Table of Contents
Action Time for Committees
Register Now for JCEP Leadership Conference 2015
2015 Affiliate Impact Statement Data Report Forms Now Available Online
National NEAFCS Awards Deadline is March 15
Nominate Candidates for NEAFCS's 2016 Election
The History of the Greenbrier
Highlights from Mid Winter Board Meeting
JCEP Professional of the Year Award
Meet the Board –Eastern Region Director
Important Dates
Awards Application Opens • Dec 1 Call for Proposals Opens • Dec 1 For 2015 Annual Session
Members-only Webinar • January 12 Mediterranean Diet
Call for Proposals Closes • Feb 1 For 2015 Annual Session
JCEP Leadership Conference • Feb 11-12 The Tropicana - Las Vegas, NV
Members-only Webinar • Feb 24 Using Video in Financial Recovery After Disaster
PILD First Timer Scholarship Application Deadline • Feb 25
JNEAFCS Submission Deadline • March 1
PILD Conference • April 12-15 Hyatt Regency - Crystal City, VA
NEAFCS 2015 Annual Session • Nov 2-5 White Sulphur Springs, WV
View All Events...
National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Science 140 Island Way, Ste 316 Clearwater Beach, FL 33767 (561) 477-8100 [email protected]
President's Message Peggy Ehlers, Ed.D. (IN) President
Happy New Year!
It’s the time of year when everyone makes resolutions and plans to improve their lives. It also provides a wonderful opportunity to support NEAFCS.
Since I enjoy history, I have been reviewing the history of our organization. In the 1934 constitution, the object was to:
- Provide a permanent national organization for Home Demonstration Agents of the United States of America and territories.
- Raise professional standards.
- Promote fellowship among its members.
- Provide a centralized means for exchanging ideas and methods.
- Encourage the organization of new state associations of home demonstration agents.
As a result of the evolution of the profession from Home Economics to Family and Consumer Science, the Association changed its name in 1995 to The National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Science. Also, to remain current and relevant to the needs of the membership, the association developed a new strategic plan. These plans are developed to cover a four year period. The current plan is for 2012 through 2016.
To assure that NEAFCS is a strong and effective association for all members, the current board has added an evaluation of the NEAFCS board structure into the strategic plan. This will allow board structure to be looked at in an ongoing process, so changes can be made to meet current issues. With this change to the strategic plan, the Restructuring Committee’s responsibilities have ended. I want to thank the committee for their dedication and diligence.
Our association has grown. As NEAFCS members we link research to life experiences, across all states and around the world. Please remember how important you are and the difference you make to your communities, counties, regions, and states. As you prepare annual reports, reflect on your accomplishments, and on what a difference you have made. Remember NEAFCS makes difference in the lives of our constituents.
I want to share a special thought from Dennis Waitley, “Learn from the past, set vivid detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of which you have any control over.”
Congratulations members – Megihann Leininger, Lisa Fishman, and Eileen Krumbach who found the key in the December 2014 newsletter. Look for the hidden key in this newsletter, remember you are the KEY – Knowledge, Experience, and You -- of NEAFCS.
I hope you are looking forward to a wonderful 2015, I know I am.
My Best,
Peg [email protected]
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Action Time for Committees Debby Mathews (AL), President-Elect
January is primetime for action for two of our sub- committees: Diversity Issues, and Exhibits. Both of these sub-committees serve under the direction of Margie Memmott, our VP for Member Resources.
January 16 our nation observes Martin Luther King Day. This is a time when we focus on full involvement of all citizens of the United States in the many aspects of life in our country. With the objective of offering members resources to use for diversity training and programming, Karen Dickrell of Wisconsin is the chairman of the Diversity Issues sub-committee. Lorrie Coop of Texas A&M and Diana Romano of Oklahoma State will follow Karen in leadership of this committee. Edda Cotto-Rivera is the past-chair of this group and offers her knowledge and support. This group is planning a Diversity Outreach webinar for 2015. It is also working on quarterly newsletters about diversity issues.
