President's Message Roxie Price (GA), President
What a great conference! I would personally like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of this event! It honestly takes dedicated members, working in teams, to make it happen.
The honor to serve you as President this year is truly humbling. One of the wonderful aspects of serving on the national board is seeing the big picture and watching all the wheels turn in sync. I hope you always remember that we are in this together, to lift members to their highest potential and to be lifted to ours, through professional and personal development. I encourage you to seek out national, and state opportunities that will help you achieve your highest potential. Just one member encouraging another can elevate life for us all. Thank you NEAFCS members for all you do for each other and our association.
The following are a few of my goals for this year. Organize efforts to
1. combine evaluative data from multiple states as a resource for members.
2. implement a formal NEAFCS mentoring program.
3. implement a NEAFCS Annual Session poster judging process.
If you are interested in being a part of these efforts, please let your state affiliate President know. They will pass your information along to the NEAFCS Regional Directors. Here is the link to your 2019-2020 NEAFCS Board to help you understand the path your voice will travel.
A very easy way for FCS professionals to show their collective voice is to participate in AAFCS “Dining In” day on December 3, 2019. I challenge members to think back to the NEAFCS conference in San Antonio when our speaker, Kristin Schell, taught us about being a good neighbor through The Turquoise Table. Post your pictures to our NEAFCS Facebook and Instagram of people Dining In to promote good family relationships and health as we celebrate FCS day. Who knows, you may even see a picture of my turquoise table. Will I see your table? Click here to pledge your support.
As in previous years, there is a hidden icon in the newsletter. You will recognize the icon as it pertains to the NEAFCS 2020 Annual Session. The first 5 people to email me with the location of the icon, and a tip on how to enhance this newsletter, will be entered into a drawing for a free registration to the 2020 NEAFCS Annual Session in Snowbird, Utah.
Roxie Price
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Now is the Time! Barb Wollan (IA), Treasurer
Happy November! The closing of another year means many things, but one of those is that NOW is the time to renew your NEAFCS membership for 2020! You don't want to miss out on any of the benefits of NEAFCS membership, and you certainly want to be eligible for awards next year, so put this on your priority to-do list for November, rather than leaving it till the last minute.
Your affiliate treasurer must send all renewal payments to the national office no later than December 31. Chances are your treasurer doesn't want to leave it till the last minute, and will be grateful if you are speedy. Here's what you need to do:
- Log in to with your member user name and password; select the Member Resources tab and then choose "Dues Renewal."
- Update your profile information if needed, and then print the confirmation page.
- Mail it, along with your dues payment to your affiliate treasurer. Do it soon!
NOTE: National dues are $100; your affiliate may have dues as well, so be sure to check on that before sending your payment.
Membership (for renewals and new members) can come in at any time of the year, but getting them in on time maximizes your opportunities and helps the organization at both the state and national levels. We appreciate your continued involvement and we know you will too!
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2019 Friend of NEAFCS and 2019 NEAFCS Hall of Fame Karen Munden (VA), Immediate Past-President
The Friend of NEAFCS Award is the highest honor bestowed by NEAFCS. This prestigious award is a recognition of an individual or organization who has made significant contributions to Extension Family and Consumer Science education programs. Our 2019 Friend of NEAFCS recipient is Syble Solomon, the founder of LifeWise Strategies and the creator of Money Habitudes. Money Habitudes is a personality tool used to identify psychology aspects of financial literary. LifeWise Strategies has been a Partner Member with NEAFCS, as well as an exhibitor at the Annual Session. Click here to read Syble's full bio.
This year NEAFCS established a new recognition entitled, the NEAFCS Hall of Fame. This honor was to recognize outstanding members who have contributed their time, talent and/or treasure to the NEAFCS. These members have demonstrated their commitment, dedication and effective leadership and involvement in NEAFCS. Our 2019 honorees are Nettie Ruth Brown, Genevieve Harris, Ruth C. Jackson, and Dr. Jan F. Scholl.
