President's Message Theresa Mayhew (NY), President
March is Extension Living Well Month. I hope you are taking advantage of the plethora of materials and resources available on our website for you to use in your community. It seems that so many things can be tied into its tagline -- raising kids, eating right, spending smart…living well – that the possibilities are endless. Can’t wait to hear what you’ve come up with around the country to mark the occasion.
We had a great turnout at our NEAFCS meeting sessions during the JCEP Leadership Conference February 8 & 9 in Orlando. We learned all about “true colors” from Lora Lee Howard; generational characteristics from Becky Travnichek; and social connectivity from Karen Munden. An all hands-on-deck approach was used to help update the “Affiliate Officer Tool Kit” and we took advantage of our time together to get an update from each affiliate present. Be sure to ask those folks that went to Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville that Wednesday evening about the “electrifying” time we had the
Congratulations to Ear of Corn Hidden Icon Contest winners for February -- Ann Fenton (NE), Joyce Sherrer (OK), and Dianna Bowen (AR). They can now leisurely read this and future issues of the NEAFCS e-News without having to rush to tell me where the ear of corn is hidden. That gives other members the opportunity to get entered into the drawing for a free registration to Annual Session 2017 in Omaha! So for those of you who haven’t yet won a spot in the drawing, email me the location at [email protected].
I'd also like to officially welcome conference planner Elizabeth Lane, who will be part of our Partners’ team joining Danielle Jessup and Will Ferguson. Elizabeth has already jumped in with both feet and is working on our Omaha Annual Session, as well as Annual Session 2019. I should mention that the Annual Session 2018 San Antonio, TX planning committee is waiting in the wings, and will be revving up to full speed ahead later this summer!
Next on the horizon, is the unveiling of the 2017 Impact Statement reports at this year’s JCEP Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) Conference which takes place April 2-5 in Washington, DC. We have 20 First Timer Scholarship recipients that are eagerly anticipating their trip to PILD and well as many other NEAFCS members planning to attend. Not only will we be there during the height of cherry blossom time, but it’s our opportunity to hone our advocacy skills, craft our elevator speeches, network with colleagues from around the country as well as our USDA/NIFA partners, and connect with our elected officials. Now more than ever, we need to keep those lines of communication open. If you haven’t attended PILD before, I hope you’ll make this the first year that you do.
I’d like to close with the following quote from essayist and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson: “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” I would just like to add that if you accomplish those four entreaties Emerson has listed, happiness will surely follow.
Sincerely, Terri
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Meet Will Ferguson Will Ferguson (FL), NEAFCS Program Manager
It has been such a pleasure getting to know everyone and helping members solve problems as they come up. I’ve gotten to speak to several members across the US and have found each of them to be warm and kind – not to mention patient - as we finish the recent transition in management.
I have spent the last 13 years working with various aspects of association management. I’ve worked for both a captive staff association as well as an Association Management Company (AMC). The years have given me the opportunity to both learn, and teach, a variety of skills including: continuing education program management, membership retention and recruitment, database management, financial management, marketing, video editing and customer service.
My wife and I are celebrating our anniversary this month and house hunting currently takes up a lot of our spare time. When I can, I enjoy camping and hiking, and you can always find me with my nose in a book. I look forward to learning more about NEAFCS and the passion that inspires you as extension professionals!
Meet Elizabeth Lane Elizabeth Lane (FL), NEAFCS Conference Planner
Elizabeth Lane has spent the last 10 years working with different types of associations, both large and small. Her experience includes all types of association management, with a main focus, over the past several years, in convention planning. From site selection to attendee registration and from exhibitor recruitment to food and beverage selection, Elizabeth has shown responsibility for a variety of roles. Elizabeth has a degree from Florida State University in Political Science and lives in Tallahassee, FL, with her husband. They have two college-age children, making them recent empty nesters.
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JCEP Leadership Conference in Orlando, FL Rebecca Travnichek (MO), Central Region Director Karen Munden (VA), Southern Region Director 
Sunny Orlando in February! Much better than February weather in Missouri! The JCEP Leadership Conference was a great opportunity to see and visit with NEAFCS affiliate officers from across the United States. Keynote speaker, Dan Gallagher, shared content and activities from his new book, “The Self-Aware Leader.” Several Ignite presentations of 3-5 minutes were given on a variety of topics. The Virtual Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday afternoon focused on Purposeful Leadership. Speakers all over the United States were connected to the event.
NEAFCS Association meetings on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons were great opportunities for NEAFCS President Theresa Mayhew, President-elect Lora Lee Howard, Southern Region Director Karen Munden, and myself, Central Region Director Rebecca Travnichek to connect with affiliate officers from across the United States. Both Karen and I encouraged individuals attending JCEP to be willing to step up and fill our positions in Omaha, Nebraska, in October 2017.