Exhibits is the other sub-committee that is shifting into high gear now. Their chairman, Kate Shumaker of Ohio, is identifying and recruiting exhibitors for our 2015 Annual Session in West Virginia. Kate has worked with the Annual Session Planning Committee on the exhibitor prospectus (application and information) that it will send out this month. Kim Edmonds of Virginia and Ruth Chowning of Kentucky are also leaders of Exhibits.
All NEAFCS members enjoy high quality exhibits at Annual Session, so we ALL appreciate the work of this committee! By the way, there is a “finder’s fee” for those who help them successfully recruit exhibitors. So, let Kate know if you have a good prospect! Keep reading eNEAFCS for information on “finder’s fees.”
NEAFCS has fifteen sub-committees that our members may join. Life members as well as Active members may join and chair sub-committees. All but two sub-committees are under the direction of a vice president. The other two serve under the direction of our secretary, Julie Cascio, and our Regional Directors. The Regional Directors oversee the work of the Arrangements Committee, and the secretary oversees the work of the Registration Committee. For a complete listing of committees and their work please go to our home page and click on About NEAFCS. As you look at this listing think about your interests and abilities to see where you might want to serve.
Thank you to all Diversity Issues and Exhibit Committee members for your good work!
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Register Now for JCEP Leadership Conference 2015 Kathleen Olson (MN), Immediate Past President, JCEP Leadership Conference Chair
Register now to attend the JCEP Leadership Conference February 11 & 12, 2015 at the Tropicana Hotel, Las Vegas, NV, with the theme, “Leading through Trust”. Keynote speaker, David Horsager will discuss the importance of trust and will unveil how trust has the ability to accelerate or destroy any organization or relationship. Go to for more information and to register. Early bird deadline ends on January 16, 2015.
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2015 Affiliate Impact Statement Data Report Forms Now Available Online Theresa C. Mayhew (NY), VP Public Affairs
In preparation for our visits to the Hill at the Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) conference in April, and to demonstrate the public value of Cooperative Extension -- specifically, Family and Consumer Sciences -- it’s time to highlight the excellent work being done by our state affiliates and members. The 2015 Affiliate Impact Statement Data Report form is now available on the website.
States are encouraged to submit up to three examples of outstanding programs that have been conducted in eight different program areas. Those program areas include: Childhood Obesity, Community Health & Wellness; Financial Management; Food & Nutrition; Food Safety; Healthy Homes & the Environment; Improving Children’s Lives; and Protecting our Resources – Family Life. There is also an “Other” category in case you feel what you are submitting doesn’t fit into those categories.Feel free to include photographs of those activities, events and programs that you are spotlighting. Please send them in a jpeg format and indicate who’s pictured in the photograph.
An example of a narrative summary for Healthy Homes & the Environment is as follows: Free EmPower NY workshops teach basic, low-cost energy conservation practices to help consumers reduce energy costs and make their homes more comfortable. In 2014, a total of 6,374 CFL bulbs were distributed to 2,442 persons that attended 218 workshops. An example of an outstanding quote is: “As a result of attending this EmPower workshop, I will replace wasteful incandescent bulbs with CFLs and sign up for a Home Performance with Energy STAR assessment.”
The information that’s received from each state affiliate will then be used to develop national impact statements that showcase the work that NEAFCS members are doing across the country. Please note that the online form has been adjusted so you can go back and make edits or changes. The deadline to submit this information on the website is February 25, 2015. Please direct any questions to VP Public Affairs Theresa Mayhew at [email protected]. Thanks and a belated Happy New Year!
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Awards Application Deadline is March 15 Julie Cascio (AK), Awards Subcommittee Member
NEAFCS awards applications are due March 15 for national awards. To apply for an award, follow these instructions:
Log into NEAFCS, then click AWARDS.
Click APPLY FOR AWARDS in the drop down box.
Complete the form. Follow the information in the awards Manual for specific instructions on items that need to be included for the award for which you are applying.
Upload your documents in the File Upload section. Include your outline, program documents, newsletter, audio clip, curriculum -- everything the award you are applying for says to provide.
Your personal information will be auto filled using your member profile information. You will need to add team members.
Click the submit button. If necessary, you can go in and edit until the due date.
Print the confirmation page to include as the cover of your application’s hard copy.
