National Nominating Committee
Chaired by the NEAFCS Immediate Past President, this committee is composed of two members elected yearly from each of the four regions at the Regional Business Meetings. The Chair serves as a non-voting member except in the case of a tie. The National Nominating Committee is responsible for:
- selecting a slate of officers for National Officers and Regional Directors
- presenting slate to the voting delegates
Nominating Committee 2023-2024 Chair: Julie Garden-Robinson |
Central Region Beverly Doll, Wisconsin Kate Shumaker, Ohio Kyleigh Brown, Missouri (Alternate)
Eastern Region Gwen Crum, West Virginia Hannah Fincham, West Virginia
Southern Region Ines Beltran, Georgia Rhea Bentley, South Carolina Lorrie Coop, Texas (Alternate)
Western Region Hope Wilson, Arizona Abby Weber, Colorado