Download a PDF of the full newsletter by clicking here.


December 2021

Important Dates

Impact Statements Portal Open
December 1, 2021 - February 1, 2022

Annual Session 2022 Call for Proposals Portal Open
Dec 1, 2021 - January 31, 2022

Awards Portal Open
December 1, 2021 - March 15, 2022

JCEP ELC Scholarship Portal Open
Please contact your Affiliate President

PILD First Timer Scholarship Open
December 15, 2021 
Contact your Affiliate President

Membership Dues 
December 31, 2021

2022 Grants for Innovative Projects 
Deadline: January 31, 2022

NEAFCS 2022 Annual Session
September 12 - 15, 2022
Marriott City Center & Sheraton
Raleigh, NC

FCS Extension in the News:

May 2021 Washington Post Article
June 2021 UF/IFAS Article

July 2021 Washington Post Article
August 2021 Madison County (FL)
December 2021 - Texas AgriLife Extension Represents on National Family and Consumer Sciences Board

Have Member News to share? Fill out the online form: 

Click image to enlarge

The IT community at UF/IFAS is trying to learn more about the usage of Microsoft Teams in Extension at the national level. Please take a few moments and fill out their survey here: 

President's Message
Susan Routh (OK), NEAFCS President

Please click the image above or visit https://youtu.be/wuWxcZvTkr8 to watch this month’s President’s Message.

We are excited to announce that we will again be running the Newsletter Icon Contest for the 2022 NEAFCS Annual Session! To participate, locate the special icon (Wright Brothers airplane) in each issue of the NEAFCS Network newsletter starting this month and running through the 2022 Annual Session. Each time you find it, email President Susan Routh at [email protected] and tell her where you found (what article) the icon. If you are one of the first 5 to email her, your name will go into a drawing to win a free registration to the 2022 Annual Session.

Special Announcement: As we informed the membership in November, the candidate for Vice President for Public Affairs position pulled their application for consideration prior to the election. At that time, there were no eligible candidates for this position.  Your National Nominating Committee went back to work and we are pleased to announce that per Bylaws, the vacant position was approved by the National Board to be filled by Jennifer Bridge from Kentucky. Jennifer, thank you for stepping into this role immediately and we look forward to your leadership. 


What YOU Need to Know NOW in NEAFCS!
National Office Staff

This new feature of the newsletter will highlight current reminders of member benefits, programs, and approaching deadlines to keep you in the know. 

  • December 1, 2021 - Affiliate Annual Reports Due
  • December 24 – January 2 the National Office will be closed for the holidays
  • January 31, 2022 - Annual Session Call for Proposal Portal Closes
  • January 31, 2022 - Endowment Grant Deadline
  • February 1, 2022 - Impact Statements Due
  • March 15, 2022 – National Awards Submission deadline (Affiliate Deadline for submission may be earlier – check with your Awards VP)

2021 NEAFCS Hall of Fame and Friend of NEAFCS Honorees

Susan Routh (OK), NEAFCS President

During the 2021 Annual Session, NEAFCS honored three NEAFCS members by inducting them into the NEAFCS Hall of Fame.  The NEAFCS Hall of Fame was established to recognize outstanding members who have contributed their time, talent and/or treasure to NEAFCS.  The nominees have demonstrated their commitment, dedication and effective leadership and involvement in NEAFCS at the state, regional and/or national level. Read More

Celebrating Ellen Swallow Richards - Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Day
Christine Kniep (WI), NEAFCS Historian

Since 2014, December 3rd has been known as “FCS or Dining In” day – recognizing the birthday of Ellen Swallow Richards, a “Pioneer in the home economics movement” and founder of AAFCS.  While many people commit to “dining in” on this day, many are unaware of who Ellen Swallow Richards is and why she is honored. Read More  

Don't Forget to Renew Your Membership!
Glenn Sturm (VA), NEAFCS Treasurer 

While everyone is getting ready to settle in for the holidays, we just wanted to send you a quick reminder to be sure you have renewed your membership! In addition to sending your dues to your affiliate treasurer (or the designated person to send association dues to in your state), be sure to complete the online renewal form.  Read More 

Keith D. Harris, PhD, National Program Leader, Acting Division Director, USDA NIFA, Kansas City, MO 