The following information will provide you with a tiny glance of noteworthy contribution these ladies have contributed to NEAFCS. Dr. Jan Scholl has been tireless in locating the history and promoting the research of the Extension Family and Consumer Sciences profession. Dr. Scholl has created Extension archival collections at her University and National Agricultural libraries. She has also served as her State Affiliate Vice President and President. This is only a very small noteworthy mention her many contributions to NEAFCS over the years. In 1998 Ruth Jackson started a program called Extension Connection designed to increase knowledge and skills for people in a workforce program at a local Community Center. This program used multiple Extension educational programs from NEAFCS sessions to increase and enhance the basic ability of families, for them to work in their communities, in the work force, and give to society in a productive way. This program was featured in the UA College of Agriculture’s, Impacts, under the title Project S.T.R.I.D.E. Genevieve Harris served as the National President in 1976. Mrs. Harris was very active in Public Affairs. She served on the Extension Committee, on Organization and Policy (ECOP) subcommittee and was the chairperson in 1980. Nettie Ruth Brown served as the National President in 1975. Prior to serving as the National President, she served as her State Affiliate President. Although Ms. Brown and Ms. Harris are 90 plus years old, they continue to participate in Annual Session, show their support of NEAFCS, and provide insight and wisdom about NEAFCS for all.
Click here to view the full bios of the year's recipients.
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JCEP Extension Leadership Scholarship Dianne Gertson (TX), President-Elect
One of the primary goals of NEAFCS is to develop leadership skills in our members. With that goal in mind, the NEAFCS Board of Directors established the JCEP Extension Leadership Conference Scholarship to encourage attendance by Affiliate Presidents, President-elects or other emerging leaders.
Recognizing that many of our Affiliates do not have the resources to send a representative to the JCEP Extension Leadership Conference, the NEAFCS Board of Directors is offering scholarships to subsidize the cost of attendance. Please click here to view the JCEP Extension Leadership Conference Scholarship guidelines and application.
Scholarships will be offered on a first come, first serve basis with preference given to first time attendees who complete the application by December 15. After this date, scholarships will be awarded based on date received. A total of 35 scholarships are available for 2020 with only one (1) being awarded per Affiliate.
If you have questions or would like more information on the scholarship, please contact NEAFCS President-Elect, Dianne Gertson ([email protected]). For more information on JCEP and the JCEP Extension Leadership Conference visit
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Awards and Recognition News Julie Garden-Robinson (ND), Vice President for Awards and Recognition
Hello! I am happy to follow in Susan Routh’s footsteps as the Vice President for Awards and Recognition. Congratulations again to all 2019 applicants and recipients! As I learned from my previous role as Vice President for Public Affairs, you do amazing work!
I will be sharing some news from our awards and recognition subcommittees in the coming months, as we prepare for our upcoming recognition program. If you have input for me, please send me a note at [email protected].
Are you following NEAFCS on Facebook and Twitter? Visit and @Tweet_NEAFCS. We are highlighting national award recipients this Fall/Winter, so be sure to “like” and share the content!
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Wow, How Did You Do That? Angela Hinkle, Awards and Recognition Training Subcommittee
There is a time to be humble…but now is not that time. Give yourself credit. Did you have an impactful program that helped to positively change lives in 2019? I am guessing you did. It is what we do in Extension.
NEAFCS 2020 Awards open for applications December 1 and the 2020 Awards Manual will be posted on November 15 to the NEAFCS website.
Why should you apply for awards? Sharing your award-winning approaches and techniques helps other agents by sparking their interest in accomplished programs and giving them a basic how-to template for program success. Awards are a fabulous way to get recognized by your peers and are tremendously helpful in getting promoted. When you submit an award application, you’re answering the important questions, “Who did I help this year?” and “Why and how?”
The time to consider applying for awards is now. Do it for yourself. Do it for your team. Do it for all those who can continue to be affected by your great work. Apply for awards so people will know how you did that! If you have questions, please contact your affiliate Vice President for Awards and Recognition.
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A New Member Resource Subcommittee, Mentoring and Leadership Cindy Schlenker Davies (NM), Vice President for Member Resources
During the committee meetings at Annual Session a new Member Resource subcommittee was formed.
Mentoring and Leadership will focus on a mentorship program for NEAFCS members and building leadership skills. Membership and Life Members subcommittee will focus on NEAFCS membership and the best way to serve our active, student and life members.
Lori Hayungs from Iowa is the chair of the new subcommittee Mentoring and Leadership.
If you are interested in having a mentor or being a mentee, we want you too!
Stay tuned for more information coming in early 2020.
To join one of these two subcommittee or any other, please visit our NEAFCS website. You will need to log into the website to fill out the form to choose which subcommittee(s) you wish to sign up for. Your form will be processed and you will be added to the subcommittee(s) you selected. Once added to the subcommittee, you will receive all future correspondence and be able to send messages to the committee.
