Table of Contents
President’s Message
Simple Formula for Living – Live Beneath Your Means
Sharon Hoelscher Day Receives Friend of NEAFCS 2016
The Power of Gratitude and the NEAFCS Experience
NEAFCS: Membership Renewal
2016 Public Issues Leadership Development 1st Timers Share Insights from Conference Sessions
NEAFCS On-Line Awards System Opens December 1, 2016
2017 JCEP Leadership Conference - All About Vision, Relevance and Innovation
Ready to Submit a 2017 NEAFCS Presentation Proposal?
Hidden Icon Contest Winners and Name the NEAFCS e-News Contest
Meet the Nebraska Tri-Liaisons
Meet the Board – NEAFCS Secretary
Important Dates
Members-only Webinar • Nov 22 2016 Annual Session Recap Webinar
Community Webinar • Nov 15 Bringing Community Partners Together to Address Unspoken Realities of Chronic Disease, Diabetes and Food Insecurity
Members-only Webinar • Dec 14 Writing a Winning NEAFCS Proposal Submission
Members-only Webinar • January 5 Make it Automatic! –America Saves & America Saves Week
Impact Statement Data Due and PILD Scholarship Application Due • Feb 1
Concurrent Session Proposals Due • Feb 15
2017 NEAFCS National Awards Deadline • March 15
JNEAFCS Articles Due • March 1
NEAFCS 2017 Annual Session Oct 15-19 Omaha, NE
NEAFCS 2018 Annual Session Sept 24-27 San Antonio, TX
View All Events...
National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Science 140 Island Way, Ste 316 Clearwater Beach, FL 33767 (561) 477-8100 [email protected]
President's Message Theresa Mayhew (NY), NEAFCS President
Humans have philosophized about change since the beginning of time. Take this quote from pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Heraclitus – “There is nothing permanent except change.” Or British philosopher Alan Watts -- “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” And most recently, Bob Dylan, American singer/songwriter and 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature recipient -- “There is nothing so stable as change.”
To quote Dylan again, change is blowing in the wind for NEAFCS. Cooperative Extension Educators are often referred to as agents of change. The knowledge that we share can change attitudes, behaviors, communities and individual lives. Many of us pride ourselves on our abilities to deal with change and its challenges and opportunities. At this point, you might be wondering why I’m talking so much about change, so here it is: we will be changing over management companies who serve at the helm of our national headquarters.
In early October, I received notification from our current Executive Director Jody Rosen Atkins, owner of The Association Source, LLC, that she is slowing her life down, and therefore, downsizing her business. As Jody stated in her official letter of resignation, this decision was not arrived at lightly and has nothing to do with her relationship with NEAFCS. Rather, it is a lifestyle decision. After 16 years in the management company business, she feels it is time to try something totally new, something that will allow her to spend more time with her family. She’s actually doing what we FCS educators encourage individuals to do – to do what it takes to make yourself happier, healthier and more whole.
As you can imagine this was surprising news but, in true Extension style, the President’s Council sprang into action and, with Jody’s help, formed a transition plan and schedule. An RFP for a new management company was developed and disseminated through the Association Management Company Institute’s electronic RFP listing service. The call for RFPs will close November 23 and our National Office Evaluation Committee will be completing the review of proposals by December 3. We plan on conducting interviews during our Winter Board meeting in Savannah the following week. Our plan is to have a new management company in place by January 1, 2017 so that TAS and the new management company can work through a complete transition cycle together to make the transition seamless to our membership.
To say that this was not what I planned to originally write about this month would be an understatement. We have been fortunate to have TAS at the helm for the last five years, guiding and shaping us into an even stronger and more resilient professional development organization. Their conference planning, web design, social marketing, teleconferencing and many other skill sets have helped improve our association financially and operationally. We greatly appreciate all that they have done for NEAFCS, and are appreciative of the valuable assistance they are providing us now in selecting a successor. We wish Jody, Cindy, Kerrin and the rest of their team the very best as they all start new chapters in their lives.
Please know that your Board and TAS are doing everything possible to make this transition as smooth and seamless as possible. We will provide you with updates as we move forward and appreciate your support as this process unfolds. Thanks for all that you do for NEAFCS!
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Simple Formula for Living – Live Beneath Your Means Theresa Mayhew (NY), President
Many of you that attended Annual Session asked me to share the passage I read after being installed as President. I mentioned that I was unable to attribute it to a specific author. The only sourcing said it came from a Quaker newsletter. I have it posted in my office so I can glance at it whenever I need some inspiration. I hope it does the same for you!
