Table of Contents
President’s Message
USDA NIFA FCS Happenings
JOE Innovative Issue - Call for Abstracts
Let's Improve Mental Health Literacy
Stop, Drop, and Roll
Mid-Year Board Meeting Highlights
Relationships, Relevance, Results Highlights in 2017 PILD 1st Timer’s Scholarship Recipient Reflections
News From Affiliates
2017 NEAFCS Award Winners Notified
Early Bird Registration is Now OPEN!
Meet the Board Central Region Director
Important Dates
NEAFCS Annual Session Early Bird Registration June 8 - August 16, 2017
Call for Abstracts - Journal of Extension Special Issue Deadline June 30, 2017
AAFCS Annual Conference & Expo June 25-28, 2017 Dallas, TX
Society for Nutrition Education & Behavior July 20-24, 2017 Washington, DC
Hilton Omaha Hotel Deadline September 12, 2017
NEAFCS 2017 Annual Session Oct 15-19 Omaha, NE
NEAFCS 2018 Annual Session Sept 24-27 San Antonio, TX
View All Events...
NEAFCS Has Moved!
NEAFCS acquired a new management company, Partners in Association Management. Please forward all future requests to their office. Contact information can be found below.
National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Science 325 John Knox Rd. Suite L103 Tallahassee, FL 32303 (850) 205-5638 [email protected]
President's Message Theresa Mayhew (NY)![Terri Mayhew](/assets/images/eneafcs/April-2017/mayhew%20teresa.jpg)
I recently participated in a World Café Conversation on Ending Poverty and it reinforced the critical role FCS educators can play in dealing with this important issue. Not only in terms of program expertise and knowledge but leadership, facilitation, and collaboration skills. The longer I work in Extension, the more convinced I am that if you want to solve a problem, get a FCS professional involved. We do amazing things -- many times employing creative “outside the box” thinking that maximizes resources and plants the seeds of sustainability to keep things moving forward.
To aid in that process, I'm delighted to announce a new NEAFCS Network feature – NIFA FCS Happenings. This month's inaugural column is authored by Caroline Crocoll, Director – Division of Family & Consumer Sciences, USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. In future issues we'll hear from other members of her team. This is another opportunity to enrich the connection with our federal partners. I’d like to extend a warm welcome to Caroline and her team. I hope you all enjoy this addition to our publication!
Speaking of the Network -- last month's winners of the "find the hidden ear of corn icon contest" were Joyce McBurney (NC) and Cathy Martinez (AZ) – they tied for being first to respond, then Barbara O’Neill (NJ) and Johanna Hicks (TX). Their names will be entered in the drawing to win a free registration to Annual Session. If you haven’t been one of the top three finishers, I hope to list your name here next month!
On June 25, I’m heading to Dallas, TX to participate in the American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences Annual Conference & Expo. This year's theme is Financial Fitne$$ Trends, Innovations & Impacts. It will be an honor to represent you there. I'm looking forward to learning from, listening to and networking with members of our sister FCS organization as well as sharing information about NEAFCS with them.
Registration for Annual Session in Omaha is now open! The Nebraska team is offering three outstanding pre-conferences, excellent keynote speakers, and incredible in-depth session offerings. The Welcome Event at the Henry Z. Dooly Zoo & Aquarium and the Leadership Event at Magnolia Hotel are sure to please. Then there’s the concurrent and poster sessions, where our colleagues get their moment in the spotlight and those of us in attendance can reap from their knowledge, passion and expertise. It’s a win-win for all involved!
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USDA NIFA FCS Happenings Caroline E. Crocoll, Ph.D., CFCS, Director, USDA NIFA DFCS, Washington, DC ![](/assets/images/eneafcs/June-2017/caroline%20crocoll%202017.jpg)
I am so pleased to share with you the latest USDA NIFA-FCS Happenings! Through research, education, and Extension, NIFA’s Division of Family & Consumer Sciences (DCFS) provides resources that support FCS efforts in partnership with the Land-Grant University and Cooperative Extension System. Our work strengthens families, farms, communities, and the economy by focusing on the human dimensions of food and agriculture.
We incorporate two broad thematic areas into our work: Family Well-Being contributing to the empowerment of families to achieve optimal well-being; and Community Vitality advancing the socio-economic potential of communities by addressing critical community needs. Within these two thematic areas, DFCS seeks to enhance our grantees' capacity to utilize best practices in program development and performance. In support of this goal, we promote research and evaluation knowledge dissemination and capacity development. We also recognize the growing shortage of FCS professionals qualified to serve in educator positions in secondary, post-secondary, and Extension education. We support several ongoing efforts to promote FCS educator preparation.
