Table of Contents
President's Message
Journal of Extension (JOE) Board Report
Leadership Recruitment is the Lifeline of NEAFCS
"In The Know" with the Member Resources Committee
Explore the Famous Riverwalk!
Are you ready to meet in Texas?
Submitting Articles for the JNEAFCS
JCEP Leadership Conference Reflections Paragraphs
Thank you for a wonderful year!
Meet the Board: VP for Public Affairs
Important Dates
Living Well Month March 2018
JCEP Creative Excellence Award Open Deadline May 1, 2018
Public Issues Leadership Development Conference April 8-11, 2018 Arlington, VA
Journal of NEAFCS Submission Deadline April 15, 2018
NEAFCS 2018 Annual Session September, 24-27 San Antonio, TX
NEAFCS 2019 Annual Session Sept. 30 - Oct. 3, 2019
Registration is now open for the 2018 National Health Outreach Conference. For more information and to register click here.
Please add the following two emails to your "safe sender" or "white lists" to ensure you continue to receive emails from NEAFCS as we move to a new system.
[email protected]
[email protected]
For those of you accessing your email through a work email server, you may wish to share this information with your IT person and ask for their help in ensuring the email addresses are added to your safe sender lists.
National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Science 325 John Knox Rd. Suite L103 Tallahassee, FL 32303 (850) 205-5638 [email protected]
President's Message Lora Lee Frazier Howard (KY) 
Your NEAFCS representatives have just returned from the JCEP Leadership Conference. We were 49 strong at the meeting and the energy at the Association FCS Meeting was amazing. We have great leaders! We had a good discussion on a variety of topics. One of the topics we discussed was in the next ten years 60% of our current members can retire. What can we do to be proactive related to advocacy, retention, and recruitment. If you have suggestions please share them with us.
Another topic discussed was the number of active members in each region. We discussed each state having two voting delegates, instead of voting delegates being tied to the number of active members per state. After the discussion at JCEP, NEAFCS has decided not pursue any changes to the delegation numbers at this time.
One of our presenters at JCEP stated, “Extension is needed now more than ever.” I would go as far to say FCS Extension is needed now more than ever. We work with the core of our communities, “the family.” If the families are healthy and vibrant, our communities will thrive. We have to tell our story, our successes to the people that matter, national and state leaders and in some cases our own university administrators. The stories and successes are good, but we have to share them for impact. We can no longer be silent.
I look forward to reading the paragraphs from the first group of JCEP Scholarship recipients. I am so glad we were able to offer this opportunity to our leaders/members.
The winners of last month’s icon were Kylie Ludwig, Texas; Anna Marie Hatfield, Oregon; Kate Shumaker Ohio. Congratulations! Their names will be entered for the free registration to attend the 2018 Annual Session. Remember to look for the Texas star in this newsletter for your chance to be entered into the drawing. Email me the location at [email protected] . Good Luck!
Lora Lee
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Journal of Extension (JOE) Board Report Luann Boyer (CO) 
The “Innovation Issue” sponsored by eXtension Foundation is in the editing process of the manuscripts which were submitted following the review of the nearly 200 abstracts submitted last summer. Due to the great response, this has taken much longer to complete than originally planned. The date for the issue to be published is still early fall. I know from visiting with members last fall in Omaha, Family and Consumer topics were selected. Congratulations to those who submitted.
When the Extension Journal Inc. Board meets in March, we will discuss other special issue topics with the idea being having one issue like this each year. The topics are open for discussion so if you have ideas for Special Issues, please let me know so I can share at the board meeting.
My usual request for having additional reviewers with broad strengths in Family and Consumer Sciences is still a need. The Board has discussed the shortage of reviewers in this and other areas and encourage our members and even Life Members to contact me about being a reviewer. We will discuss some possible changes in criteria and also length of appointments. Right now, some of the reviewers are over-worked so having more on board will prevent them from needing to review so many submissions.
JOE Editor Debbie Allen continues to update tools on the website to assist those who are submitting manuscripts. If you have not visited the website lately, take a few minutes and check out the new resources. ( Debbie is also open to emails or phone calls to answer your questions.
