Table of Contents
President's Message
"In The Know" with the Professional Development Committee
Professional Development Committees
Professional Development for Diversity
2018 NEAFCS Impact Statements Are Released
Hats off to the 2018 Public Affairs Education Subcommittee Members
Planning for Hershey, PA
Plan NOW to attend a Pre-Conference Session at the National Annual Session
Meet the Board: Susan Routh, Vice President Awards and Recognition
Important Dates
JCEP Creative Excellence Award Open Deadline May 1, 2018
Journal of NEAFCS Submission Deadline April 15, 2018
NEAFCS 2018 Annual Session September, 24-27 San Antonio, TX
NEAFCS 2019 Annual Session Sept. 30 - Oct. 3, 2019
National Program Leaders at the PILD Conference. Sylvia Montgomery, Beverly Samuel, Jane Clary, Ahlishia Shipley, Lora Lee Howard.
Please add the following two emails to your "safe sender" or "white lists" to ensure you continue to receive emails from NEAFCS as we move to a new system.
[email protected]
[email protected]
For those of you accessing your email through a work email server, you may wish to share this information with your IT person and ask for their help in ensuring the email addresses are added to your safe sender lists.
National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Science 325 John Knox Rd. Suite L103 Tallahassee, FL 32303 (850) 205-5638 [email protected]
President's Message Lora Lee Frazier Howard (KY)
As I write this article, I’m thinking about our opportunity to tell the Family and Consumer Sciences story to our national leaders at PILD. We want and need to share FCS accomplishments with them. The impact statements that the public affairs committee has prepared will help you to tell our story on the hill. We need to share these success stories with county and state leaders as well. They are the leaders that know us personally, or know an individual our program has impacted. These leaders will be able to support extension at the local level.
Our association offers many opportunities to become an active member and we need “you.” What can you do to become an active member? …volunteer to help on a national committee or better yet, become a committee member. There will be a call for volunteers closer to the annual meeting . . . say “yes!” …attend JCEP or PILD, learn more about these leadership opportunities and learn more about our association. …submit to present a session or a poster at annual session. …run for an office either in your state or at the national level. …encourage new employees to become members of our association.
We offer many opportunities for leadership growth for all members. I encourage you to “step up” and take advantage of them. You won’t regret it.
The winners of last month’s icon were Katie Cullum (AR), Jane Mc Burney (NC), and Candace J. Heer (OH). Congratulations! Their names will be entered for the free registration to attend the 2018 Annual Session. Remember to look for the Texas star in this newsletter for your chance to be entered into the drawing. Email me the location at [email protected] . Good Luck!
Sincerely, Lora Lee
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IN the KNOW with the Professional Development Committee Karen Munden (VA), President-Elect
Karen DeZarn, Vice President Professional Development and her committees, have been busy working throughout the year. The Professional Development Committee consists of the Annual Session, Program Development and Webinar committees.
The Annual Session committee has been working with the Texas State Affiliate to ensure members have a fun-filled, educational experience during the 2018 Annual Session in San Antonio, TX. The committee has also started working with the Eastern Region for the 2019 Annual Session.
The Program Development Committee has reviewed and evaluated the 2017 Annual Session to assist with providing the most impactful 2018 Annual Session possible. The committee has also reviewed the proposals for the Concurrent Session and Showcase of Excellence.
The Webinar Committee has been soliciting members to conduct webinars and workshops during the Annual Session that would be beneficial for the membership. The Webinar Committee also invites Extension partners and sponsors to conduct webinars whose mission is similar to Family and Consumer Sciences’ mission. The major goals for the webinars are to provide members with professional presentation opportunities and valuable educational information.
Since you are now IN THE KNOW with the Professional Development Committee, I hope you’ll consider joining the committee to share your expertise and demonstrate your commitment to your professional association.