Live beneath your means and within your seams. Return everything you borrow. Stop blaming other people. Admit it when you make a mistake. Give all the clothes you haven’t worn in the last three years to charity. Listen more; talk less. Do something nice and try not to get caught. Strive for excellence, not perfection. Be on time. Don’t make excuses. Don’t argue. Get organized. Be kind to kind people. Be kind to unkind people. Let someone cut ahead of you in line. Take time to be alone. Reread your favorite book. Cultivate good manners. Be humble. Realize and accept that life isn’t fair. Know when to keep your mouth shut. Go an entire day without criticizing anyone. Learn from the past. Plan for the future. Live in the present. Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s all small stuff.
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Sharon Hoelscher Day Receives Friend of NEAFCS 2016 Debby Mathews (AL), Immediate Past President
Sharon Hoelscher Day was honored on Thursday, September 15, 2016 at the NEAFCS Annual Session Awards Ceremony in Big Sky, Montana for her leadership to create the NEAFCS Endowment. In recognition of this accomplishment, she received the Friend of NEAFCS award, the most prestigious award given by NEAFCS. Sharon was NEAFCS President 2003-2004 and prior to that she served as Vice President for Public Policy. She also served as national president of the Joint Council of Extension Professionals.
Day received her BS from the Ohio State University and MA from Michigan State University. She is Emerita Extension Faculty, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension where she developed Bone Builders, an osteoporosis prevention program, and other healthy lifestyle outreach programs. Sharon was primary investigator or co-PI in more than $3.4 million of program grants.
Sharon Hoelscher Day just completed work on a national Nutrition and Wellness Educator Certification project for the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. The new Certification is now available through AAFCS.
Other honors Day has received are the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences’ Leader Award, the 2008 NEAFCS Extension Educator of the Year Award, and 2004 Extension Faculty of the Year by the University of Arizona. Sharon was the 2010-11 AAFCS Chalkley-Fenn Public Policy Scholar.
Sharon and her husband, Dan, live in northern Nevada near Lake Tahoe where they are active in their church and community. She serves on the Board of the Carson Valley Arts Council and is in charge of their concert series and events. Sharon was named 2015 CVAC Volunteer of the Year.
Congratulations to Sharon Hoelscher Day, our 2016 Friend of NEAFCS award winner!
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The Power of Gratitude and the NEAFCS Experience Edda Z. Cotto-Rivera (GA), Vice President for Member Resources
A couple of years ago, I wrote an article about the benefits of being grateful. It is proven that when we practice gratitude for a long period of time, we can start seeing positive changes in our health. Those who are grateful tend to practice preventive behaviors and have lower levels of stress than those who do not. As members of our organization, we get to experience opportunities that may bring us joy and feelings of gratitude. I still laugh when I think of our welcome event in Montana. I have noticed the commitment of our committee members who go far and beyond in completing their plans of work and benefit our organization; our partners and exhibitors were engaged during our annual session; and the first timers and retirees enjoyed a fabulous morning breakfast together. These and many more are reasons to be thankful for!
Have you connected with anybody else outside of your state? Reach out to those you met during the last meeting, or those you have not contacted since we returned from Big Sky. Take time to think about joining a working committee and have a more engaged experience with NEAFCS. Encourage colleagues who are not members of our organization to join before the deadline and apply for awards. Be thankful and be contagious… and spread the gratitude of being a member of NEAFCS.
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NEAFCS: Membership Renewal Nancy Stehulak (OH), Treasurer
I am… I am... getting questions from many of you, that is! So here is one posed by a member.... “Is it mandatory to renew membership online at NEAFCS?”
Here is my answer:
When members complete the online update, they make greater use of their membership. They can join committees, get connected to their organization and get updates to their inbox about webinars and the annual session. So membership does have privileges.
And the reason for a professional organization is professional development.
The membership fee remains at $100 for NEAFCS. Here are the steps to renewal:
- Log in to with your member username and password.
- Under the ‘Member Resources’ tab, click ‘Dues Renewal.’
- Update your profile information in the online renewal form.
- Print the Confirmation Page that comes up after you click submit.
- Send the printed page to your Affiliate Treasurer, along with your $100 check for your 2017 dues. Note that state and/or district dues may also apply.
- When you have these steps complete, don’t overlook taking a minute to upload your photo to the NEAFCS website under ‘my profile’. I’ll see you soon!
