014 NEAFCS Program Tracks
- Administration/Leadership/Community Dev. Aging
- Child Development Clothing and Textiles
- Financial Management
- Food Safety
- Health Housing and Environmental Science Education
- Human Development
- Life Member
- Nutrition Parenting Education
- Technology and Social Media
- Youth Development and 4-H Youth
Applicants must submit the following information.
- Form: Complete the 2014 NEAFCS Annual Session Presentation Proposal Form online.
- Abstract: Submit a program abstract not to exceed 30 words online. The abstract will be used in the conference program.
- Program Description: Submit a program description not to exceed 300 words online. DO NOT use the names of the presenter(s), county, or state in this description. Identity is protected for the purpose of the blind review. Please remember your Program Description should be written from the perspective of a potential Annual Session extension professional who would be interested in attending your presentation.
- Accurately addresses one of the NEAFCS Program Tracks and/or addresses an emerging issue, relevant problem, or community need – 20 points
- Outcomes or objectives clearly defined (new skills, knowledge or abilities that participants will learn from session) – 20 points
- Program evaluation clearly documented (methods, tools, indicators, outcomes, impacts, etc.) – 20 points
- Documents program is research-based. – 20 points
To be considered research-based, proposal must include one of the following forms of documentation:
- Based on published research, approaches, and/or practices – cite reference(s)
- Research (pilot or prior tested) – describe the methodology
- Curriculum – Document it has been reviewed (for science-based content, accuracy, and effectiveness) and approved by whom?
- Creative/demonstration – Provide the scientific basis for the content and/or approach (is it based on a prior demonstration(s) and by whom?)
- Evaluation – state what evaluation tool was used, if the tool has been validated, and by whom. If it is a pilot of a new tool, how does it compare to similar tools being used?
- Clearly communicates the content and intent of the proposal. Is well written and organized logically. – 20 points
Looking for a way to become more actively involved in NEAFCS? Join the Program Development sub-committee and become a proposal reviewer. Several reviewers (NEAFCS members) are needed to accomplish this task. Interested? Go to – click on about NEAFCS, scroll down to committees, click on Join a Committee now, complete the application, signing up for the Professional Development – Program Development Subcommittee.
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2014 JCEP Leadership Conference – Early Bird Deadline: January 24 Carol Chandler (OH), Immediate Past President & Leadership Conference Chair
The theme for this year’s JCEP Leadership Conference is “Empowering Leaders for the Next Century.” This professional development conference is open to all members of the six Extension associations. The conference will be held at the Sheraton Memphis Downtown in Memphis, TN, February 11 – 13, 2014.
The purpose of the conference is:
- To provide top-quality professional and leadership development training
- To provide networking opportunities for members, associations and states
- To provide associations an opportunity to provide training for their members
- To conduct association business
The keynote speaker for the conference is David Mitchell who will share his presentation, “The Power of Understanding People: The Leadership Difference.” The name of Dave’s company is The Leadership Difference. He is not content to just talk to his audience. He believes his responsibility is to ensure that participants can use the information. You can find more information about the speaker at:
New to this conference for 2014 is the opportunity to attend three concurrent sessions presented by Extension colleagues on a variety of leadership topics. You can find a listing of the sessions that will offered as well as information on additional conference events on the conference schedule at:
Don’t delay – register now at: . Early bird registration is $250 and is available until January 24th at 5 p.m. EST. Room rates are $129 + 15.95% tax for single, double, triple, or quad. The room block rates will only apply to reservations made by January 24.
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NEAFCS Application 2014 PILD Registration Scholarship Application Deadline: February 25, 2014 Theresa Mayhew (NY), VP for Public Affairs
NEAFCS will provide 20 scholarships of $200 each to assist NEAFCS members in attending the JCEP Public Issues Leadership Development Conference April 6 - 9, 2014 in Alexandria, VA. Affiliates (states) may use any criteria they wish to select one first-time representative from their state to apply for a PILD Scholarship. Either the Affiliate President or Public Affairs VP/Chair should send the name of the affiliate applicant to the NEAFCS Vice President for Public Affairs.
Only one (1) scholarship will be awarded per Affiliate for a first-time attendee.
If an Affiliate does not designate a scholarship representative, any individual from the Affiliate who would be a first-time attendee may apply. If more than one individual applies, the scholarship will be awarded to the application with earliest FAX or email date.
