Table of Contents
President's Message
Online Membership Renewal
Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) Conference Concurrent Session RFP Deadline Extended to November 22
It Is Time To SHOW OFF! Apply for NEAFCS Awards!
$100 for Extension's 100th Anniversary
Why Impact Statements Matter
Friend of NEAFCS
Top Three Reasons to Submit Articles for the 2014 Journal of National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Galaxy IV: Annual Session Follow Up for Attendees and Non-Attendees Alike
Dr. Bruce McPheron: A Time of Celebration and a Time of Revision
Meet the Board - Sondra Ganus Apple (TN)
Important Dates
JCEP PILD Conference - Concurrent Session RFP • Nov 22 (deadline extended)
Members-only Webinar • Nov 14 Celebrating Excellence - Prepare Award Winning Applications
NEAFCS Annual Session Call for Proposals to Open • Dec 1
NEAFCS Affiliate Leadership Webinar • Dec 11
JCEP Professional of the Year Award • Jan 15
Members-only Webinar • Jan 27 Strong Women Healthy Hearts
JCEP Conference • Feb 11 Memphis, TN
PILD Conference • Apr 6-9 Alexandria, VA
NEAFCS Annual Session • Sept 15-18 Hyatt Regency, Lexington, KY
National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Science 20423 State Road 7 Suite F6-491 Boca Raton, FL 33498 (561) 477-8100 [email protected]
President's Message Kathleen Olson (MN)
When we stop to count our blessings, we not only appreciate the good things in our lives more, but also expand our sense of well-being in ways scientists can measure but can’t always explain. In our busy lives as Extension professionals, we often don’t slow down long enough to take stock in all the things that we have to “be thankful” for. This is typical of those of us who help others, whether it is through education or service. I don’t take time often enough to do this myself; sound familiar?
One of the things that I am thankful for as we anticipate this Thanksgiving holiday is my opportunity to serve as your President this year. I appreciate the chance to communicate with members, whether it is through email, Facebook posts, tweets, over the phone or face to face. With every communication, I sense that camaraderie of all of us doing similar work throughout the country. I am thankful for our board, our national office and the many committees that are working hard to make our association more meaningful and provide benefits to our members. We do this in so many ways: providing opportunities for sharing our scholarly work at conferences, webinars, or our journal. Our association puts great effort into recognizing our peers through awards, providing leadership and professional development opportunities at Annual Session, JCEP Leadership and PILD conferences, and our free webinars for members. Do you see why I think that NEAFCS IS Magic?
National committees need YOU! One way to experience gratitude is through helping others through service. If you step up to get involved, not only will our association gain, but you personally and professionally gain. With our new website and membership software, you no longer have to sign up for a committee every year. You may notice that some of our subcommittees have been realigned in relationship to leadership roles to provide more balance in workload for board members. To learn more about each committee's function, click the links below.
If you are interested in serving on one of the NEAFCS committees or subcommittees, click here to apply. There are two ways to join a Committee:
- Click on the link, "Join A Committee Now!" and submit a Committee Application Form; or
- Contact the National VP for the Committee and request to be added.
Get involved with one of the Standing Committees; I will be appointing members as your President for the following committees: By Laws, Finance, Investments, or Journal of Extension.
An ad hoc committee to plan the 100th Anniversary Celebration of the Smith-Lever Act at our Annual Session in Kentucky will be appointed. Rhea Bentley, National Secretary will be chairing this committee. If you are interested, please let Rhea or me know.
Many committees don’t require attendance at our Annual Session to be an active participant, working mainly through conference calls, and some committees do all their work onsite during Annual Session. Contact one of the VPs or your Regional Director for more information about the duties of the various committees.
Last month, a fun opportunity began for readers of eNEAFCS. A magic symbol will be “hidden” in each issue of e-news throughout this next year. If you locate this symbol (the graphic below my signature doesn’t count) email me and tell me where the symbol is in the newsletter at [email protected]. The first 3 people to do so each month will have their names placed into the top hat for a drawing in August for a FREE FULL REGISTRATION for the Annual Session in Lexington, Kentucky. Last month, it was fun to receive all the emails from members!
In this month of November, take time to count the things and people that you are grateful for. Have a blessed and magical Thanksgiving with families and friends!
Kathleen A. Olson NEAFCS President, 2013-14
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Online Membership Renewal Sondra Ganus Apple (TN), Treasurer
I am hopeful you have begun thinking about the renewal process for 2014 membership. You should be receiving details from your state affiliate treasurer identifying your state deadline and specific instructions. You will need to send a copy of your member renewal form and dues payment to your state treasurer or other designated officer. Below are the steps to ensure renewal.
- Log in with your member username and password.
- Under the "Member Resources" tab, click "Dues Renewal."
- Update your profile information in the online renewal form.
- Print the Confirmation Page that comes up after you click submit.
- Send the printed page to your Affiliate Treasurer, along with your $100 check for your 2014 dues. Note that state and/or district dues may also apply.
I look forward to working with you. Please feel free to email or call with any questions.