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Professional Development Committees Karen DeZarn (TX), Vice President Professional Development
The Webinar Subcommittee will be meeting mid-month to discuss the results from the Member Benefits Survey. These results will determine who we recruit for future webinars. Chair, Leslie Shallcross (AK) has been working hard to guide the reviews for upcoming webinars. This committee is looking for new members. Please notify me if you are interested.
The Program Development Subcommittee has been busy coordinating the review for the Concurrent Sessions and Showcase of Excellence presentations to be delivered at Annual Session. We had 153 proposals this year!! Thank you to all those that submitted. Chair Jami Dellifield (OH) and co-chair, Marcia Parcell (IN) are doing an excellent job recruiting reviewers and working with the Omni-Press team to help the process go smoothly. We have excellent program work being presented throughout the nation. If you helped review submissions for concurrent sessions or showcase of excellence, thank you for your time. It takes a team and NEAFCS proves we are that.
As your Vice President Professional Development, I would like to encourage you to make suggestions to me and the committees regarding annual session(s), webinars or any topic related to future professional development.
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Professional Development for Diversity Karim Martinez (NM), Diversity Sub-committee
Our society has changed significantly since the Cooperative Extension Service was created over a century ago. Understanding and embracing these changes will keep Extension at the forefront of serving our communities as we help address a wide range of social issues.
One way to increase our ability to reach diverse audiences is by participating in professional development opportunities. On February 15-16, 2018, I attended the 14th Annual National Land-Grant Diversity Conference formerly known as the Tri-State Diversity Conference It was hosted by five Land-Grant Universities from Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio. The goal of the conference was to learn more about ourselves and others, to network, to link resources, and to integrate diversity into programs, policies and practices for creating community well-being.
I met so many amazing Extension professionals working on diversity issues and I attended a variety of informative sessions. A few examples of topics were organizational cultural competency, connecting LGBTQ youth to Extension programs, and strategies to address stereotyping. I highly recommend this conference to anyone interested in learning more about diversity in Extension. The 2019 conference will be held February 6-8, 2019 at the Cincinnati Airport Marriot in Hebron, KY. Hope to see you there!
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2018 NEAFCS Impact Statements Are Released Julie Garden-Robinson (ND), Vice President Public Affairs
The 2018 NEAFCS Impact Statements are ready for your use. Please visit and click on the “Public Affairs” tab to view the impacts.
This year, members from 38 affiliates provided 268 on-line data submissions. Compared with last year, one less affiliate submitted an impact; however, we saw 16 additional data submissions. NEAFCS IMPACT 2018 in nine subject areas can be used in many ways, such as during Living Well Month activities and educational visits with state and local elected officials and stakeholders throughout the year. Thanks to all the contributors, content editors, Public Affairs subcommittee members, affiliate leadership and NEAFCS Board members who promoted and supported this project.
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Hats off to the 2018 Public Affairs Education Subcommittee Members Julie Garden-Robinson (ND), Vice President Public Affairs
Special thanks to a dedicated group of NEAFCS members who sorted through dozens of submissions to select the impacts to share with legislators and other decision makers nationwide. They made my job as the final editor much easier.
- Felice Acker, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
- Julie Buck, University of Idaho Extension
- Karen Ensle, Rutgers Extension
- Shauna Henley, University of Maryland Extension
- Glenda Hyde, Oregon State University Extension
- Sonya McDaniel, Oklahoma State University Extension
- Becky Smith, West Virginia University Extension Service
- Rebecca Stackhouse, University of Georgia Extension
- Mary Liz Wright, University of Illinois Extension
Finally, keep up the good work, affiliates! We look forward to sharing even more impacts next year.
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Planning for Hershey, PA Diane Whitten (NY), Eastern Region Director
Members from the Eastern Region are stepping up to the plate to plan the NEAFCS 2019 Annual Session in Hershey, PA, September 30-October 3. This Annual Session will be the first time a NEAFCS Region is taking leadership, rather than an individual state, so we’re fearlessly forging new territory. With leadership from Elizabeth Lane, Conference Planner at our national office, we have already established committees.