Scholarship recipients will be notified by March 1 so they can take advantage of the PILD Early Bird Registration deadline which is March 7.
NEAFCS members can receive a registration scholarship from only one JCEP Association to attend PILD even if they hold membership in more than one association.
Attendance is required at all general sessions and at the NEAFCS session during PILD.
Following the PILD Conference, scholarship recipients will complete a short paragraph about the PILD experience which will be posted on the NEAFCS website. Excerpts from those paragraphs will also be included for publication in a future eNEAFCS article. Scholarships will not be paid until the paragraph is emailed to the NEAFCS Vice President for Public Affairs. Scholarships are paid directly to recipients by NEAFCS.
Click here to download the PILD Scholarship Application.
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Making Memories: Past Annual Sessions Sonja Koukel, PhD (NM), VP for Professional Development
Having joined NEAFCS in 2005, I’m a fairly new member. I attended my first Annual Session in 2009 and have attended every Annual Session since. In my role as VP for Professional Development, I will be attending the 2014 Annual Session in Lexington, KY, September 15-18. Yet, even if I weren’t a National Officer, I would still make every effort to attend the Annual Session as each one is special in its own way. The conferences provide the host affiliates a venue for showcasing the uniqueness of their states. Here are some of my memories of past Annual Sessions.
2009: Birmingham, AL. The Welcome Event took place at the Tannehill Ironworks where I learned about a long-gone way of life: the cotton gin, the pioneer farm, and a working grist mill. The Iron and Steel Museum tour was fascinating. The event concluded with a traditional Southern dinner of catfish and coleslaw.
2010: Portland, ME. This Annual Session brings back memories of the Stonewall Kitchen Cooking School, York, ME - an In-depth Session consisting of a cooking demonstration from talented professionals. Not only did I learn some valuable cooking tips, I was served a fabulous menu. Following the presentation, attendees were given a tour of the facilities and then some time to shop in the Company Store. Of course, I have to mention all the wonderful fresh lobster I devoured while in the beautiful city of Portland.
2011: Albuquerque, NM. I was never more proud of being a New Mexican than when the Annual Session was held in Albuquerque. What great planning to have the conference held during the same time as the International Balloon Fiesta. Hot air balloons filled the sky every morning and one flew right by the hotel window where the Registration desk was located. The weather was perfect and the chiles were hot - hope you didn’t miss it.
2012: Columbus, OH. The photo of a tiger cub is the desktop display on my office computer. It was taken at the Welcome Event at the Columbus Zoo. What a great time that was – riding the authentic 1914 Carousel, enjoying the Kangaroo Walkabout, taking photos of friends with an array of different animals, and so much more! I learned that there IS such thing as a buckeye and I have the jewelry to prove it.
Do Annual Sessions lead you to reminiscing the past? Or, perhaps, you’re looking forward to your first Annual Session. I’ll be there – creating memories in Lexington, KY, 2014. Won’t you join me?
I hope to see many of you in Kentucky at the Annual Session. I wish everyone safe and Happy Holidays!
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Upcoming Webinars for the New Year Leif Albertson (AK), Chair Webinar Subcommittee
Happy New Year from the Webinar Subcommittee! As we gear up for 2014, I wanted to take the chance to remind you about a couple of exciting professional development opportunities we have coming up.
Strong Women Health Hearts – Alaska’s Story, Presenters Linda Tannehill, Roxie Dinstel, Kari van Delden and Julie Cascio, will detail the implementation of a research-based health program aimed at reducing heart disease in women. This program was developed at Tufts University and focuses on local facilitators addressing key nutrition and fitness behaviors of participants. Monday, January 27, 2:00pm Eastern.
100 Years of Extension FCS History With the centennial of Cooperative Extension in 2014, NEAFCS Historian, Carol Schlitt and Associate Professor, Jan Scholl will present 100 Years of Extension FCS History. The presentation will show: how Extension FCS programs evolved, why FCS educators were included in the Smith-Lever Act that established Cooperative Extension at a federal level, what the early programs, inventions, and other significant contributions that are not widely known and could contribute to 21st century Extension efforts.Tuesday, February 24, 2014, 2;00 PM EST.
The Professional Development Webinar Subcommittee wishes you, and yours, a productive year. For more information about upcoming webinars, and to register, please visit our page on the NEAFCS website: You must be logged in as a member to view this page.
