Other News & Articles
2013 NEAFCS Awards - NOW is the time to apply!!
The on-line awards application will be available this week (watch for the official announcement!), but now is a great time to get your packet of information ready so that you will be ready to submit it when the application is available, and you will be able to have it to your affiliate VP of Awards before your state deadline. All of the 2013 awards materials are on the web site, so you can take the time to read though the Awards manual and see just which awards you might want to consider submitting an application for. Be sure to check out all of the extra awards pieces available that will help you in the application process.
Only a few hundred “Living Well -- More Than a Cookbook” Books Left
NEAFCS is excited to invite you to apply for a CIP grant that will enable you to use the Living Well -- More Than a Cookbook book for your FCS educational needs. This grant will be offered in an unlimited number for a program or programs in the upcoming year. The grant will provide Living Well cookbooks that can be used as part of a instructional (teaching) program at a minimal cost to the NEAFCS member or team.
FIRE SALE!! Beat the Black Friday and Cyber Monday Rush!!
Are you in need of some additional funds for your local affiliate? There are still “Living Well – More than a Cookbook” books available for- profit. The terms are different from the grant, each case is $70.00 to cover some additional costs and shipping/handling fees. Because this is a for-profit gain, we will only sale full cases.
New Professional Development Opportunities Joyce Shriner (OH)
Are you planning to include some professional development in your 2013 plan of work? Concerned that your budget will not support attendance at an out-of-state conference? Perhaps you’re interested in expanding your overall knowledge. Consider enrolling in the Khan Academy – a free online education provider.
Time to Renew Your Membership
It is time to renew your membership, the deadline for national dues to arrive at the NEAFCS national office is no later than December 1, 2012. Members are reminded to renew their membership online and pay annual dues via their Affiliate Treasurer ( your state may have state and/or district dues also) in order to meet the deadline.
Journal Manuscripts Due for Celebrating the Centennial of the Smith-Lever Act Jan Scholl (PA)
In 2014, we will be celebrating the centennial of the Smith-Lever Act that established federal funding for Cooperative Extension Programs. The Journal of the American Home Economics Association is planning a special issue to “tell the past, present and future of FCS Extension.”
NEAFCS Endowment Half Way to Goal! Sharon Hoelscher Day (AZ)
A special thanks goes to all members who are already NEAFCS Endowment donors! You have put us on the right track, so we are about half way to our goal of $300,000. Only the interest will be used for special projects, depending how gifts are designated. Thanks to all our new donors during our 2012 NEAFCS Annual Session in Columbus.
2012 Silent Auction Lisa Treiber (MI), Chair, Awards Sponsorship and Support Sub-committee
The 2012 Silent Auction was a popular event at this year’s Annual Session in Columbus, OH. Thank you to everyone who donated items, joined in the bidding process, and volunteered their efforts to make the Silent Auction a great success!
Announcing Galaxy IV Presentation Abstract Submission Sonja Koukel, Ph.D. (NM), VP for Professional Development
If you are interested in giving a presentation at Galaxy IV next September in Pittsburgh then this message is for you.
JCEP (Joint Council of Extension Professionals) invites you to submit an abstract to present at the 2013 Galaxy IV Conference, held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania September 16-20, 2013. The meeting theme is “Bridging the Centuries- A New Era for Extension."
Meet Your Board Member Maudie Kelly (MO), Vice President of Awards & Recognition
I am beginning my second year as NEAFCS VP of Awards & Recognition. What a learning experience this last year has been! I have met so many wonderful, caring board members and other members of this great organization. I joined NEAFCS in February 1998, attended my first annual conference in North Carolina that fall and have only missed one since then (due to knee surgery).
Meet Your Board Member Rhea Bentley (GA), Secretary
Rhea Bentley has been employed with the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension for over 12 years. She is a County Extension Agent in Muscogee County where she supervises the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program.
