President's Message Peggy Ehlers, Ed.D. (IN), President

Dear NEAFCS Members,
As I pondered what I wanted to share this month, I was amazed at how quickly my time as your president has passed. Serving as the NEAFCS National President has been a true pleasure. You are wonderful professionals, who make the world better. The best part of my experience has been meeting and interacting with many of you and learning more about Extension and about Family and Consumer Sciences programs in other states. Our IMPACT 2015 stories share Extension programs from across the nation. These show you are providing a multitude of educational opportunities to meet the needs of diverse audiences.
Each year the president of NEAFCS identifies a focus to which members can make a contribution. This year I have selected the 125th Celebration of the 1890 Morrill Act. During 2015, under the theme “Providing Access and Enhancing Opportunities,” the 1890 institutions of higher learning celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Morrill Act of 1890 that established Black Land-Grant Colleges and Universities. If you wish, you may make a contribution to the NEAFCS Endowment fund. The contribution may be made now on our website or at annual session.
I am pleased to congratulate Liz Gardner-McBee, Karen DeZarn, and Erika Bochat who found the key in the August, 2015 e-news. Look for the hidden key in the newsletter. Please remember, you are the KEY of NEAFCS, Knowledge, Experience, and You!
My best to all, have a great month.
Peg E-mail: [email protected]
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Upcoming Webinars Julia Zee (HI), Webinar Subcommittee Chair
On Tuesday, September 15, we held Part B of “Totally Veggies” webinar where we learned about orange, cruciferous and root vegetables, as well more about this 4-lesson series curriculum from Penn State Extension. If you missed Part A on leafy greens or Part B with Mary Ehret, Frances Alloway, and Dori Campbell, you can find the recording and all of the handouts in the Webinar Archives under Professional Development.
On October 6, Jessica Clifford and Elisa Shackelton of Colorado State University will present “Exploring Gut Health: The Basics plus Quick and Easy Ways to Create and Promote Gut Health Resources." Register online today.
If you have a program or research that you’d like to present to our membership, please email me ([email protected]). We’d love to hear from you.
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NEAFCS 2015-2016 Slate of National Office Candidates Kathleen Olson (MN), Immediate Past President

The NEAFCS National Nominating Committee is pleased to present the 2015-16 slate of officers for your consideration. The committee worked hard to contact these candidates and provide the encouragement and information needed to secure their applications. We believe you will find them all highly qualified.
The NEAFCS National Board has approved this slate of candidates. Central and Southern Region Directors will be giving a 3 minute speech and be elected by Voting Delegates in their respective Business Meetings on Wednesday, November 4 from 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. The remaining slate will give their speeches at the General Session on Wednesday and be voted on at the NEAFCS Annual Business Meeting on Thursday, November 5 from 9:00 -11:00 a.m.
If you are a voting delegate for your Affiliate, it is your responsibility to read through these position statements. Encourage others in your affiliate to do the same, and decide as an Affiliate which candidate you support for office. Candidate applications will be available for review at the Candidate Display during the Exhibits at Annual Session.
Candidates include:
President -Elect Theresa Mayhew, New York
Treasurer Nancy Stehulak, Ohio
Vice President for Public Affairs Glenda Hyde, Oregon Marian Ross, Texas
Vice President for Awards & Recognition Dianne Gertson, Texas
Central Region Director Rebecca Travnichek, Missouri
Southern Region Director Linda Combs, Kentucky Karen Munden, Virginia
The position statements can be found by clicking here or going to
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Support Awards through the Silent Auction Cheryl Barber Spires (OH), Silent Auction Chair
The NEAFCS Annual Session will be here soon! This is an important reminder for each affiliate to support our Silent Auction at the Greenbrier in WV. The proceeds are used to fund some of the many awards that are presented each year through the NEAFCS Awards and Sponsorship Fund.