As the population grows and diversifies, our quality of life increasingly depends on family well-being and community vitality as a shared priority for all Americans. Working across the Federal enterprise, DFCS brings you many opportunities for partnerships, effective collaborations, and new resources to support the critical work you do. For information on DFCS and competitive grant program opportunities, check out our 2016 Year in Review DFCS Newsletter.
My very best to you!
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JOE Innovative Issue - Call for Abstracts Luann Boyer (CO), JOE Board, NEAFCS Representative ![](/assets/images/eneafcs/June-2017/luann%20boyer.jpg)
Journal of Extension, in partnership with eXtension, announces a Call for Abstracts for a special issue on Innovation. Abstract submission deadline is Friday, June 30, 2017. Abstracts will be selected by a review committee with selected authors notified in early August 2017. Full manuscripts for review will be due no later than November 30, 2017. Tentative publication date for the Innovation Issue is July 31, 2018.
Innovation is defined by the 2016 ECOP Innovation Task Force Report as “the process of improving, adapting, developing, or creating a new product, system, service or process, large or small, to deliver better results, create value to people, or move an organization forward".
For this special issue, examples of key areas include innovative technology application, innovations in effective volunteer management, new models for needs assessment, new models for sustainable programming, innovative program delivery, engagement with new audiences, and access to Extension resources.
Abstracts should be no more than 200 words, articulating how the proposed submission relates to one or more of the key areas, and concisely describe the technology, program or methodology and its application to Extension. The Call for Abstract guidelines can be found at JOE Special Issue Abstract Submission.
This link also will be used to upload proposed abstracts.
Inquiries about this Call for Abstracts should be submitted to the issue manager, Dr. Ken LaValley, University of New Hampshire ([email protected]) or 603-862-4343.
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Let's Improve Mental Health Literacy Cathy Martinez (AZ)
Health literacy is a Program Priority in Extension’s National Framework for Health and Wellness (page 12).[i] Health Literacy is “the ability to obtain, understand, and act on health information and services”. While some health information is readily available, deciding what data sources to trust can be difficult. Increasing “health literacy will help improve both the health of individuals and the collective public health”. The goal is to “increase the number of Americans who are healthy at every stage of life”, which relates to both physical and mental health.
The Community Assessment and Education to Promote Behavioral Health Planning and Evaluation (CAPE) project created a website ( to improve mental health literacy. Included are results of a national survey evaluating four areas: 1) Depression; 2) Anxiety; 3) Alcohol Abuse; and 4) Prescription Drug Misuse. While many Americans are familiar with these issues, they don’t know what to do about them.
Summaries of the results are presented in four infographics on the website.
What can we do? Organize health literacy programs that include information about mental health and other health issues. Become a certified Mental Health First Aid trainer and offer workshops in your area. The stigma around mental health can be overcome if we talk openly about mental health, educate ourselves and others, and show compassion for those living with mental health conditions.
To learn more visit (, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (, or the US Department of Health and Human Services (
[1] Cooperative Extension’s National Framework for Health and Wellness. March 2014.
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Stop, Drop, and Roll Karen Munden (VA), Southern Region Director ![](/assets/images/munden-k.jpg)
“Stop, Drop, and Roll” is the simple safety technique for children in case of fire; but this technique could also be applied to our lives as Family and Consumer Sciences Educators. When we think about our family life, social life, and career life we are constantly putting out fires. The main focus of our careers is to help families improve their living conditions and well-being; while sometimes putting enormous pressure on ourselves and forgetting about our own well-being and/or welfare. And, as educators, we are so passionate about what we do for our customers, our co-workers, and our families, there seems to be little time left for ourselves. This limited time may lead to burnout, over-work, fatigue and stress. According to a 2013 survey from the American Psychological Association Center for Organizational Excellence, more than one-third of working Americans indicated experiencing chronic work stress. Could you be among the working individuals who are stressed and have burnout?