Lora Lee Howard shared information about True Colors. Karen Munden led the group through the process of updating the Affiliate Officer Toolkit. I shared one of the hands-on programs I am doing in Missouri about working within the five generations currently in the workforce. This activity involved everyone getting up and identifying activities and events that affected Matures (ages 71-90), Baby Boomers (ages 52-70), Generation X (ages 35-51), Millennials (ages 21-34), and Generation Z (ages <20).
NEAFCS dinner on Wednesday evening took place at Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville . . . Great walk and good company!
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Eastern Region Gets Involved Diane Whitten (NY), Eastern Region Director
As the Eastern Region Director, I’m proud to say that our members have stepped up to the plate to help our organization each time they’re been asked. Recently I reached out to our members to help judge proposals for workshops at the Annual Session in Omaha, NE. I was more than pleased by the number of members who offered to help. Also, we were well represented at the JCEP meeting which is where leaders are mentored and encouraged to be all they can be. When it comes to volunteering and you help your organization, YOU are the one who benefits. Our organization thrives on active members!
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Last Call for NEAFCS Board Candidates Debby Mathews (AL), Immediate Past President
April 1 is the deadline for getting your application and supporting documents to me if you plan to run for national board office this year. At Annual Session we will elect a President–Elect, Treasurer, VP Awards and Recognition, VP Public Affairs, Central Region Director and Southern Region Director.
To learn more about the duties and responsibilities involved, please log in to as a member and look under Member Resources and then documents for our Policies and Procedures Manual. Of course, you are welcome to contact me with you questions at [email protected] or the following nominating committee members: Christine Kniep (WI), Peg Ehlers (IN), Linda Law-Saunders (NY), David Roberts (WV), Apriell Burgess (AL), Tanya Davis (TX), Marilyn Albertson (UT), and Phyllis Lewis (WY).
Under documents you will also find the candidate for national office form. Please email/scan your application and supporting documents to [email protected] by April 1. Our nominating committee is eager to hear from you!
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Take a Look at Your 2017 Member Resources Action Plan Lora Lee Frazier Howard (KY), President-elect
Vice President of Member Resources, Edda Cotto-Rivera and her committees work hard to provide members with educational opportunities and resources for professional growth.
The Journal Editorial Committee publishes the Research Journal of NEAFCS, providing members the opportunity to publish their research. A reviewers list is compiled by the committee and if research interest you, there is a place for you.
The Exhibits Committee begins work recruiting next year’s exhibitors in January. They are always looking for new exhibitors. If you find a new exhibitor, you receive $50.00. State sales tables are also available in the exhibit hall. Exhibitor forums are offered in the exhibit hall providing members an opportunity to attend an educational program presented by the exhibitors or our Partner Members.
The Membership, Leadership, Mentoring and Life Members Committee work to provide an orientation event for first timers at the national meeting. This committee works with both the new student-member and the life-member.
The Diversity Committee works to increase diverse membership in the association and share successful diverse programming. This committee judges the Diversity Awards and develops the diversity poster session. They are planning a webinar focused on reaching Spanish speaking audiences, as well as a pre-conference session in 2018.
If you have an interest in one of these committees, be sure to join. There is a place for you and now is the time to sign up at .
These committees work hard throughout the year to provide opportunities to the members. You can view all the Action Plans at which will have monthly responsibility of the committees. The link is now updated.
Each of these committees are an important component to the success of member resources.Becoming active on one of these committees will enhance your leadership opportunities, your professional development and impact our Annual Session.
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Celebrating Extension Diversity Champions Karim Martinez (MX), Diversity Committee
Conversations about diversity are not new, but rather ongoing within Extension. If we look into our organization’s history, we will find stories of past diversity champions. While it is important to celebrate their work, it is even more important to carry on their legacy. In New Mexico, I found Fabiola Cabeza de Baca (1894-1991). She came from a prominent Spanish family in New Mexico and earned a degree in Home Economics from New Mexico State University in 1929. Following graduation, she began a thirty-year career as an Extension agent. She was the only agent who spoke Spanish and also learned to speak the indigenous languages Tewa and Tiwa. She taught rural women gardening, food preservation, poultry-raising, sewing and home repair. Her ethnicity allowed her to blend traditional ways with modern information. As she visited homes throughout rural New Mexico, she took detailed notes of village traditions. These notes were incorporated into her various books celebrating Mexican, Spanish, Indigenous and Anglo cultures of New Mexico. I encourage you to learn more about Fabiola as well as diversity champions in your own Extension organization. In celebrating their work, we gain inspiration from it and can then strive to build on their legacy.
References Rudnick, L. (2012). La fabulosa Fabiola: First lady of New Mexico cuisine, El Palacio Magazine, 117(4), 72-75.