Mail a hard copy of your total award application to YOUR state affiliate Awards Vice President by YOUR state affiliate awards deadline.
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Nominate Candidates for NEAFCS's 2016 Election Kathleen Olson (MN), Immediate Past President and Nomination Committee Chair
NEAFCS's Nominating Committee asks you to think about the leadership opportunities in NEAFCS that would be a good match for you, or for those you know, and to nominate for 2016's open positions.
Available positions include: President Elect, Treasurer, Vice President for Public Affairs, Vice President for Awards and Recognition, Central Region Director and Southern Region Director, all to serve from 2016 to 2018, with the exception of President-Elect, which serves for 3 years.
To find position descriptions and the 2016 nomination web form, please visit: the Member Resources tab on the website. Click Affiliate Officer Toolkit, then choose Candidate Application for National Office, or contact one of the Nominating Committee members with questions:
National Nominating Committee – Eastern Region – Robin Lynn Kuleck (PA) Linda Law Saunders (NY) Western Region – Phyllis Lewis (WY) Traci Armstrong Florien (AZ) Central Region – Gail Brand (NE) Cindy Evans (KS) Southern Region – Lorrie Coop (TX) Ines Beltran (GE)
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The History of the Greenbrier Sue Flanagan (WV), Families and Health Agent
A legendary resort nestled in the beauty of West Virginia’s mountains, The Greenbrier will open its doors for the 2105 NEAFCS Annual Session. A distinguished destination since the 1800s, the celebrated facility offers guests a premiere selection of dining, recreational choices, room amenities, and legendary care.
The White Sulphur Springs resort first attracted visitors for the healing waters and rose to prominence as a favored gathering place for the nation's most influential and powerful families. Known simply as “The Old White” to its early visitors, The Greenbrier is a United States National Historic Landmark. While being used as a hospital and a military headquarters by both sides, the hotel was closed during the Civil War. The resort prospered in the early twentieth century under the ownership of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, becoming once again a society rendezvous and a retreat for the wealthy and prominent. Today, the Presidents’ Cottage Museum shares highlights of the visits of numerous American chief executives.
A unique historical footnote for The Greenbrier was its top secret, hidden location when the threat of nuclear attack loomed large during the Cold War. Key government officials were to be transported there to survive a cataclysmic event.
Today, “The Bunker,” is open as another attraction for visitors to investigate.
Discover which American patriarch honeymooned here and which English Duke and Duchess frequently visited. Imagine yourself at The Greenbrier where luxury has been defined for more than two centuries.
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Highlights from Mid Winter Board Meeting Julie Cascio (AK), Secretary
Planning for the November 2015 Annual Session in White Sulphur Springs is underway. Hannah Fincham and Ami Cook shared that speakers have been contacted for the Welcome and Leadership events and venues secured. A pre-conference presentation on health literacy has been confirmed. Eastern Region Affiliates have been asked to help with the hospitality table. Kay Davis, chairperson for in-depth sessions, shared opportunities they have explored. Since the time frame has changed to a half day, in-depth sessions will be close to the Greenbrier.
It was brought to the board’s attention that the NEAFCS wooden gavel has been missing since the Ohio Annual Session. A note was put in the e-news to alert people to look for it.
Debby Mathews shared that Committee Action Plans should be linked to the NEAFCS strategic plan.
Kathleen Olson is the Chair of the JCEP Leadership Conference. The February JCEP Leadership Conference in Las Vegas is for leadership development for all extension personnel. Peg and Debby will represent NEAFCS at this meeting.
Julie Cascio reminded everyone that the deadline for NEAFCS e-news is the first Friday of the month for a target publication date of the 15th. Let Peg or Julie know of any by-law changes that need to be considered for annual session.
Sondra Ganus Thorne shared financial reports.
Roxie Price shared that awards will be both online and hard copy this year as it is a transition year to an all online process for next year. Applicants may make changes on the online awards they upload, but not deletions. The three file upload spaces on the application site will hold a lot of data. The simplest way to upload materials is to scan them all into one pdf document. A form for states to name their winners is being created by the national office.
Patty Merk shared the 2014 Annual Session evaluation results, and announced that the proposal submission for 2015 Annual Session is open. Montana will be site of 2016 Annual Session. Nebraska has bid for 2017.