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Elevate your Colleagues by Sharing your Success: Present at Snowbird, UT Jayne McBurney (NC), Vice President for Professional Development
After teaching a program and seeing results from your hard work, do you feel like you are on top of the world? Do you Experience Life Elevated? Share that feeling with your colleagues by presenting a concurrent session, Ignite session, or Showcase of Excellence poster at Snowbird, Utah!
On December 1, the Request for Proposal Submission site will be available! You have until January 31, 2020, to input your submission for a session for the Annual Session in Snowbird, UT. Your submission will be reviewed by your peers following a specific rubric of criteria.
Want to assure a great proposal? Watch for the “Writing a Winning Proposal” Webinar in early December. Plan now to learn great tips for putting together a great proposal that will be selected for presentation.
Presenting at a National Meeting is a great way to develop your professional portfolio and elevate your career. Our process is a blind review, thereby giving strength and validity to the system that is used to evaluate your submission. Through the sharing of your program success and expertise, your colleagues learn and become motivated to expand their programming further.
Plan now to elevate your colleagues and write a winning proposal!!!
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What is “Implicit Bias” and why does it matter? Glenn Sturm (VA), Diversity Subcommittee
An implicit bias is an unconscious association that causes us to have feeling and attitudes about people based on things like race, age, appearance, and ethnicity. Implicit biases can be favorable or unfavorable, and most importantly, they exist without any awareness or intent. These biases often develop throughout a lifetime, starting at a young age, and continuing to develop through relationships with our families, social circles, media exposure, and other life experiences. First and foremost, does having implicit biases make you a bad person? Absolutely not! While we may not realize it (and we may not want to acknowledge it), virtually all of us have at least some implicit biases, having either preferences or subconscious negative views for people based on certain characteristics. However, if these implicit biases go unacknowledged, they can lead to unintentional unfair or unequal treatment of other individuals. So, what can we do? The first step is to try and unravel what unconscious biases we may have. This can be a particularly uncomfortable experience, but remember, growth in anything is virtually impossible if you remain in your comfort zone! One possible option to look into our own implicit biases is through Project Implicit, an online project by Harvard University. From there, we can double check that any decisions we make and views we develop of others is based on objective measurements and ensure that our subconscious biases are not guiding our evaluation of that person. It is important that we not allow our personal biases to get in the way of how we treat our co-workers, clients or community!
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Cooperative Extension Senior Ambassadors Promote Diversity Mary L. Blackburn (CA), Diversity Subcommittee
Cooperative Extension research in twenty-one senior sites found up to forty percent living with multiple nutrition and lifestyle related chronic diseases affecting quality of life. Many elders have low literacy and language needs -- limiting their capacity to acquire and use healthful information (Blackburn, 2010, 2014). Research also show elders may accept advice and support more readily from other seniors with similar life experiences.
About 10,598 low income and affordable senior housing units are in Alameda County and the number is rising. Cooperative Extension trains Wellness Ambassadors to promote quality of life activities in senior housing. The initiative promotes nutrition and wellness education, food safety, gardening in plots and containers, and social interaction using a senior sensitive user-friendly approach with pre and post evaluations. Fundamental to the senior friendly approach is using ambassadors to increase communication to learn from each other, motivate participation, and to help reduce isolation.
One ambassador highlights the value of ambassadors to promote diversity. Language barriers limited interaction of skilled gardeners in her housing complex with other seniors who wanted to learn how to garden. She recruited translators to facilitate communication and building relationships with monolingual gardeners. Most residents do not own cars-- she reserved buses to take seniors on visits to community gardens to see how things grow. She promotes a culture of wellness through gardening, education, and multi-cultural friendships. Seventy Ambassadors in seven complexes housing624 seniors, promote nutrition, wellness, social interaction, and physical activities to improve the quality of life of their neighbors.
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Greetings from the Journal of NEAFCS! Meagan Brothers (IN), Journal Editorial Subcommittee
It was wonderful to see and hear about all the amazing work you are doing in your states to make our communities better at the 2019 Annual Session. Seeing smiles and excitement in your eyes as you share about your programming successes makes me realize that I am not the only one who loves what I do! Consider sharing your joy by submitting an article to the peer-reviewed Journal of NEAFCS for the 2020 publication. We also need peer reviewers – what a great way to read about and provide feedback for those who submit articles. All the information you need to know is located on the website. You can also check out past Journals. Be on the lookout for the 2019 publication! Contact Co-editors Dana Wright or Ashley Dixon with any questions.
