eNEAFCS-December 2014
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December 2014

Table of Contents

President's Message 

2015 Annual Session Proposals Due, Reviewers Needed, Committee Membership Invitation

Plan to Attend JCEP Leadership Conference 2015

Webinar on Mediterranean Cuisine in January

2015 PILD Scholarship Application Now Open!  

Using Social Media through

Professional Development:  The Key to Successful Extension Programming

Submit Articles to JNEAFCS

NEAFCS $100 for Extension’s
100th Anniversary Endowment Campaign

Wrapping Up Annual Session
in Kentucky with a Big Red Bow

Keynote Speaker Jon
Gordon Energized Audience at 2014 Annual Session

2014 Annual Session First
Timer’s Event

The Greenbrier During the

Meet the Board


Important Dates

Call for Proposal Deadline
• Dec 1
For 2015 Annual Session

Members-only Webinar • January 12
Mediterranean Diet

JCEP Leadership Conference • February 11-12
The Tropicana - Las Vegas, NV

PILD Conference • April 12-15
Hyatt Regency - Crystal City, VA

NEAFCS 2015 Annual Session
• Nov 2-5
White Sulphur Springs, WV

View All Events...





National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Science

20423 State Road 7
Suite F6-491
Boca Raton, FL 33498
(561) 477-8100
[email protected]



President's Message
Peggy Ehlers, Ed.D. (IN) President
Peg Ehlers

Seasons’ Greetings.

It doesn’t seem possible we are coming to the end of 2014 already! Time seems to be passing faster and faster each year.

Communication is KEY for NEAFCS. Your board wants to keep you updated on all issues. E-blasts and the e-news are two ways information gets sent to you. Communications works two ways.  Input from members is very important. The NEAFCS Board welcomes your input. Call or email us. Our contact information is on the website. Under About NEAFCS tab, choose “National Officers.”

With the end of the year fast approaching, please remember to send in your dues. Dues must be paid to the national office by 1/1/15 to be eligible for awards and other benefits. The Awards Application and the 2015 Annual Session Proposal Application are open. Begin filling in your applications on the website now, as deadlines come quickly in the new year.

Keep reading the newsletter. The first 3 members to e-mail me at [email protected] each month, and tell me where the hidden key is located, will be placed in a drawing for a free registration to the 2015 Annual Session. Last month Dianne Mason, Kelly K. Kunkel and Rhea Bentley were our winners.

When attending the 2015 Annual Session you will have the opportunity to wear those wonderful outfits stashed in your closet. The awards banquet will be an occasion to wear semi-formal attire. The Greenbrier is a beautiful historic resort with a dress code. Visit its website www.greenbrier.com for additional information.

Planning for future annual sessions is progressing. Sites have been selected for 2016 and 2017. During 2018 the southern region will serve as the host. All 2018 annual session host applications are due April 1, 2015.  

I also want to share that the NEAFCS wooden gavel is missing. If you have information about its whereabouts, please contact a NEAFCS Board Member. We look forward to its return.

Please accept my warm appreciation for your support of NEAFCS. I extend the very best wishes for a Happy Holiday season and a prosperous New Year.

Your President,

[email protected]

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2015 Annual Session Proposals Due, Reviewers Needed, Committee Membership Invitation
Patty Merk (AZ), VP for Professional Development
Patty Merk

It’s that time of year again…time to start writing your proposal for Annual Session 2015.  A proposal can be submitted on the website from today up to the February 1 deadline.  Just click on proposal submission on the NEAFCS home page and follow the directions. The process is very easy to use.  A webinar on what makes a great proposal is archived on the website to help you. If you still have questions, please feel free to contact me.  

The Annual Session program committee is seeking 2 people from each state to serve as proposal reviewers.  If you have never done a proposal before, this may be a good way to find out what is expected. The way to do this is to sign up for the Program Committee on the website.  You can sign up for a committee at any time, unlike the past.  Committee members are retained from year to year and periodically you may receive an email asking if you would like to continue.  You DO NOT have to complete a paper form.  So, please take the time to sign up not only for the Program Committee, but any others you wish to join.

Steps for joining a committee:  Log in as a member to the neafcs.org website, click on Member Resources and use the pull down menu, click on Join A Committee! Then complete the online form.  Committees are listed under committee information.