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2016 Public Issues Leadership Development 1st Timers Share Insights from Conference Sessions Glenda Hyde (OR), Vice President for Public Affairs
The PILD conference was a wonderful opportunity for my professional development, and, one of the most beneficial conferences that I have attended. I learned how to better communicate with our stakeholders and policy makers. I now have a clearer understanding of Extension’s Federal funding and its effects on our local programs. The most useful tool was learning to communicate how Extension programs are impacting the Economy, Education, Nutrition and Health concerns. Maude Harris (MO)
Alexis Cordova's session "Putting the Pieces Together: Leading Together” was educational, interactive and entertaining. She gave us effective strategies to facilitate the building of trust and sharing of leadership responsibilities among individuals, across cultures and between communities. I highly recommend this conference to other Extension professionals. Misty Layne-Watkins (TN)
I knew the importance of Cooperative Extension but only knew a fraction of the impact we can have. Through various key-note speakers and presenters, I was able to gain additional insight into what we can do through “Extending Knowledge, Changing Lives “and how important it is to tell our story to our national congressmen but also to our state and local leaders. GaeLynn Peterson (UT)
I enjoyed Dr. Doug Steele’s keynote presentation “Diffusion of Innovation: Impacts and Implications for Extension.” I found it to be very relevant about the challenges that Extension staff experience. I appreciated NIFA Program Leader, Ahlishia Shipley’s reminder/encouragement to utilize “Just in Time Parenting” information. It is great information to use on Facebook, supplement curriculum materials and provide to parent support groups. Holly Arnold (ND)
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NEAFCS On-Line Awards System Opens December 1, 2016 Dianne Gertson (TX), Vice President for Awards and Recognition
Showcase your excellent programs and get the recognition you deserve! The 2017 NEAFCS Awards Manual will be posted to the website in mid-November and the online system for applying will open December 1, 2016. Make sure to review the Awards Manual and follow instructions. All applications and supporting documents must be uploaded. Award applications must be uploaded by March 15, 2017 for regional and national judging. Each state affiliate has their own deadline to get state judging completed to send the top contenders on for regional and national consideration by the March 15 deadline. Check with your state affiliate Awards VP or chair to find out when your state deadline will be.
Visit the Awards section of the NEAFCS website to find out more about NEAFCS awards and instructions on how to complete the application and upload your files. Remember to upload only one file in each file upload space. Documents should be merged to no more than three (3) files. The Awards-at-a-Glance section offers brief descriptions of awards. The Awards Manual has specific and detailed instructions. Examples of national award-winning entries, as well as articles on Award Winning Applications FAQs and Award Winning Tips, are also available.
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2017 JCEP Leadership Conference - All About Vision, Relevance and Innovation Theresa Mayhew (NY), President
Mark your calendar to attend the 2017 Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) Leadership Conference February 8 - 9, 2017 at the Double Tree by Hilton in Orlando, FL. The JCEP Leadership Development Conference aims to bring together Extension employees from around the nation from all levels and subject matter areas. I attended last year’s session and found it to be informative, invigorating and worthwhile. One of the conference’s best features is that it gives county educators, specialists, middle managers and administrators an opportunity to showcase their strengths and expertise on a host of leadership development topics with fellow conference attendees. Add in a generous amount of networking opportunities and you have a very good mix of learning, listening and sharing.
This year’s theme is “Emerging Leadership for Tomorrow’s Extension.” The conference will featureoral presentations, round-table discussions and ignite sessions designed to enhance the leadership skills and abilities of all Extension professionals. One special focus of this year’s conference is to engage Extension professionals in identifying and addressing leadership strategies around emerging issues. Conference tracks will include: 1) leadership skills; 2) responding to emerging issues; 3) strategic planning and program evaluation; 4) leadership challenges, collaboration and partnerships; 5) talent management; and 6) innovation. Registration and final agenda details are still being formalized but bookmark the JCEP website for more information. Registration should open around December 1.
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Ready to Submit a 2017 NEAFCS Presentation Proposal? Pat Brinkman (OH), Co-chair Program Development Subcommittee
Starting December 1, you can submit your 2017 NEAFCS presentation proposal. What programs could you submit?
Our program tracks for 2017 include:
- Administration/Leadership/Community Development/Public Affairs
- Life Span Development: Aging, Human Development and related topics
- Child Care/Child Development
- Sustainable Living: Textiles, Clothing, Housing, Environment and related topics
- Life Member
- Financial Management
- Food Safety
- Health
- Nutrition
- Parenting Education
- Technology
- 4-H and Youth Development
Ask yourself these questions when trying to develop a proposal:
- Does the program address an emerging issue, a relevant problem or a community need?
- What are the objectives or outcomes for my presentation? What will my participants learn? Will they learn a new skill, ability or knowledge?
- How was the program evaluated? What methods or tools were used? What impacts did the evaluation show?
All proposals must be research-based by including one of the following in the proposal:
- Is the program based on published research, approaches, and/or practices? Please include references in your proposal.
- If the program is a pilot or prior tested research explain the methodology.