Sullivan, M.A. Fabiola Cabeza de Baca, New Mexico History-Office of the State Historian. Retrieved from
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Silent Auction Tonya Johnson (OR), Awards and Training Sponsorship Committee Chair
Thanks to YOUR incredible generosity and creativity, the main lobby of the Yellowstone Conference Center was filled to the brim with beautiful items for the 2016 Silent Auction. From beaded jewelry to hand-collected sand dollars to quilted table runners to sparkly shoes there was something for everyone. Check out the following results:
- Total Amount Raised: $4821
- Number of Items Donated: 185
- Number of Affiliates that Donated Items: 36
- Number of Corporate Exhibitors that Donated Items: 3
To each and every one, THANK YOU for your support! We look forward to an ever bigger and better Silent Auction in 2017. The new Chair, Liz McBee, is already planning some exciting things, including having Bidder Numbers to streamline the process. Stay tuned … it’s going to be a great year!
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Alleviating Hunger and Improving Health Julia Zee (HI), Program Development Subcommittee Member
What does a person do if faced with a chronic disease like diabetes or hypertension and food insecurity? What if he or she has to choose between paying for medication or buying food? What sources of healthy food might there be? Food insecurity can contribute to poorly managed conditions that can lead to more serious complications, hospitalizations, and even death. How can Extension help?
Across the country, Extension professionals are collaborating with health centers, medical providers, and food banks to help connect residents to healthier foods to improve their chronic conditions and overall health. Extension agents and educators provide nutrition education, healthy food demonstrations, health smart shopping tours, and healthy food nudges through displays and posted information at supermarkets, food pantries, and other food venues. SNAP-Ed and Dining with Diabetes programs help many understand healthy food choices and manage resources.
The Hawaii Island Diabetes Coalition brings together health professionals from community health centers, agencies, and organizations serving local residents. A simple yet profound activity was our compilation of a healthy food donation list for the local food bank. Our list suggests lower sodium canned vegetables, soups, beans and meats, whole grains and whole grain cereals, pastas and crackers, 100% fruit and vegetable juices, non-fat milks, and surplus produce from gardens and farms. We displayed healthier options at health fairs, and organizations shared the list with their members. Through education and healthier foods, we are all working to alleviate hunger and improve the health of those we serve.
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Getting Published in Journal of Extension Luann Boyer, JOE Board Representative
If you’ve never submitted a manuscript of your Extension work to a peer-reviewed journal, it can be somewhat daunting, but it shouldn’t be. The Journal website has loads of information to help you with the process. If you aren’t a regular reader of The Journal, the February issue was just posted. JOE is published 6 times a year and is posted on the website ( the last week of every other month. Take some time and read through The Journal.
To prepare a submission, on the website, select the tab About JOE and then Guidelines for Authors. There is a wealth of information to assist you in preparing a good manuscript. If you’re a new writer, you might consider submitting an article for Ideas at Work or Tools of the Trade to get your feet wet in journal writing. Other options are features and Research in Brief with complete information about the type of article for each category. The Guidelines for Authors tab has a section on help and FAQs which will answer many of your questions.
Editor Debbie Allen has developed a Manuscript Submission Checklist as well as other resources to make the process of writing your first Journal article easier. In addition, Debbie is willing to answer your questions to make it a successful experience. You can email her by clicking on her name on the home page side bar.
If publishing in peer-reviewed journals is a requirement of your institution’s promotion process, don’t wait to get started. The average time from submission of a manuscript until publication may be 6 months to a year, depending on the need for manuscript revisions. By being thoroughly prepared and following the suggested guidelines, you’ll be ahead of the game in getting your article published in a timely manner.
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Meet the Board Glenda Hyde (OR), Vice President for Public Affairs
This is my second year serving NEAFCS as Vice President Public Affairs. I really have enjoyed getting to know the members that have been involved with our rewarding activities in Public Affairs. Both public service campaigns, Extension Living Well Month and Dine In for Healthy Families have been revised and updated on our web page. We want to share some interesting examples of your promotional activities. Send me examples of your work for us to consider! Our impact statements for 2017 PILD have record data submissions and are being written now. Twenty PILD 1st Timer’s Scholarships have been awarded. The Endowment Achievement Goal Member Benefit lapel pins should be in the Affiliate President’s mail soon. To celebrate the $300,000 achievement of our NEAFCS #1 Strategic Plan Goal, all active and student members will receive NEAFCS lapel pins.
I’ve been working for Oregon State University Extension Service in Central Oregon for 10 years. I enjoy teaching food safety/preservation public workshops, training and leading Master Food Preservers and co-instruct Preserve @ Home-Oregon with University of Idaho Extension leadership. I’m also exploring safety and accidental injury prevention activities in our region.
My three children and their families are lots of fun. I now have two grandsons! I love to follow their activities and spend time with them whenever I can. We have some college ball to follow at the NCAA Tournament (we hope!) with my nephew’s team, St. Mary’s College. I enjoy gardening, love to hike, read and explore the family genealogy.