President's Message
Carol Chandler (OH), 2012-2013 NEAFCS President
Since our last edition of eNews, many of our members have been dealing with challenging weather related issues. We know that some areas will be dealing with the aftermath of the storms for a very long time. We are grateful that as far as we know, our Extension colleagues along the east coast are unhurt and will be busy helping others recover as they make efforts to recover themselves. Know that we are thinking of all of you.
Halloween 2012 has passed and the countdown to the December holidays is on. It is difficult to believe how quickly 2012 has gone by. Don’t let the next year in our association go by without doing something new to get involved in the organization or re-committing to something that you have enjoyed about association work in the past.
Have you ever served on a national committee? Many committees don’t require attendance at our Annual Session to be an active participant. You’ve heard (read) it before…our association needs YOU! I don’t have to tell professionals about how much you personally gain from an organization when you get involved in its work.
Remember, however, that you must sign up for a committee every year even if you were a committee member this year. Whether you are new to committee work or returning to a committee, please click on this link Committee Sign-up Application to sign up. The form on which you sign up lists your options for committees you can join. Contact one of the VPs or your Regional Director for more information about the duties of the various committees.
Over the year, your Regional Director will be asking for volunteers to assist with various projects and duties. Be the first in your region to step up to the plate!
Have you ever applied for an award? Do you have colleagues in your state that have had award success? Members of our organization are very generous and willing to assist other educators. Ask them to mentor you and give you tips on applying for awards. Often just having an experienced award winner review your application can make the difference!
The Awards Training Subcommittee offered a free webinar in November to assist members with awards applications. If you were unable to attend, a recording of the webinar, “Celebrating Excellence - Prepare Award Winning Applications,” will be available on the website this week. View the webinar and let us know what questions you have.
I imagine that you have been thinking that all of those election ads were behind us for awhile…BUT it’s not too early to consider running for a NEAFCS national office. Seriously! Take a look at the duties and qualifications for board members. You can find that information in the policies and procedures section of the Administrative Manual found in the Documents Library on the website under the Member Center. Don’t wait for someone to ask you to run for an office. Let us know how you would like to serve. The application for national office is on the website. Serving as a national officer helps you learn more about your association and is very rewarding. Consider what you could contribute or encourage a colleague to apply.
I hope you have taken some time to browse our new website. Take a few minutes to update your profile and upload your picture soon. Won’t it be nice to put a face with a name when you are searching the directory for a colleague from another affiliate?
I know it can be frustrating when things are changed and for those of you who were familiar with our previous website, it may take you a few minutes longer to find what you are looking for on the new site until you become more familiar with it. It is still a work in progress. Our Executive Director, Jody Rosen Atkins, is trouble-shooting and tweaking things on the site every day to help make your experience with the website a positive one.

Think about another experience when you were trying to adjust to something new or different – a new version of a program on your computer, your favorite grocery store rearranged the shelves, your Extension organization changed procedures for doing something….I know you can relate! Whatever the situation to which you were unaccustomed, it probably didn’t take too long before you forgot the frustration and the new way of doing things became second nature.
Here’s the good news! The national office will be scheduling webinars to give you a tour of the new website and introduce you to all the new features that are available to you. Your national board is looking forward to receiving training to better utilize the site. I hope you will plan to participate in one as well. Watch for announcements about training dates and times. And as is our usual procedure, if you can’t participate at the times the training is offered, at least one will be recorded for you to view at your convenience.
My wish for you is that you will consider one or more of these opportunities to become more engaged and better connected with NEAFCS. None of our members should feel like they work solo. Through NEAFCS, you have the tools available to expand your team to include colleagues from across the country.
Until next month,
About the eNEAFCS Newsletter
eNEAFCS is published monthly by the National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences. www.neafcs.org, 561-477-8100.
The copy deadline for articles, calendar items and announcements for the eNEAFCS newsletter is the first Friday of each month. All submissions must be made electronically to: [email protected].
eNEAFCS is edited by Rhea Bentley, NEAFCS Secretary.