- If you are presenting a curriculum be able to explain how it was reviewed. Did the review check for science based, effectiveness, and accuracy? By whom was it reviewed?
- Provide what evaluation tool was used and who and how the tool was validated. If it is a pilot of a new tool, compare it to similar tools.
You have 400 words to use to explain your proposal, so use them wisely. Last, but not least, ALWAYS make sure your proposal is communicated clearly using good grammar. Have one of your peers read your proposal before you submit it to make suggestions on how you can improve it.
Since our proposal process is a blind review, please make sure you eliminate any reference to your name, your team member’s names, your state and your University. If your state or University is in the title or used any place in the proposal, just use the word “state” or “university” instead.
After submitting your proposal, you will have until February 15, 2017 to make changes. The last day for submitting proposals will be February 15, 2017.
Our committee is looking for proposal reviewers. All you have to do to become a reviewer for proposals is to sign-up through Sign-Up Genius. You do not have to be a member of the committee/subcommittee to be a reviewer. Look for the email or check the NEAFCS website for details on how to sign-up. You can learn so much about writing proposals when you review them. If you choose to review proposals they will be sent to you to review and return between March 1-17, 2017.
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Hidden Icon Contest Winners and Name the NEAFCS e-News Contest Theresa Mayhew (NY), President
Twenty-four members found the ear of corn hidden in Debby Mathew’s President’s Charity article in last month’s issue. The first three to respond were Mindy Mayes (Purdue), Chelsey Byers (University of Illinois) and Jennifer Stefancik (Purdue). Their names will be entered in the drawing to receive a free registration to Annual Session 2017 in Omaha, NE. Congratulations! I hope that the rest of you will try again! Please keep in mind that you can only “win” these monthly drawings once thereby enabling other members have a go at it! So keep your eyes peeled for the ear of corn in this issue. When you find it, email me at [email protected] and tell me what article it’s embedded in! Let’s see how many members I hear from this month!
Don’t forget to enter the Name the NEAFCS e-News Contest! We’ll be taking suggested names up to December 15. The lucky winner of this competition will receive a free 2017 membership. Think of it as an extra special holiday gift! Here is the link to submit your entry:
This is a chance to tap in to your creative side and win a free membership for the coming year. I know we have some clever wordsmiths and Madison Avenue advertising types out there so I can’t wait to see what you come up with! Remember you can enter more than once. The winning name will grace the January issue. Don’t delay – get your Name the NEAFCS e-News submission(s) in today!
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Meet the Nebraska Tri-Liaisons Jeanette Friesen (NE), Tri-Liaison and Nebraska Extension Educator Emeritus
Once Extension is part of your life, it is always a part of your life! So found out three retired Extension Educators from Nebraska when they were asked to be tri-liaisons to plan the 2017 NEAFCS Annual Session to be held in Omaha. Without hesitation, they each said “Yes!” After all, isn’t that what good Extension volunteers do? And wasn’t October 2017 a long way away?
The three volunteers are Marilyn Fox, Suzie Brown and Jeanette Friesen. They are co-workers from ‘way back’ and are each retired. They have several more things in common – they are all quilters (Suzie has her own shop!), they all love spending time with their grandchildren, and they are all good friends. Because they know how to say “Yes” -- here it is only a year away from the conference – you will find these three working with their planning committees and looking forward to meeting many of you in Omaha!
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Meet the Board – NEAFCS Secretary Jovita Lewis (AL), Secretary
With excitement, I am getting acclimated to my new role as NEAFCS Secretary. I am happy to serve my profession as well as the membership of this outstanding professional development association. As a native Alabamian, I matriculated through the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Home Economics Education in 1988 and later earned a Master of Education Administration from the University of West Alabama in Livingston in 2002.
My first introduction to Cooperative Extension was as a rural 4-H’er who excelled in the 4-H Meat Demonstration Project under the guidance of Theresa Threadgill, County Extension Agent, Sumter County, Alabama. Little did I know that my time as a 4-H’er would serve as springboard to a career with Cooperative Extension that has now spanned more than 28 years. Presently, I am employed with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System as an Extension Specialist and Coordinator of Auburn University’s Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP).
Serving my church and community gives me the most joy. On any given Sunday, you will find me singing in the choir, teaching Sunday School, typing the church bulletin, or welcoming visitors to God’s house. My favorite past times include reading, internet surfing, cross-stitching, scrapbooking, and photography.
I am the oldest of two daughters from parents who have been married 53 years. My husband of 24 years is Wayne. We are the proud parents of two daughters. Arielle, is a sophomore at the University of Alabama, and Lauryn, a tenth grader who just received her driving permit. Oh my!
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