eNEAFCS-July 2013

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Other News & Articles

Register for One of the NEAFCS Pre-Conferences at Galaxy

Sonja Koukel (NM), VP Professional Development

If you missed the descriptions of the NEAFCS sponsored pre-conferences that will be presented at Galaxy, you can still register. You can use your registration confirmation number to add or change your registration. These are two great professional development opportunities.

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Galaxy IV Silent and Live Auction Details

The Galaxy IV conference will be September 16-20, 2013 in Pittsburgh, PA. One exciting, fun-filled and important event is the fund raising effort of the Silent and Live Auctions.

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Pick, Listen and Push:  The Serendipity of Mentoring

Prepared by Theresa C. Mayhew, Member Resources Membership, Leadership & Mentoring Sub-committee Chair

 "Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction." - John Crosby, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Associate Justice (1859-1943)

When I first started in Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of Columbia County, my Family & Consumer Sciences supervisor, Bonnie Westendorf, encouraged me to get in touch with two individuals, Jeanne H. Winters in Saratoga County and Eileen Ciance in Washington County, who were doing programming similar to what I would be doing in my new post. It was one of many excellent suggestions Bonnie made during our working relationship and, in addition to her personal leadership and friendship, one that reaped many benefits for me.

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Dining with Diabetes Impact Workshop September 16

Carol Chandler (OH), President

You’re invited to the Dining with Diabetes Impact Workshop (coincides with Galaxy, September 16, 2013). Please join us for a workshop to engage in collaborative steps to establish successful team dynamics around the issues of standardizing a nationwide or multi-state Dining with Diabetes evaluation, developing on-line classes or other common interests.

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Creative Grant Wisconsin

Wisconsin - On April 20, 2013, 149 people learned ways to improve their finances at the 1st ever Oshkosh Money Conference™. The conference offered a wide variety of workshops for adults and youth, along with educational displays where participants picked up valuable information and connections.

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Galaxy IV First Timers

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 2013 Galaxy IV Annual Session in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, very soon!  If you will attend the conference as a first timer, you will want to be sure and attend the first timer’s webinar on August 16, 2013, at 2:00pm EST.  Save the date!

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Meet the Board

Gail Brand (NE), Central Regional Director

This is my second year as serving as Central Regional Director and I have learned so much.  One of the most important things I have learned is how wonderful the members of the national board are. They are very caring people and care a lot about our organization and making it run at it’s best.  I would recommend anyone to run for an office on the National Board.  It will be a very rewarding experience for you, no matter what stage in your career you are.  Do it, you will enjoy it!

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President's Message


Carol ChandlerBy the time you read this edition of NEAFCS eNews, the Early Bird registration period for Galaxy will be closed. Although you may have already registered for the September conference, you can use your registration confirmation number to add or change your registration.

If you missed the information on the 2 pre-conference sessions that NEAFCS is offering, please consider registering for one of those on Monday afternoon, September 16. The Home Baking Association is back with a very timely pre-conference topic: Baking for Special Needs. The other NEAFCS pre-conference which will be presented by Mike Vogel, Montana State University Extension, features 4 Grab-and-Go Housing programs. Both pre-conferences will provide participants with many useful resources. Take a look at the more specific descriptions of the pre-conferences in this newsletter and register soon.

Because our annual Leadership Event is usually sponsored by the host state affiliate at Annual Session, there has not been a Leadership Event at past Galaxy conferences. This year, the board has decided to host a Leadership Event in the Presidential Suite at the Renaissance Hotel. This will be an “invitation only” event for affiliate presidents (or their designee), past presidents, and officer candidates. We look forward to an opportunity to show our appreciation for the affiliate leadership and other past and future association leaders. So if you are a member of one of the groups listed, watch for your invitation to arrive in the coming weeks and be sure to RSVP.

Your national board has devoted a lot of time this year to items that we hope will make our work more efficient and effective. Under the leadership of president-elect, Kathleen Olson, we revised the policies and procedures manual to better reflect the way we do business. This was a lengthy process and required much attention to detail, but we believe that it will be well worth the effort.

In addition, the four NEAFCS vice presidents and our president-elect worked to create more balance in officer responsibilities. They carefully examined which responsibilities were best positioned with each office and made some very creative and thoughtful recommendations to the board. Their rationale for each recommendation was clear and the board embraced their ideas. The realignment of responsibilities will begin at the subcommittee meetings that will be held at Galaxy on Thursday morning, September 19. Plan to attend one of those subcommittee meetings and learn more about these changes. 

For several years now, the board has given careful consideration to our national board structure and discussed whether it was still the most viable way to lead our organization. Many ideas have been shared for effective change. As a result of these discussions, I have appointed an Ad Hoc committee to review our board configuration. They have been asked to make recommendations to the board about whether or not we need to realign our board organization and they have been asked to make suggestions for alternatives. The Ad Hoc committee is made up of 5 members who have all served on the board, but are not presently board members. The committee includes representatives from each region and will be meeting for the first time at the Galaxy Conference.

2012-13 Theme

In early June, Kathleen Olson and I participated in an FCS Alliance meeting in Washington D.C. The FCS Alliance was created in 2006 when FCS organizations that addressed the integrative nature of family and consumer sciences began meeting for the purpose of leveraging each individual group’s limited resources for maximum positive impact regarding the FCS field. This year we met to collaborate and discuss the future and vision of the Family & Consumer Sciences profession. We had a lot of interesting discussion about how we can combine our efforts to move our profession forward. This will be an ongoing discussion and as there are more developments, we’ll share them with you.

I am excited to have the opportunity to interact with many of you at the Galaxy conference. I look forward to talking with you and learning more about what is happening with Family & Consumer Sciences programming in your state. In the meantime, feel free to share your questions, comments and concerns with me via email or a phone call.

Until next time,


Upcoming Event List

Members-only Webinar • July 30
Rainwater Harvesting for Homeowners
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern Time

Members-only Webinar • Aug 20
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern Time

Members-only Webinar • Nov 7
Youth Targeted Food Marketing
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern Time

Galaxy IV
September 15-19

Join the NEAFCS at Galaxy Circle!
To help make your journey to Pittsburgh a smooth one, make sure to join the Circle NEAFCS at Galaxy, behind your member log in on the web site.  Joining the circle is easy, and you will receive notifications by e-mail when new posts or bulletins are made.  There, you will be able to post questions about Galaxy, inquire about a roommate, or even connect to share a ride.

How to Join "NEAFCS at Galaxy" Circle:

  • Go to www.neafcs.org
  • Log in with your member username and password
  • Under the "My Features" tab in your profile, click on "Circles."
  • Click on "All Circles"
  • Click on "NEAFCS at Galaxy" and follow the link to join the circle.

About the eNEAFCS Newsletter

eNEAFCS is published monthly by the National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences. www.neafcs.org, 561-477-8100.

The copy deadline for articles, calendar items and announcements for the eNEAFCS newsletter is the first Friday of each month. All submissions must be made electronically to: [email protected].

eNEAFCS is edited by Rhea Bentley, NEAFCS Secretary.