For any questions about Journal of Extension, please email me ([email protected]) or call 970-768-0322.
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Leadership Recruitment is the Lifeline of NEAFCS Theresa Mayhew (NY), Immediate Past President and Nominating Committee Chair 
Leadership is all about vision, strategy, people, action, and giving back. Being an officer in one’s professional development organization enables you to develop, hone and accelerate your leadership skills. It’s a chance to be part of a highly motivated and engaged group of like-minded individuals who are passionate about their profession and professional development organization. It’s an opportunity to try something new, to leave an imprint, and to make your mark.
Your national nominating committee has been working hard looking for individuals that want to take their involvement to that next level. Sometimes these individuals step forward on their own, but many times they need a nudge and some encouragement. Whatever the process, it’s important that we have these individuals step up to the plate. We need these individuals to move our organization forward, to keep it healthy, striving, strong and effective.
We need members for the following positions – Eastern and Western Region Directors, Vice President Member Resources, Vice President Professional Development, Secretary and President-Elect. If you are not familiar with the specific duties and qualifications of each post, you can access the Policy and Procedures Handbook here. Feel free to contact the current officers in those posts to interview them about their position. Knowing what is expected is a terrific way to build confidence, passion and purpose about what you’d like to accomplish if elected.
If you have been on the receiving end of a phone call from a member of the nominating committee – congratulations! We hope that after careful review you will respond in the affirmative and agree to run. Know that we will be there to answer your questions and provide guidance about the positions. We look forward to working with you and making your candidacy experience a positive one. Thanks, in advance, from your NEAFCS nominating committee, Executive Board, friends and colleagues.
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"In The Know" with the Member Resources Committee Karen Munden (VA), President-Elect 
Edda Cotto-Rivera, Vice President Member Resources and her committees have been working throughout the year and they are getting ready for our Annual Session that is scheduled from September 24th to 27th in San Antonio, TX. The Journal Editorial Committee is encouraging members to submit articles for the eNEAFCS newsletter, Journal of National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, and webinars. The Exhibit Committee is in the process of identifying potential exhibitors for the Annual Session, and they will also be soliciting State Affiliates to host State Sales Tables during the Annual Session. The Diversity Committee has been working to provide members with opportunities to share their programs which focus on diversity. Membership, Leadership, Mentoring, and Life Members Committee is busy encouraging Extension Family and Consumer Sciences professionals to join our Association and attend the Annual Session. They are also preparing for the First Timers event during the Annual Session as well as developing information to post on social media to benefit our members.
Since you are now “in the know” with Member Resources, I hope you’ll consider joining the committee to share your expertise and demonstrate your commitment to your professional association.
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Explore the Famous Riverwalk! Brittany Martin (TX), Promotion Committee Chair 
As you pack your bags to join us in beautiful San Antonio this year, make sure you pack comfortable walking shoes! The Riverwalk is just one of the sites we hope you explore while visiting. If walking’s not your thing, you can always ride in style. River Boats provide transportation between different parts of the Riverwalk, as well as tours of the attractions. You can even reserve your own private boat for dinner or drinks!
Here’s a few more “fun facts” you might enjoy:
- The San Antonio Riverwalk is a unique city park and walkway system along the San Antonio River 15 miles long. It is lined with a variety of bars, restaurants, and shops, as well as five historic missions.
- It has been described as a blend of Old Mexico, Native America, the Wild West, and a modern city. It is the second-most visited attraction in Texas, just behind the Alamo, also located in San Antonio.
- It was designed in 1929 by San Antonio architect Robert H. Hugman.
- The depth of the Riverwalk varies. It ranges from very shallow in some areas to over 4 feet deep in others.
- It is drained for maintenance annually. This week-long event is celebrated in January as the “Riverwalk Mud Festival” with an estimated 15,000 attendees. A Mud Queen and Mud King are crowned and events include a pub crawl, parade, and arts and crafts show.
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Are you ready to meet in Texas?? Mamie Thompson (OK), Awards and Recognition/Chair, Award Sponsorship and Support Subcommittee 
I know I am! Our members there are busy gearing up for what promises to be a week packed with great programs, face-to-face networking, and celebrations of the FCS profession.