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NEAFCS 2014 Action Plans Peggy Ehlers (IN), President-elect
The 2014 Action Plans have been updated and developed by several dedicated members. The plans are on our web-site. Take some time and review our association’s plans. Consider signing-up for a committee. There are 2 ways to join a committee, you may join a committee with an application or contact the National VP of the committee of your choice.
These are our committees and subcommittees.
Awards and Recognition Subcommittees include; Awards Ceremony, Display and History, Sponsorship and Support, Award Training
Member Resources Exhibits Diversity Membership and Mentoring Journal Editorial Life Membership
Public Affairs Marketing and Communications Advocacy Education
Professional Development Program Development Webinars
Regional Directors Arrangements
Secretary Registration
During August 2014 a webinar will be held covering information for the development of 2015 Actions Plans. In conclusion, please accept a big Thank You and much appreciation for the outstanding development of the 2014 Action Plans.
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An Awards Ditty Roxie Price (GA), VP for Awards & Recognition
(Sing to Let it Snow!)
Oh the weather outside is FRIGHTFUL… But awards can be so delightful! And since we’ve no need to hide, Go apply, please apply, just apply!
None of us show signs of stopping, And we’ve got resources for applying, Since Extension minds are at a high, Go apply, please apply, just apply!
We love celebrating accomplishments, Can you tell we like dropping hints, but when you apply for an award, NEAFCS hearts will be warmed!
Everyone is great at trying, We promise you we’re not lying, But as long as you’re reaching for the sky, Why not apply, please apply, just apply!
None of us show signs of stopping, And we’ve got resources for applying, Since Extension minds are at a high, Go apply, please apply, just apply!
When Lexington finally comes, Oh how you’ll wish you had applied, But if you find you really need some help, NEAFCS is by your side!
The applying date is drawing near, And my dear there is no need to fear, But as long as they’re in by the date, That’ll be great, that’ll be great, that’ll be great!!!!
Created by: Sam Roth, Kim Bushaw (NDSU), and Roxie Price (UGA)
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Meet The Board Theresa C. Mayhew (NY), VP for Public Affairs;
On the personal side – I was born in Scranton, PA but grew up in Endicott, NY. A job move in 1988 brought me to the Albany, NY area where I’ve lived ever since. My husband, Mark, works for the New York State Energy Research & Development Authority as its on-site wind turbine incentive program project manager. We’ve enjoyed “pseudo” empty nester status the last four and a half years while our son, Cooper, attended Western New England University. He completed his criminal justice studies last month (yabba dabba doo!) and is now looking for his first real job! He’s in Springfield, MA, so it’s still just us and our four incorrigible cats who really run the household. Our eldest feline, Fuzzy (aka Fuzz Buzz, Fuzz Man and Fuzz bola), thinks he’s a dog; our grey striped tiger Maxwell snorts like a bull when riled up; our black and white spitfire Viggo coos like a pigeon (he can’t meow); and our orange tabby Young Ernest likes to squeak for his supper. They provide hours of entertainment with occasional interludes of mischief and outright hilarity. Mark and I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary this October (where did the time go?). I’m a huge Downton Abbey fan, love anything Jane Austen, will travel nearly anywhere in the northeast to see Bruce Springsteen; and relish spending time with family and friends.
On the professional end -- I joined NEAFCS less than one month after coming to work at Cornell Cooperative Extension in November 1990 and was elected district secretary at my first meeting! It’s been a wonderful experience and journey for me ever since. I moved up the ranks to hold other district offices, then state posts (including president) and was elected Eastern Region Director in Portland, ME, in September 2010. That experience was so fulfilling it prompted me to run for Vice President for Public Affairs in 2013, and here I am! It’s a privilege to be serving with such a talented, knowledgeable, inspiring and dedicated group of individuals on this year’s board as we work to better our organization and advance both Cooperative Extension and our profession. I’m looking forward to interacting with as many members and colleagues as possible during the course of my term. If you have any ideas, thoughts or concerns about any aspect surrounding public affairs, do please share them with me. It’s exciting to be involved in telling the NEAFCS story! I hope to see many of you at this year’s PILD conference, April 6-9 in Alexandria, VA, and again at Annual Session in Lexington, KY. Here’s to a happy and healthy New Year!
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