Margie Memmott shared that the old Facebook page has been taken down and that membership should join the NEAFCS Facebook group. Membership and Life Members subcommittees have been merged as there were no committee members in the Life Member subcommittee. The deadline for submissions to the Journal of NEAFCS has been changed to March 1. The Exhibits committee has prepared a letter to be sent with the packet to potential exhibitors. This will be sent to past exhibitors. They will also contact possible local exhibitors. Difficulties with definitions of “local” and “national” sponsors and the benefits for each warranted an Ad-hoc Sponsorship committee to explore the issue. Following on its report, the committee moved to change the sponsorship process. There will now be one uniform sponsorship application for Annual Session with consistent sponsor benefits based on the total amount given by the sponsor.
Terri Mayhew stated that Impact Statements are due February 25. PILD scholarships are available. She is working on increasing NEAFCS marketing materials, a suggestion that came from 2014 JCEP meeting.
Regional Directors have been planning for the JCEP meeting, and working with the Arrangements Subcommittee. Susan Routh has been working with states that have had questions about hosting the 2018 annual session. Clarification was made on the deadline for the intent to bid. The intent to bid for the 2018 Annual Session will be due April 1, 2015. Nancy Stehulak found that there are a lot of questions from Affiliates on the change in the award due date. Joey Peutz and Daryl Minch have reached out to the Affiliates in the West and East, respectively, especially trying to contact those who have been less active.
The topic of restructuring the NEAFCS board was discussed. It is important that it be addressed, with adequate input from members, and has been added to the strategic planning process so it can be done on an ongoing basis.
Jody Rosen Atkins presented on the role of the executive director and the national office. She said that the Executive Director helps develop an organization’s strategic plan, is responsible for the day-to-day operation of an organization, ensures non-profit governance guidelines are maintained, and alerts the Board of risk management issues.
Jody mentioned that the National Office maintains storage of NEAFCS business archives. Cornell maintains the historical archives for NEAFCS. She reminded everyone that the website is a valuable tool for all members. Committee lists, member profiles, forms, archived webinars and more are available on it.
The management company annual evaluation was done.
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JCEP Professional of the Year Award Peggy Ehlers (IN), President
Consider submitting an application for the Professional of the Year Award (POY). The Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) sponsors the award annually to encourage and recognize experiences and successful Extension professionals for their long-term commitment to developing outstanding interdisciplinary programs. The intent of the award is to highlight interdisciplinary program excellence; it is different than a lifetime or distinguished services award. The deadline for the application is March 1, 2015. You can find the application form at under forms and applications. One winner per association, and the recipient will receive $1,000 and a plaque at Annual Meeting.
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Meet the Board Daryl Minch, M.Ed., CFCS (NJ), Eastern Region Director
It all started with my Dad and 4-H. My Dad was the County Agricultural Agent and of course I joined 4-H at age 10. I sewed, cooked and later added square dancing and the teen Council. I loved it! I remember going to 2 NACAA conferences as a child with my family. There I met the famous County Agent, Hank Kimble, of the Green Acres TV show.
When time came to go to college I decided to major in home economics education at Douglass College, a part of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. After teaching in a middle school one year (job ended), I taught home economics at an adult school and also got my master’s degree. As luck would have it, the Extension Home Economist position opened up in my home county just as I completed my degree. I got the job. Thirty years later, I still find it interesting, challenging and enjoyable.
In NJ, Family and Community Health Sciences focuses on food, nutrition and health. My areas of expertise are food safety, food allergies, and healthy eating. I also serve as Extension Department Head for Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Somerset County.
My family – husband, son, and 2 cats - bring joy and laughter. I love the Jersey shore (the beach, not the TV show). I enjoy kayaking; both cross country and downhill skiing, long walks in the woods, biking, crafts, baking, traveling and being with family and friends. I am also proud of my Rutgers connections – 8 in my family are alumni, and my son graduates in May. Go RU!
I look forward to the next two years as Eastern Region Director. NEAFCS has provided great education, friendships, leadership opportunities and rewards (including awards) that have benefited me professionally and personally. It is a pleasure to give back to our organization.
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