One of the highlights of each Annual Session is the Silent Auction, which raises scholarship money for our members. I became involved in this event back in 2015 because I was drawn to the fun and to getting to see the creativity and generous spirit each state brings. I learn a lot about my fellow FCS educators when I see what their states take pride in showing us.
Donations are already coming in, but we will take in the bulk of the items in San Antonio. We will be available as soon as you arrive to receive your donations and get them set up for the auction. Check your program for auction times. I sneaked a peek at a draft of the agenda and this year, you’ll have several opportunities to bid.
Below are a couple of ideas that the committee came up with after last year’s auction. Steal these or come up with your own!
- Lottery Tree – decorate a branch or small tree with lottery scratch-offs – from your state or from Texas!
- Gift cards to JoAnn’s – maybe even a cut of fabric to get the creative juices flowing.
- Handmade items – knitted, crocheted, sewn, stitched, sculpted, welded, or built. Whatever your talent is, let us see it. Members love taking homemade gifts back home.
If you do not plan to be in San Antonio, find a colleague who plans to be there and send your donation. Email me at [email protected] if you would like a donation form for you or for a colleague.
And don’t forget to plan to shop at the auction. You might even leave a little room in your suitcase. It’s a great time to find unique gifts and the holidays will be just around the corner!
If you have any questions, let me know. Can’t wait to see you in Texas!

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Submitting Articles for the JNEAFCS Sarah Ransom (TN), Co-Editor for the JNEAFCS 
The Journal of the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (JNEAFCS) is an annual, refereed published journal. The Journal highlights the research, and projects of NEAFCS members. Submitting your article is easy and strongly encouraged! There are three categories you may submit an article in – Research, Best Practices or Implications for Extension. We also accept articles written for addressing Family and Consumer Science issues.
How do you get a manuscript ready for submission? Follow these steps:
- Manuscripts must include proper sixth Edition APA Formatting – including headings of Abstract, Introduction (not labeled), Objective/Purpose, Method, Results/Findings and Summary/Discussion. Detailed descriptions of each of these is listed on the website.
If you would like to submit a manuscripts, follow these steps:
- Submit manuscript electronically to Dana Wright, [email protected] and to [email protected] by April 15, 2018.
- Identify what category your manuscript best fits and attach two copies. One is “blind” (no identifying information) and the second that includes all identifying information
- At least one author must be a current member of NEAFCS. The lead author will be the one in correspondence with editors of the JNEAFCS.
So, what are you waiting for? Write your manuscript to share the great work or research you and your colleagues have been doing! The JNEAFCS uses a blind, peer-reviewed procedure to select the winning articles. We have a high acceptance rate, but you can increase your chances of acceptance by carefully following guidelines and getting some peers to review your articles before submitting.
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JCEP Leadership Conference Reflections Paragraphs Karen Munden (VA), President-Elect
Many Extension professionals believe the Joint Council of Extension Professions (JCEP) Leadership conference is only for individuals who hold leadership positions in their association. However, the conference is open to all Extension Professionals. JCEP Leadership conference is a great opportunity for professional development and networking with Extension Professionals across the country as many NEAFCS professionals learned during the recent JCEP Leadership conference in Orlando, Fl. Please read the testimonies below as well as the testimonies listed on the JCEP conference link here.