Think outside of the box. Bring some unique items that will create some fun competition with increasing bids. Continue to supply the items you have seen raise big money in the past. Themed baskets always seem to be a hit. We appreciate items that run the spectrum of lower price to higher price. Items that will fit in a carry on bag will be a draw for many who are flying in this year. We want this to be fun and fruitful for the Sponsorship Fund. We are requesting that each affiliate bring a minimum of one item to be auctioned with a goal of more if opportunity allows. Some ideas for auction items include: commodity items from your state (nuts, fruit, jelly, etc.), handmade items, prints, quilted items, cookbooks, aprons, jewelry, trips and anything else unique that you may have. I am looking forward to seeing what each state comes up with! Tax receipts will be provided, if requested.
This year we will again be accepting items at the Registration Desk starting on Sunday, November 1 from 4:30-7:00 p.m. and again on Monday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. After the Welcome Event we will accept final items for the auction from 9:30-10:30 p.m. Each auction item will require a registration form that will be available when auction item(s) are turned in. Please be prepared to provide a description of the item and a dollar value for donation(s). The bidding will be from 12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 4th. We hope this will allow everyone time to browse and bid on desired items. Then on Thursday, November 5th, before heading to lunch you can stop by between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to see if your bid was a winner and pick up your winning items. The auction will again be conducted using bid sheets.
We hope your affiliate will help support the NEAFCS Awards and Recognition fund by bringing an item or two for the auction. Should you have any questions about the silent auction, please feel free to contact me by calling (419) 438-3016 or emailing [email protected].
Thanks for all your support!
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Spotlight on – How Voting Delegates Are Determined Nancy Stehulak (OH), Central Region Director
Why do some of the affiliates have more delegates than others? And, why do some of our smallest states have two delegates to vote on issues of our association? As you may know, August 1 is an important deadline for NEAFCS. This is the date that all members are verified, and the verified members determine the number of voting delegates that your state can have at the Annual Session.
From our bylaws:
Section 5. The minimum number of voting delegates per state/territory shall be two. Voting delegates are based on the number of active members whose dues are paid to the Association as of August 1 of the current year. Each state/territory affiliate shall designate members to serve as voting delegates according to following chart.
You can see the chart at
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Plan Now for the 2016 PILD Conference “Innovation: The Story of Extension” Theresa C. Mayhew (NJ), VP Public Affairs and Glenda Hyde (OR) 2016 PILD Planning Committee Member
It is time to start planning to attend next year’s Public Issues Leadership Development Conference (PILD). It is set for April 10-13 at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Crystal City, VA. Highlights include a pre-conference Washington, DC tour; USDA, NIFA & ECOP updates; presentations by Extension colleagues; National Program Leader Town Hall discussions and panel session; States Night Out; and professional association meetings. The Conference culminates with individual state congressional and agency visits. New, this year, will be a mobile workshop at the National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) for those not participating in state congressional visits.
NEAFCS state affiliates are encouraged to send representatives from their state to attend this jam-packed, informational and motivational conference which is sponsored by the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP). It’s an excellent opportunity to meet our national partners and learn more about the work they (we) do as well as sharpen advocacy and leadership skills. Registration information will be available in January 2016 at Early Bird Registration will be $395.00. Twenty (20) scholarships will be available to NEAFCS first-time attendees. Applications will be posted in December at under the Public Affairs tab.
This year’s planning committee invites participants to highlight their own contributions to Cooperative Extension that give insights into issues that are currently affecting Extension programming, clientele and volunteers. Presentations should highlight productive models of Extension advocacy and how Extension programs successfully address relevant and emerging public issues. The presentation should offer some education on issues including how to inform others and how to react when they occur. All proposals must be received electronically via the online process by 5:00 PM (PST), November 6, 2015. The details for The Request for Proposals for Oral Presentations will be posted by mid-September on the JCEP and NEAFCS webpages.
The PILD Conference coincides with the Cherry Blossom Festival season. It is a beautiful time to visit our nation’s capital and engage in these exciting opportunities.