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Plan to Attend JCEP Leadership Conference 2015
Kathleen Olson (MN), Immediate Past President, JCEP Leadership Conference Chair

Kathleen OlsonPlan now to attend the JCEP Leadership Conference February 11 & 12, 2015 at the Tropicana Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada with the theme,  “Leading Through Trust”.  Keynote speaker, David Horsager will discuss the importance of trust and will unveil how trust has the ability to accelerate or destroy any organization or relationship. 

His work has been featured in prominent publications such as Fast Company, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal. He is a producer, professor, business strategist and national best-selling author of The Trust Edge.

Dr. Delbert Foster, Chair of ECOP, from South Carolina State will provide an update from the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP), and recognize the 125th anniversary of the passage of the second Morrill Act which created the universities commonly referred to as the 1890 institutions.

In addition to the nationally known keynote speakers, participants will receive updates from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), and the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU).  Association time and presentations from JCEP team award winners, as well as peer reviewed concurrent sessions related to leadership are also part of the conference to provide a time to share ideas and issues facing our members.

Who should attend this conference? 

  • Professionals seeking a top quality professional development opportunity and leadership development training. 
  • State and National leaders of any of the six JCEP (Joint Council of Extension Professionals) member associations.
  • Professionals who are active at the state level and may be ready for a national committee or board leadership.
  • Professionals with a leadership role on the job such as a county director, district or regional director or other administrative position. 

Registration is open as of December 1, 2014.  Note that the format for the conference has been changed this year to include 2 full days rather than spread throughout 3 days.  Go to www.jcep.org for more information and to register.

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Webinar on Mediterranean Cuisine in January
Julia Zee (HI), Chair, Webinar Subcommittee

Julia ZeeHappy Holidays from the Webinar Subcommittee! Please join us for an Annual Session encore presentation on Mediterranean Cuisine with Melissa Bess (MO) on January 12, 2p EST. The Mediterranean diet is touted for its health benefits, and this webinar will discuss a program that teaches participants about the components of the Mediterranean diet and lifestyle. Webinar participants will receive information to develop a similar program including recipes and handouts. Melissa is the Nutrition and Health Education Specialist with University of Missouri Extension.

If you have a topic that you'd like to share with NEAFCS members, submit a proposal online anytime. NEAFCS webinars are peer-reviewed and presented to a national audience. (It would look great in your dossier.) Visit the webinars webpage (http://www.neafcs.org/webinars) for upcoming webinars, archived presentations, and proposal submission. Contact Julia Zee ([email protected]) if you have any questions.

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2015 PILD Scholarship Application Now Open!
Theresa C. Mayhew (NY), Vice President for Public Affairs

Theresa MayhewThe Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) First Time Scholarship Application is now on the NEAFCS website! It's listed on the Public Affairs webpage and will be open until February 25, 2015. Scholarships will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis so if you're thinking about attending, let your affiliate president know and send in your application without delay. Winners will be notified by March 1 so they can take advantage of the conference early bird registration deadline, which is March 20. Click on this link to access the webpage directly: http://www.neafcs.org/pild-scholarship-application.

Thanks! Hope to see you in DC during cherry blossom time!

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Using Social Media Through NEAFCS
Margie Memmott (UT), Vice President for Member Resources

Are you making the most of your member benefits by using social media through NEAFCS?

Through our social media network, NEAFCS members can promote relevance and the impact of their programming; share professional resources; promote NEAFCS events and resources; drive website traffic of members; and enhance member benefits.

Join Our Official Facebook Group:The official Facebook group for the members of the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences is located at https://www.facebook.com/groups/NEAFCS/

  • Type in the name of the group in the Facebook search area; “The National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences”

  • You will notice a “button” that asks, “Join Group.” Request to join the group and the administrator at the NEAFCS office will verify your membership in NEAFCS and then approve your inclusion in the Facebook Group.

Recently, the NEAFCS Board approved the new Social Media Policy (located in the members-only document library) that provides oversight and guidelines for all social networks. These specific policies and guidelines apply to all of the NEAFCS social media sites. As the world of social media changes, this policy is also subject to change. All members should make it a practice to regularly check the website for updates.

I encourage you to participate in the social media platforms for NEAFCS. There are also some archived webinars on social media that have been posted for your viewing (located under the professional development tab).

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Professional Development:  The Key to Successful Extension Programming
Patty Merk (AZ), Vice President for Professional Development

As 2014 closes, we reflect on the year, how fast it went by, what of our work made a difference, what could be done differently to enhance our effectiveness.  As we think about what makes us want to get up every morning, we also give consideration to new attitudes, knowledge, skills and abilities we want to develop in the coming year.  Perhaps we will be implementing a new program idea, utilizing research and/or networking with new colleagues that we discovered from our 2014 Annual Session in Kentucky.  Maybe there are lessons learned that we want to share at the 2015 Annual Session in West Virginia.  To quote Vaughn K. Lauer, “The best part of learning is sharing what you know.” 