The next time you start to fill overwhelmed with all the fires in your life, follow my “Stop, Drop, and Roll” strategy. The first step is to Stop and assess the situation before doing anything and making the wrong decision. Ask yourself: Is this something I can handle? Is this something I need others to assist me in handling? Is this something I should handle? Is this something out of my control? Is this something that I should delegate? The second step is to Drop and determine if there are available resources to handle the situation and which method would be best to handle the situation. The resources could be in the form of human, financial, knowledge, skills and materials. The third step is to Roll and implement your plan to resolve the situation. One of the most important points about the “Stop, Drop, and Roll” technique, is that you will not need to keep rehashing the situation. Just as children are instructed to roll safely away from the fire, he/she does not go back in to get burned; so the same sentiments apply. When you complete the “Stop, Drop, and Roll” strategy, do not keep returning to the situation, you may get burned. The “Stop, Drop, and Roll” strategy could be applied to any situation - social, family, work, or personal. Therefore, make sure you take care of yourselves, so you can be better Family and Consumer Sciences Educators.
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Mid-Year Board Meeting Highlights Jovita Lewis (AL), Secretary ![](/assets/images/lewis-j.jpg)
The NEAFCS Mid-Year Board meeting, held over the course of three days, resulted in a more informed, excited executive board. Using the GoTo Meeting platform, board members were able to utilize technology to connect with one another, receive training, hear updates, and share ideas for the betterment of NEAFCS, the premiere Extension Family and Consumer Sciences association.
Rachel Luoma and Will Ferguson, both from Partners In Association Management, our new management company, provided outstanding training sessions for executive board members. Rachel’s presentation on the role and function of an executive board was held on the first day. On day three, Will gave a refresher course on the use of MemberClicks, the web-based software that undergirds the NEAFCS website. Both trainings were extremely helpful as board members seek to meet the needs of NEAFCS members nationwide. As a result, your NEAFCS board members are better equipped to lead and serve NEAFCS as we move into the 21st Century.
Our Nebraska Tri-Liaisons brought everyone up to speed on Annual Session 2017, Omaha, NE, as we look forward to registration opening on June 8. With three pre-conference sessions, 11 In-depth sessions, an awesome Welcome Event at the Doorly Zoo, as well as the Leadership Recognition Event at the Magnolia Hotel, affiliate members will “harvest opportunities” through NEAFCS.
Of course, no executive board meeting would be complete without reports. President Mayhew and the other officers gave updates and shared progress toward specific goals and objectives. With a little more than half the year behind us, the NEAFCS board will embrace the remaining months as members experience professional development at its best.
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Relationships, Relevance, Results Highlights in 2017 PILD 1st Timer’s Scholarship Recipient Reflections Edited by Glenda Hyde (OR), Vice President Public Affairs ![](/assets/images/glenda.jpg)
Beginning with a lesson in “The New Way,” Marshall Stewart shared the way that the game has changed: Our funding is dependent on productivity; county, district and state faculty must do great, Relevant work in the communities we serve; and we must share the Results of that work with our elected officials. Ronnie McDonald emphasized that Relationships take time to build, but they are critical to learning about the values and priorities of the people and communities we serve, so that we can build upon those resources and connections to generate the passion necessary to create cultures of change. Borrowing from Stewart: It is a privilege to serve our communities; it is our responsibility to serve our state; and it is our obligation to serve well. Denise Everson (GA)
I enjoyed learning from the NIFA National Program Leaders about the priorities they have for Family and Consumer Sciences. I feel that it is vital for Extension to connect with our elected officials to let them know how we are benefiting the citizens in our state with our programs. Grace Wittman (ID)
While attending PILD I learned more about Extension on a National level, the impact Extension makes nationally, and I made new friends. I felt confident after PILD to go to The Hill and advocate for Extension. I left PILD proud to work for Extension, confident that I could advocate for Extension and grateful for the opportunity to work for such an amazing organization. Amy Vance (MO)
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News From Affiliates Edda Z. Cotto-Rivera (GA), Vice President Member Resources ![](/assets/images/edda-cotto-rivera.jpg)
Seven of our affiliates responded to a recent call and sent reports about their work and association updates. The first report I received was from my friend Susan Cosgrove from Mississippi. She is excited to report about their “Creating Healthy Indoor Childcare Environments” for childcare providers. Wyomingites are making the switch to “Real Food,” giving people the tools they need to plan, shop, cook, and eat foods that are minimally processed, nutrient-rich, easy to prepare, and delicious. Every LSU AgCenter FCS Agent is responsible for identifying a “community” within their domicile parish in which to target their “Healthy Communities” efforts. Members from Michigan are national trainers for “Your Money, Your Goals,” a financial empowerment toolkit developed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. West Virginia is implementing the “Healthy Children Project,” which is a CDC-funded project working with early childhood educators to create an environment for healthy eating, increased physical activity, and reduced screen time. The Oregon Affiliate has doubled its number of national members since 2013 from 13 to 26. Membership was promoted by personal phone calls and invitations to new and existing staff, highlighting opportunities with the national organization to participate in leadership, service, awards and presentations. Let’s try these strategies to strengthen our affiliates! I look forward to welcoming Iowa members who are planning to van pool to Omaha and donated $750 to Nebraska towards an event during the Annual Conference. NEAFCS members are very active and we look forward to seeing them in Nebraska!