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85th Shout Out to Arizona Affiliate Debby Mathews (AL), 85th Anniversary Committee Member
Several affiliates displayed imagination as we celebrated our 85th anniversary. Each month this year we will shine a spotlight on these affiliates. Arizona steps into the spotlight first with highlights from their 85th anniversary report.
We had a retirement party for Darcy Dixon, an FCHS agent who had served more than 35 years with Arizona Extension. As a parting gift, we created a decorative poster listing 85 ways Darcy Dixon impacted Arizona Extension.
We highlighted the 85 years by collecting 85 ways one of our most senior agents contributed to Extension. Darcy has a long history with extension and her contributions have given us all perspective on the evolution of Family and Consumer sciences over the decades. This exercise helped many of the newer agents experience this valuable story telling.
University of Arizona Cooperative Extension in Pinal County worked with the Board of Supervisors in their county to make October “Extension Month.” This is a special way to honor Extension’s impact on the county there during this special 85th anniversary.
Arizona Affiliate president Debbie Curley says I think this was a great idea (to celebrate our 85th). The more we learn about our past, the more we can contribute to our future.
Great job, Arizona! Up next: Arkansas.
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Parting Thoughts from Your Annual Session 2019 Hershey Tri-Liaisons Denise Continenza (PA), Lynn James (PA) & Theresa Mayhew (NY)
We’d like to thank everyone that made this year’s Annual Session in Hershey, PA, so successful – and, yes, -- sweet! That includes all the First Timers, regular members, LIFE members, retirees, speakers, vendors, and guests. We would especially like to thank our management company and NEAFCS Board for all their hard work and guidance to us these past two years. From the terrific pre-conference offerings to our keynote speaker, Dr. Karl Pillemer; to our capnote speaker, Dr. Ann Albright, and our grand finale awards banquet, it was a jam-packed week that included: a super sweet welcome event at Chocolate World, interesting in-depths, fast-paced ignites, dynamic Leadership Event, informative concurrent sessions, helpful committee meetings, supportive exhibitors, talented Marketplace artisans and more!
Our profound thanks to everyone who attended, to those who worked behind the scenes to make everything go smoothly, and to those who contributed products or services, we could not have done this without you. We’d also like to extend a big thanks to our Eastern Region colleagues. NEAFCS is at its best when it capitalizes on the sum of its parts. In the words of Milton S. Hershey – “Give them quality. That’s the best kind of advertising.” It was an honor and privilege to work on this year’s Annual Session.
We wish the very best to our Western Region colleagues as they gear up for Annual Session 2020 at Snowbird, UT!
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2019 Silent Auction, Hershey PA Tonya Johnson (OR), 2019 Silent Auction Committee Chair
Thanks to YOUR incredible generosity and creativity, the 2019 silent auction was filled to the brim with lots of beautiful items. From colorful quilted wall hangings to sterling jewelry to hand carved measuring spoons there was something for everyone. That shone through as members continually perused the auction items, making bids, and creating some friendly competition. Check out the following results:
- Total Amount Raised: $4445
- Number of Items Donated: 171
- Number of Affiliates that Donated Items: 34
- Number of Corporate Exhibitors that Donated Items: 3
To each and every one – THANK YOU for your support! And, a very special thank you to our committee volunteers who put tireless time and effort into collecting, logging, laying out, promoting, packaging, and disseminating the silent auction items. Together, they contributed more than 200 hours to make the silent auction a success -- I am so very grateful. Well done team: Liz McBee and her Oklahoma friends, Melissa Wyatt, Melissa Rupp, Cheryl Spires, Patrice Powers-Barker, Terry Serio, Mary Ellen Flemming, Karen Jones, Carol Miller, Jane Newton, Amy Ressler, Nancy Stehulak, Michelle Treber, Barbara Woods, Mary Liz Wright, Vicki Wynn, Susan Routh, and our AMAZING Will Ferguson!
We look forward to an ever bigger and better Silent Auction in 2020. The new Chair, Melissa Wyatt, is already planning some exciting things, including some new donation and bidding techniques. Stay tuned … it’s going to be a great year!
Thank you for your continued support!
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