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More PILD Reflections from First Timer Scholarship Recipients Theresa Mayhew (NY), Vice President – Public Affairs
It has been so uplifting to read the reflections that this year’s group of first timer scholarship recipients wrote and this batch is no exception. As several have remarked, forming and maintaining relationships at all levels is critically important in getting out the word about what we do. Showing and sharing what we do is just as vital as describing what we do. Learning different ways to craft our stories makes it even more pertinent. Here are more examples of how “getting to know you – getting to know all about you” -- can make all the difference!
“I bet you have been asked more than once “what do you do, again?” As an Extension educator, I struggle with this question because, well, we do so much. I struggle with this question because I really want people to understand the impact and the value of Extension and family living programs. As I prepared for PILD I made it my goal to answer how do we translate what it is that we do to state legislators, elected officials and others? While at PILD I strove to talk to all 25 Wisconsin delegates about why they came and what they valued about Extension. After my first conversation I knew I was on to something because this person had me crying, laughing and thanking them for their passion and desire to advocate on Extension’s behalf. I heard many wonderful stories from county board representatives, volunteers and town supervisors, all about how Extension made a difference in their communities and in people’s lives. Ultimately each story ended with, “UW-Extension educators make me do things better.” In their estimation, Extension is about: education; learning; knowledge you can trust; experiential learning; relevance; innovation; transformation; relationships; and people. My PILD conversations and lessons made me believe, even more, in the value of creating and maintaining strong relationships. So, if you have struggled with explaining what you do, I encourage you to get to know elected officials and their staff, community partners and those who can advocate for you. Invite constituents and elected officials to your events and programs, invite them to breakfast or lunch at your office. Create those relationships with people so they can experience what it is that you do instead of telling them what you do.” -- Andrea Newby, Family Living Educator – Iron County; University Wisconsin Extension
“The 2015 PILD Conference was an informative and enjoyable professional development experience. It provided a great opportunity to meet and share ideas with other Extension professionals from across the nation. I especially enjoyed the session on social media marketing and the opportunity to hear from the National Program Leaders from NIFA. The insight gained from the presenters will be beneficial in communicating the impact of our programs in our communities more effectively. Overall, it was an enlightening, enjoyable, exhilarating experience! The fact that the cherry blossoms were at their peak was the icing on the cake!” -- Liz Sadler; Extension Agent/Lamar County Coordinator; Mississippi State University Extension
“The PILD Conference was a great experience. The contacts made and learning about new programming ideas and resources from across the United States will strengthen the impacts made by FCS Agents. The National Program Leaders Panel Discussion by the Extension Family and Consumer Sciences division of NIFA was excellent. Before the conference, I didn’t know that NIFA included all of the different FCS program areas. The personal contacts we were allowed to make with Caroline Crocoll and her co-workers will prove invaluable. I am already receiving emails with up-to-date information on the different programming areas that I will share with TEAFCS members. Thank you for your support with a PILD scholarship and for this opportunity.” -- Mandi Seaton; Lamb EA-FCS; Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
“It is with great satisfaction that I reflect on my time at PILD. I’ve made several trips to our nation’s capital in different capacities, including as a Girl Scout, as a chaperone for each of my children’s Safety Patrol field trips, and to run in the Marine Corps Marathon. My PILD experience ranks with the best. Not only were we treated like we really mattered, but we were so well educated about our roles and responsibilities, that when it came time to conduct our visits, we were able to articulate our message with great pride and confidence. The aides and lawmakers we visited had done their homework. They were supportive of the Land Grant System and aware of the great work Florida Extension does. With that said, we were assured they would be mindful of the impacts we shared with them during the hours of deliberations about the Farm Bill and funding for Land Grant research, teaching, and Extension. I definitely am more informed about our nation’s appropriations process and am once again reminded that our system allows for, and even encourages us to have a voice. Thank you so much for this opportunity and most especially for your support!” -- Lynda Spence; Financial Management & Aging; University of Florida Extension/Marion County
Note: Some reflections have been edited due to space constraints.