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2017 NEAFCS Award Winners Notified Dianne Gertson (TX), Vice President Awards and Recognition
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A big thank you to all of our NEAFCS members who applied for awards this year and to the many judges who volunteered their time to narrow down the entries to our final award winners. At this time, all award winners have been notified via email about the award(s) they won that will be presented at this year’s Annual Session in Omaha, NE. We hope to see many of you there to help us celebrate our winners this year!
Please mark your calendars for the 2018 Awards which will open in December.
If you have any questions about the NEAFCS awards, please contact VP Awards & Recognition, Dianne Gertson ([email protected]).
Early Bird Registration is Now OPEN! Jeanette Friesen (NE), Tri-Liaison ![](/assets/images/eneafcs/June-2017/jeanette friesen.jpg)
Registration is now open for the 2017 NEAFCS Annual Session in Omaha! The Nebraska affiliate is sending a SPECIAL INVITATION for you to come and enjoy many different professional development opportunities in a great Midwestern setting! Here are some highlights you won’t want to miss: Begin your conference at one of the Pre-session Workshops and then enjoy a relaxing Welcome Event at the Henry Doorly Zoo. Be challenged by two outstanding speakers, Dr. Marjorie Kostelnik and Juli Burney, at the opening and general sessions. Make a difficult choice as to which In-depth Session you will attend in Omaha and Lincoln – each offers great learning experiences. Enhance your programming skills by attending your choice of concurrent sessions following these four tracks – Nutrition, Health, Parent Education and Financial Management. Learn about new products and resources at the Exhibits and Showcase of Excellence. And, finally, conclude your week at the Awards Banquet where colleagues are recognized for their outstanding work.
Do you have a spouse or friend traveling with you? There are many interesting places to visit in Omaha and the surrounding area. Go to this website for suggestions:
The Omaha Visitor’s Bureau will also be onsite to assist with information. On Wednesday, October 18, transportation will be available to go to the Strategic Air Command and Aerospace Museum.
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Meet the Board Central Region Director Rebecca Travnichek (MO), Central Region Director ![](/assets/images/travnichek_rebecca.jpg)
Greetings from Dr. Rebecca (Becky) Jane Travnichek at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri! I am excited to be serving on your NEAFCS Board as the Central Region Director. Unfortunately, this is the last year of my two-year term. I come from a very small community in the middle of Kansas – Cassoday. I arrived in Missouri following a bachelor’s degree at Emporia State University (Emporia, KS), a master’s degree at Oklahoma State University (Stillwater, OK), and a doctorate at Auburn University (Auburn, AL).
I have been with University of Missouri Extension since July 1, 1996. I lived in a small town in northwest Missouri (Savannah, MO) until December 5, 2014; when my husband and I moved to the Lake of the Ozarks area in Camdenton, Missouri. What is great is that I am doing the exact same job (Family Financial Education) in the lake area as my previous location. My FACS programming focuses on financial management, financial counseling, VITA tax preparation, leadership development, and succession/estate/retirement planning.
As a member of the Missouri Affiliate for almost 21 years, I have served as Affiliate Treasurer, Secretary, President-elect, President, Past President; as well as leading and serving as VP for all of the affiliate committees (some roles multiple times). As your Central Region Director, I am thrilled to be able to work directly with NEAFCS members from my region to make the most of their NEAFCS membership and opportunities.
Away from work, I enjoy playing with my almost 2-year old granddaughter who lives with us; as well as my almost 5-year old granddaughter when they/we are able to seem them. I like being outdoors, sewing/knitting, and spending time with family and friends. I have recently become a “pistol packing Mama.”
As a member, NEAFCS offers opportunities to grow both professionally and personally. You will get out of it what you put into it - join committees, write journal articles, submit proposals to present, apply for awards, and look for leadership opportunities within your state affiliate.
See you in Omaha, Nebraska in October for the 2017 NEAFCS Annual Session! We welcome you to the Central Region!!
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