Patricia Pawley, Pennsylvania life member, is chairing the Welcome Event; Lisa Fishman, Maine, is chairing the Hospitality committee; Daryl Minch, New Jersey, is chairing the Keynote/Capnote committee; Denise Continenza, Pennsylvania, is chairing the Leadership Event committee; Theresa Mayhew, New York, is chairing the In-Depth Session committee; and Denyse Variano, New York life member, and I are co-chairing the Preconference committee.
I’m super proud of all the Eastern Region Affiliate members, and especially life members, who have jumped right in to help plan this conference. It’s obvious that NEAFCS members have special skills and experience with event planning, so nothing intimidates us! Of course, committees need members, and while we have other members not mentioned who are on committees or who have volunteered in other ways, we still need more Eastern Region members to help. Truly, MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK.
Pennsylvania is rich in history, including Valley Forge, so join us as we forge new territory with our historic 2019 Annual Session planning. If you’re interested in helping plan the 2019 AS, or can help in any way at the conference, email Elizabeth Lane, [email protected], and she’ll put you on the contact list.
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Plan NOW to attend a Pre-Conference Session at the National Annual Session Linda Wells (TX), Co-Liaison 2018 Annual Session
YOU have three choices to select a PRE-CONFERENCE that will be engaging, interactive and life changing! All three pre-conferences will be held from 8:30-11:30 a.m. on Monday, September 24, 2018 during the NEAFCS Annual Session at the Marriott Rivercenter Hotel in San Antonio, Texas.
1. Forget Your Number Examine your own beliefs about aging; Explore a model for understanding the aging process which includes both loss and opportunity; Examine environmental obstacles related to aging and explore strategies for overcoming them; Describe access, environment, genetics and lifestyle as domains for wellness, and Identify resources to support aging in communities.
Presenters: Andrew Crocker, MS, Sarah Kirby, PhD, Debra Sellers, PhD
2. Health for ALL: Addressing Diversity in Cooperative Extension Describe health equity and its relevance to Cooperative Extension Discuss trends in United States demographics Demonstrate practical skills to increase cultural competency
Goals: To inform the audience on basic principles of cultural competency and demonstrate real-world applications of cultural competency in health education programming and/or Extension outreach.
Presenter: Ninfa Pena-Purcell, PhD
3. Disasters Happen: How the Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) Can Help FCS Programs Make An Impact With Emergency Preparedness Programming From Preparation To Recovery
Increase awareness of emergency preparedness as a FCS program area; Learn what roles Extension can fill in emergency preparedness and recovery programming; Learn of available emergency preparedness programming resources
Presenters: Rick Griffiths, M.ED, Monty Dozier, PhD, Noel M. Estwick, PhD; Abby Hostetler, Elizabeth Kiss, PhD, Joyce McGarry, M.S.
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Meet the Board: Susan Routh, Vice President Awards and Recognition Susan Routh (OK), Vice President Awards and Recognition
Meet Susan Routh, NEAFCS Vice President for Awards and Recognition! Susan Routh is the Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Extension Educator in Grady County, Oklahoma. She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Oklahoma State University. She previously served in the Texas AgriLife Extension Service in Johnson County, Texas, as a 4-H educator. Susan has been with the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service for thirteen years. Her FCS programs specialize in family financial management, parenting education, and health education. Susan collaborates with three FCS Educators and the District Attorney’s office, which serves a four-county area, to provide a financial management program that targets bogus check offenders.
Susan and her husband, Brian, reside in Tuttle, Oklahoma, and are active in church and community organizations. Her son, Dylan, and daughter, Rebekah, are students at Oklahoma State University.
As a member of the Oklahoma affiliate, Susan has served in state offices and committees. Serving as the Vice President for Awards and Recognition has been a great honor. She believes that the awards program is one of the greatest member benefits that NEAFCS offers its members.
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