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A Virtual Tour of the 2016 Annual Session Patty Merk, Arizona, Vice-President for Professional Development
As you drive up to the Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, the beauty of the resort is striking. The white columns, inspiring landscapes and outdoor spaces are a perfect backdrop for the 2015 NEAFCS Annual Session. As you enter, the interior is as impressive as the exterior, with design that delights you at every turn.
In addition to the setting for this Annual Session, you will also be inspired by the wealth of presentations and showcases of excellence, pre-conference sessions, nationally-recognized speakers and in-depth sessions that await you. As in the past, the program tracks will be held in most cases in the same room for the convenience of the members. We invite you to peruse the offerings in advance of the conference. The descriptions of workshops can be found at the following link:
There is still time to register for a pre-conference and in-depth session. You will find them all a great contribution to your professional development.
Be prepared to enjoy the conference, make new friends and reconnect with existing ones, participate in committee and regional meetings and most of all…enjoy our traditions, seek knowledge and learn how to innovate from the outstanding educational opportunities the 2015 Annual Session will bring you!
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Dressing for November Weather at the Greenbrier Resort Gina Taylor (WV), Interim State FCS Program Leader
November weather in West Virginia varies greatly. We can have any type of weather, from sunny and hot 75° days to clear, crisp sunny 50° days to cold 30° days with freezing rain or snow. We sometimes have a combination of all types within a single week. There is no good way to predict ahead of time what that weather may be. The solution? Layers, layers, layers.
Women, start with dress slacks and skirts that can be worn with or without warm tights (just in case). Then, add blouses or nice long-sleeved tops that can stand alone or be worn under cardigans or jackets. A lightweight winter coat is always a good choice. Finish it all up with some cute dress boots. Gentlemen should consider a mix of dress shirts and jackets or sweaters and medium blend slacks. Sweater vests might be a good choice, too.
Checking out the five-day forecast will help you determine whether to pack gloves, a scarf, and a hat – we want you to leave with memories, not sniffles. If you plan to be out and about, consider a pair of shoes or boots with rubber bottoms or tread in case the weather turns wintry. Last, but not least, don’t forget your Blue and Gold!
In looking at weather predictions, I have found every type of description for our region for the 2015 fall/winter from “crisp and stormy” to “Wintry Battle Zone.” According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, which boasts 80-85% accuracy in their long-term forecasts, the weather for the area surrounding the Greenbrier looks like rain during the first part of the week, then cool and sunny. Temperatures will be slightly below average – around 40°, so come prepared. We are very excited to welcome you all to the Mountain State, where Montani Semper Liberi!
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Public Affairs Reminder - Voting in the General Election
If you are attending our NEAFCS Annual Session in West Virginia remember that Tuesday, November 3, is Election Day. Contact your county Board of Elections to apply for an absentee ballot (some states require an excuse, some don’t), take advantage of early voting (33 states and the District of Columbia offer this) or request a mail ballot (Colorado, Oregon and Washington offer this option). Whether you are White Sulphur Springs bound or not, don’t forget to exercise your right to vote!
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Proposed By Law Changes Julie Cascio (AK), Secretary and Bylaw Committee Chairperson
The Bylaw Committee has been meeting through the spring and summer to review the bylaws. Updates to the format and wording in Article II Membership, Sections 1 through 5 are being proposed to bring the sections in line with each other and with current use of the NEAFCS website for publications. This is also the case for Article VI, Section 6 and Article XI Publications which also have proposed wording changes that follow current use of website resources for publications.
The Member Resources – Membership Subcommittee has proposed changes to Article II Section 6 Student Member to increase student member participation at NEAFCS Annual Sessions. Having the ability to submit proposals and possibly present research data, submit articles for publication in the Journal of NEAFCS and/or present a webinar would enhance student membership.
These proposed changes will be sent to all NEAFCS members later this month.
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