When asked what we do, we often find it hard to describe the breadth and depth of our Extension work.  As the only professional association that supports Extension family and consumer sciences professionals, NEAFCS strives to help members through the extensive professional development opportunities.  These include not only presenting at and attending Annual Session, but also through attending and presenting webinars, connecting and networking though social media, discovering and partnering with those in other states through the search function of the website, active committee involvement, and many more.  Taking the time to check out the website will produce dividends.  Technology helps us make connections in traditional ways that some of us may prefer.  Take for example, a search for members who do parenting education programs.  A search of the website may produce a list of colleagues that you might e-mail, telephone or electronically chat with to discover common interests, what has worked or ways to work across state lines.  We don’t know what we don’t know.  Let’s take the advice of 2014 keynote speaker Jon Gordon and choose an action word to provide a focus for our individual professional development for 2015.  Remember, professional development is the key to success.

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New Deadline to Submit Articles to JNEAFCS and Top Two Reasons to Submit Articles for the 2015 Journal of the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Jessica E. Hill (GA) and Lauren Wetherford (WV), Co-Editors, Journal of the NEAFCS

It is an honor and privilege to serve as the Co-Editors for the 2015 Journal of National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.  This year, we are changing the submission deadline. In the past, December 31st was the deadline to submit. Between winter break, the holidays and the many other responsibilities we all have, the ability to meet the former deadline was tough. Moving forward in 2015, March 1, 2015 will be the new submission deadline.

You may ask yourself, why should I submit an article when I already have numerous responsibilities to fulfill?  There are two very important reasons to submit an article to the JNEAFCS. Reason number one, the Journal of the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences is a referred journal published annually to showcase research and creative activities of the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences members.  Reason number two, your journal submission advances the profession of Family and Consumer Sciences.  We hope you will consider submitting results of your research, best practices, and/or implications for Extension to the JNEAFCS.  Also, encourage others in your state to contribute to the journal. Don’t miss the opportunity to submit an article to the JNEAFCS by March 1, 2015.

Please consider sharing the results of your efforts with your colleagues through the Journal of National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.  See complete Submissions Guidelines at http://www.neafcs.org/journal-submission-guidelines and forward submissions to both Jessica Hill [email protected] and Lauren Weatherford [email protected].

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NEAFCS $100 for Extension’s 100th Anniversary Endowment Campaign
Marsha Lockard (ID), Chair, Endowment Committee

Marsha LockardA huge thank you to all who donated to the NEAFCS 100th Anniversary Endowment Campaign at annual session in Kentucky as well as those who have donated prior to and after annual session.   To date the donations toward the campaign total $9,888.00

As this campaign draws to a close, it is not too late to add your donation!  You can donate online at https://neafcs.memberclicks.net/endowment.  Consider donating in the name of the people who have made a difference in your life: mentors, parents, colleagues, spouses or 4-H leaders.  You can honor them with a donation to the NEAFCS endowment. 

 The current balance in the endowment is close to $169,000.  The interest from the endowment will be used to finance special projects, scholarships and awards, based on how the gifts were designated.  Add your gifts to the NEAFCS endowment and help our association grow!

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Wrapping Up Annual Session in Kentucky with a Big Red Bow
Patty Merk (AZ), Vice President for Professional Development

KentuckyThe 2014 NEAFCS Annual Session proved to be a great success for our association.  The program evaluation, with 209 out of 640 possible returns (32.65%) says so.  Almost all of the individual annual session components received a 4 or above on a scale of 5.  In addition, we heard loud and clear (91% of respondents) that the preconference should stay before the conference and not be made into a post-conference. Thanks and congratulations to the Kentucky affiliate for such a rewarding professional development experience.

The following articles are just two highlights from the 2014 conference.

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Keynote Speaker Jon Gordon Energized Audience at 2014 Annual Session
Pat Brinkman (OH)


What word are you using to energize and help you focus your life and work? Jon Gordon, keynote speaker for the 2014 NEAFCS Annual Session in Lexington, Kentucky encouraged members to think of one word, which would provide purpose and enhance energy and optimism. When choosing the focus word, consider the "why" behind the word to ensure it really is the right one. Use that one word for a year to fuel positivity, creativity, and resiliency.