The Division of Family and Consumer Sciences at NIFA is growing! We have added four new National Program Leaders to our division that all bring unique and important experiences and expertise. We gladly welcome Drs. Brenda Martin, Ashley Mueller, Sarah Rocker, and Ahlishia Shipley. We look forward to them getting to know you all further!  Read More

Awards Season is Upon Us!
Samantha Kennedy (FL), NEAFCS Vice President for Awards and Recognition

We just wrapped up another terrific year by learning from each other and celebrating our colleagues’ accomplishments at the 2021 virtual NEAFCS conference, and that means only one thing: Awards season is once again upon us! I encourage all of you to set aside some time to review all our available awards, which can be found here: https://neafcs.memberclicks.net/assets/awards/2022-awards/2022-Awards-Manual.pdf. The handbook is a great resource for learning about the requirements for each award as well as the criteria upon which they are judged.  Read More

Calling All Potential Retirees in 2022 - Join NEAFCS Life Members!!
Michelle Wright (TX), NEAFCS Vice President for Member Resources 

If you are contemplating retiring in 2022, NEAFCS Life Members would love to have you join their nationwide network of educational professionals.  NEAFCS has so much to offer Life Members and I to encourage all possible 2022 retirees to join! If you can answer yes to the following, you can be a Life Member!   Read More

See You Next Year in Raleigh, North Carolina!
Alyssa Anderson (NC), NEAFCS Annual Session Planning Committee Tri-liaison

Hello from North Carolina! I am Alyssa Anderson and am serving as a tri-liaison for the NEAFCS 2022 Annual Session planning committee. It is with great honor that I invite you to attend the NEAFCS Annual Session, September 12-15, in Raleigh, North Carolina. Join us as we “Take Flight, Reach New Heights.”    Read More 

Using Storytelling to Enhance Diversity
Rozalia Horvath (PA), NEAFCS Diversity Committee

Today, companies embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion, but might only focus on visible traits like age, gender, race, and ethnicity. Differences in socioeconomic and marital status, ability, and sexual orientation are also group strengthening attributes. But even the most diverse workplace does not automatically imply inclusion.  Read More 

It Can Get Crowded at the Top of Awards
John Fuller (MO), NEAFCS Awards and Recognition Training Committee

Awards are being submitted.  This is a great time to look at all the options for your award.  Some categories get really crowded. Read More 

Hit Submit! It's Proposal Time!
Pat Brinkman (OH), NEAFCS Vice President for Professional Development

The proposal system is open and ready for you to submit a Concurrent session and/or Showcase of Excellence proposal for the 2022 Annual Session in Raleigh, NC next September.  The system opened on December 1.  Program subcommittee co-chairs, Karla Belzer and Amy Bartels, hosted a webinar on how to fill out a proposal for the 2022 Annual Session on December 8. Read More 

Southern Region Update
Keishon Thomas (GA), NEAFCS Southern Region Director

Hello NEAFCS Family! As the new Southern Region Director, I have been learning new things (read getting my footing) and getting to know the NEAFCS Board Members. I am honored to serve in this role for the next two years as I wholeheartedly believe in the importance of the work that FACS Extension professionals conduct.  Read More 

Western Region Update
Rick Griffiths (NM), NEAFCS Western Region Director

Position opening in California: California is recruiting to replace a Statewide Program Leader and two NFCS Community Nutrition and Health Positions. Additionally, at least four replacements NFCS positions are proposed by County Directors for the December 2021 Call for Position Proposals. There is also one new position is proposed in the Call for position proposals to address Older American issues. For more information contact Dr Mary Blackburn, [email protected]

Future issues of the NEAFCS Network will include recognition of members who have passed. If you would like to report the death of a NEAFCS member, please click here. 

Click the names below to view obituary (if available):

Darsene Baggett (NJ) – Life Member 

Jeanette Hauschild (MN) – Life Member
Jeannette served as the Extension Agent in Lincoln County for many years and as a 4-H Agent earlier in her career. Jeanette was very dedicated to her Extension work. She was innovative and worked to address the needs of her clientele.



Patsilu Reeves (MS) – Life Member
Retired Mississippi State University Extension and Faculty Member-Lifetime Member of Mississippi Extension Association-Family and Consumer Science  

Anastasia Saunders (TN) – Active Member
Anastasia was part of the Leadership/Mentorship program with NEAFCS in 2021.