Attending my first JCEP conference was a very rewarding and educational experience. First and foremost, attending the conference gave me a broader understanding of the Extension system as a whole as well as exposure to various Extension organizations. As fairly new to the Extension field, I found this exposure to be invaluable as now I have a better understanding of the different working parts of the Extension system. Listening to speakers from various Extension organizations and backgrounds really expanded my understanding of what Extension does on a larger level. I found the keynote speaker to not only be engaging but also very informative. Information that I learned in his session will undoubtedly be helpful to me in my daily practice of Extension work – both with the clients I serve and Extension professionals I work with. Attending the concurrent sessions was interesting as I learned what Extension trends and issues are in other states and was able to apply what I was learning to my own Extension work. While attending sessions and learning from other Extension Educators throughout the country was no doubt helpful, the most rewarding experience of the conference for me was to attend the NEAFCS meetings. Connecting with my fellow FCS Educators throughout the country was priceless. I found it extremely helpful to make connections with and learn from other Extension agents and have undoubtedly made colleagues, and friends, for years to come. A very sincere thank you for allowing me this opportunity. - Karla Belzer, Illinois
As President-Elect, the Joint Council of Extension Professionals Conference was a great learning and networking experience like none other. This conference allowed me to understand in great deal about other extension professions and meet with professionals with various backgrounds related to extension. I thoroughly enjoyed obtaining updated information in regards to NIFA and the information provided via USDA on the new engagement issues report and the task force “dealing with rural America”. This report is a necessary read and especially for those who obtain funding through NIFA to get an understanding and become knowledgeable of the emerging issues that are taking place. Also, hearing the NIFA representative state how important it is that we report our programming efforts was a highlight to me. I am a strong believer of reporting programming efforts and documenting all success stories and testimonials. It is a reflection of our hard work and our state and federal representatives need that information in order to further enhance our program areas. The keynote speaker gave an amazing presentation on the power of understanding people. This presentation was very important for those in leadership roles and even those seeking to be in leadership positions. The survey that David Mitchell provided is a great tool to be used in any work setting. It allowed us to determine who we were and how to adjust to other people based on our score of style. The information provided can help individuals become a better leader when adjustments to different personalities can be made. Lastly, the NEAFCS meeting was very informative and productive. Being able to network with other Presidents and President-Elects really gave us all an opportunity to gather ideas and suggestions to help in our different state organizations. Also being able to outline issues for recruitment and retention allowed us to work together as a team in order to enhance our organization in an even more positive way in order to bring in more participants. Overall, this was an amazing conference and I am so grateful to be a part of such a great mix of extension professionals who are willing to guide and support one another into becoming effective leaders. - Brittney Seay, Louisiana
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Thank you for a wonderful year! NEAFCS National Office Staff
We can’t believe a year has already gone by, but what a great year it was. It has been a pleasure serving you as the new management company for NEAFCS. We have had some wonderful conversations with members that make us feel like we have been a part of this organization for many years. We appreciate the National Board and all the NEAFCS committee members for their support from the transition a year ago, to the work that is being done today. We look forward to a lifelong relationship with NEAFCS and serving each and every one of you! Cheers to many more years as your management company!
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Meet the Board: VP for Public Affairs Julie Garden Robinson (ND) 
Hello! I am enjoying my time on the NEAFCS Board serving as the Vice President for Public Affairs and getting to know so many of you through my work with the various subcommittees! Here’s a little bit about me.
I grew up in a small town in northwestern Minnesota, about 60 miles from Fargo, ND where I currently reside. I began my studies in biology and music at a Minnesota college but transferred to North Dakota State University (NDSU) as a junior in dietetics. I became a registered dietitian, finished a music minor and then a master’s degree in nutrition. I liked school so much that I kept going until I received a doctorate in cereal chemistry/biochemistry. I celebrated my Ph.D. by getting married on my graduation day. (I like being busy.)
I worked as a university instructor for three years before becoming a state Extension food and nutrition specialist at NDSU in 1997. As a member of the North Dakota affiliate, I have served as the Vice President for Public Affairs and I am finishing my two-year term as president. I spend lots of my time writing grants, working with grad students and undergrad interns, writing curricula and providing training and technical support in all aspects of nutrition, food safety, entrepreneurship and health. My job has lots of variety, which I really enjoy.
I have written a weekly column for 20 years, and it often has featured the antics of my family, which includes my husband, our three kids (ages 22, 19 and 14) and three dogs. I enjoy reading, cooking, baking and gardening. I have worked as a music coordinator for my church for 19 years.
I encourage you to stay (or become) actively involved in NEAFCS at the state and/or national level. I had no idea about the inner workings of the association until recently, and I have learned a lot and had fun in the process. I hope to see you in San Antonio in the Fall!
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