Jon Gordon challenged the audience to be positive people. Focus on the positive since, as he said, "how we see the world will determine the world we have."  Rather than letting negative thoughts pull us down, we need to encourage ourselves with positive talk, see challenges as opportunities, and focus on what we "get" to do rather than what we "have" to do. 

Mr. Gordon encouraged us to share the gift of positivity with others by using the three "C's." 

C= Contagious.

Being positive is contagious.  Have a focus for the future. Negativity can be infectious, so take a sick day rather than affect others. 

C= Communication  

Good communication is essential.  Busyness can cause breakdowns in communication resulting in dysfunction and stress.               

C= Caring

Follow the "1% rule - today I will care a little more."  We can make a difference when we show love and encouragement to others. 

Mr. Gordon urged us to "Drive with Purpose,” using love and positivity to fuel our purpose.  Find your word for the year and let it drive your purpose and determination to bring out the best in others.  “We become great when we bring greatness out in others."  

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2014 Annual Session First Timer’s Event
Brooke Jenkins-Howard (KY), First Timer’s Event Chair

The 2014 First Timer’s Event was held on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 at beautiful Talon Winery and Vineyard in rural Lexington, Kentucky.  There were 100 participants registered for the event.  Kentucky members were pleased to host this event and welcome the group to Kentucky and NEAFCS.  While at Talon, participants enjoyed a unique agri-tourism experience which included touring the vineyard and exploring the farm operation; shopping for unique gifts and Kentucky Proud foods in the gift shop; enjoying a tasting and sampling experience of the wine produced at the vineyard; touring Talon's historical house; and, touring the processing barn to better understand how wine is made.  First timers received a Talon embossed wine glass and an etched granite coaster, which featured the annual session theme and logo to commemorate their first NEAFCS meeting. 

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The Greenbrier During the Holidays
Zona Hutson (WV), West Virginia NEAFCS Affiliate Invitation and Marketing Committee Member


The 2015 National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS) Annual Session will be held at the Greenbrier Resort in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, November 2-5. The Greenbrier, with its classic architecture, exquisite interior design, beautiful landscape, impeccable service and outstanding amenities has hosted distinguished guests from around the world since 1778.  A National Historic Landmark, the resort property offers 710 rooms, including 33 suites and 96 guest and estate houses. The Greenbrier has 10 lobbies, 40+ meeting rooms and a complete conference center facility as well as a theatre, bowling alley, ice skating rink and golf course on its 10,000 acre property. Due to timing of the Annual Session, participants will be treated by the Greenbrier to experience a few of its spectacular 60 days of holiday cheer from November to New Years.  Candy cane stripes, holiday lights and fully decorated trees throughout the resort will welcome you when you arrive at the conference.  Enjoy unique dining and shopping venues and special spa packages during the holiday season at the Greenbrier Resort.  Begin planning now to attend the unforgettable NEAFCS Annual Session at the Greenbrier.

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Meet the Board
Margie Memmott, (UT) M.S., C.F.C.S., Vice President for Member Resources

Margie MemmottGrowing up in a large family, I moved around the world with my parents and siblings (my father worked in Agriculture in Canada, the U.S., and overseas). At 16, I graduated from High School, and already knowing I wanted to become an educator in Family and Consumer Sciences (Home Economics at that time), I began my college career. Receiving my B.S. at 19 from Brigham Young University, and my M.S. at 20 from Utah State University, I decided that ‘Extension’ was the place for me.

I was hired as the USU Extension FCS/4-H Agent in Juab County (a small, rural county in central Utah) where I worked just over a year and then got married. Shortly after, I found myself on the road again as we moved out of state for my husband to attend college. We started our family and had many wonderful adventures, but the road eventually brought us back to Utah. After returning, I was hired back to the very same Extension position I had left 10 years previously. My family is, of course, my pride and joy (we have four sons, three daughters-in-law, two handsome little grandsons, and a new baby granddaughter expected to arrive in January). I enjoy technology, music, playing the piano and organ, creative textiles/sewing, crocheting, spending time with my family, and learning new things.

As an Extension Associate Professor, my areas of focus are finance, nutrition, volunteer leadership and 4-H youth development. I’m known as an optimist, always looking for ways to accomplish a goal and help others accomplish theirs. I’ve served in various capacities in our affiliate and national association, including Western Region Director (’04-’06). I’m so glad to be able to serve as your VP for Member Resources for the next two years, and look forward to engaging with past, present, and future generations to strengthen and support you, the NEAFCS membership.

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