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Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) Conference Concurrent Session RFP Deadline Extended to November 22
The Public Issues Leadership Development Planning Committee is still looking for several good presentations that are focused on Extension leadership development and advocacy. Why not showcase your successful leadership development and advocacy programs to your colleagues during the Joint Council of Extension Professional’s PILD Conference, which takes place in Washington, DC April 6-9, 2014. The deadline for submissions has been extended to November 22, but don’t delay! The three top proposals will receive a free registration to the conference. To submit a proposal go to
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It Is Time To SHOW OFF! Apply for NEAFCS Awards! Roxie Price (GA), Vice President for Awards and Recognition
The NEAFCS on-line awards system is NOW Open. This the perfect time for you to showcase your excellent programs and get the recognition you deserve! Award applications are due by February 15, 2014 for regional and national judging, however, each affiliate will have its own deadline in order to get their judging completed to send the top contenders on for regional and national consideration by the deadline. Be sure to check with your affiliate awards chair to find out when your deadline will be.
Visit the Awards section of the NEAFCS website to find out more about NEAFCS awards. You can refer to the Awards-at-a-Glance section for brief award descriptions and application instructions, and the Awards Manual for very specific and detailed instructions. You can find examples of national award-winning entries, as well as articles on Award Winning Applications FAQs and Award Winning Tips.
Have you wanted to apply for an award and didn't know how? With the deadlines for award entries coming soon, the time to start is NOW! The Awards Training Subcommittee held a members only webinar, “Celebrating Excellence -Prepare Award Winning Applications” on Thursday, November 14. You can review the recording by logging into the NEAFCS members-only web site, and select Webinar Archives from the Professional Development drop-down menu. The webinar covers how you can begin this process. The session, presented by Julie Cascio and Wendi Green, NEAFCS Awards and Recognition, Training Sub-Committee members, discusses the "what, when, and why" of the downloadable documents available on Also discussed are tips, guidelines and suggestions about successful applications gleaned over the years.
If you have never applied for a national award before, now is a great time to start! If you are unsure of where to submit your program for an award, you can submit it in more than one category—just be sure to customize it for that specific award category (but you can only win in one category for that program). If you have any questions about the awards application process, contact your affiliate's Vice President for Awards and Recognition, or feel free to contact me at [email protected]. Be sure that you have paid your dues on time to be eligible to apply for awards. I am looking forward to seeing the evidence of all the wonderful programs that I know are being presented by our colleagues across the United States! Good luck!
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$100 for Extension's 100th Anniversary NEAFCS Endowment Campaign Sharon Hoelscher Day, Endowment Committee
The 100-year anniversary of the signing of the Smith-Lever Act of 1914, which officially created the national, Cooperative Extension System will take place in 2014. Specifically, the Act stated as its purpose, “In order to aid in diffusing among the people of the United States useful and practical information on subjects relating to agriculture, uses of solar energy with respect to agriculture, home economics, and rural energy, and to encourage the application of the same, there may be continued or inaugurated in connection with the college of colleges in each State, Territory, or possession . . .” NEAFCS is starting a special Endowment campaign to celebrate! $100 for Extension’s 100th Anniversary. Donate $100 or set up a two-year pledge to donate $50 each year. You can donate online at NEAFCS’s new Endowment Donor site -
Think about the people who have made a difference in your life: mentors, parents, colleagues, spouses, or 4-H leaders. You can honor them with a lasting honor with a donation to the NEAFCS Endowment. Ask colleagues, administrators and friends to celebrate 100 years of Extension and NEAFCS. Many people have made donations in memory of family members or in honor of a co-workers retirement. If you are already one of our 300 plus donors, step up a level from Turquoise to Amethyst or Opal. Set a new goal and make an annual pledge for Extension’s 100th Birthday!
Endowment Donor Levels
- Turquoise under $500
- Amethyst - $500 - $999
- Opal - $1000 - $4999
- Sapphire - $5000 - $9999
- Diamond - $10,000 or more
A special thanks goes to all members who are already NEAFCS Endowment donors! You have put us on the right track, so we are about half way to our goal of $300,000. Only the interest will be used for special projects, depending how gifts are designated. So far folks have donated life insurance, IRAs, stock and good, old cash! Talk with your estate and tax professionals about your specific situation.
We are also looking for volunteers from each state to personally contact retirees and life members to become donors. Contact Sharon Hoelscher Day or one of the Endowment Committee members for more information or to volunteer. The NEAFCS Endowment web page also has a PowerPoint presentation on the Endowment and Philanthropy to use in your affiliate.
You can leave a legacy for our profession and help NEAFCS reach for the stars! Your gift will make a difference for years to come!
For more information, to donate online or to download an Endowment form, visit Thanks to you we are making a difference!
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Why Impact Statements Matter; How to Make Them Work Smarter Theresa C. Mayhew (NY), Vice President for Public Affairs
We all know about the important and life-changing work that we do in our communities. Impact statements provide us with a means of communicating that critically important work to federal and state legislators, local officials and other funders. When it comes to showcasing signature programs and initiatives, impact statements can really make our efforts and, subsequently, NEAFCS, stand out.
As with any living breathing document, there’s bound to be ongoing tweaks and changes. The addition of color photographs and other formatting changes incorporated in last year’s statements is evidence of that. It’s no surprise then that a series of discussions held during PILD 2013 and most recently at Galaxy, have revealed a desire to further improve the current template that’s being used.
One suggested change is to eliminate asking for the number of media contacts or pieces. Not only is this information difficult to capture, it’s doesn’t really answer the “so what” question. While some numbers are important, demonstrating how program participants acquired new skills and knowledge that positively affected current or future behaviors and choices is a big plus. One way of achieving that aim is to use actual “teaser” quotes from program participants to entice readers to delve into the document and learn more about the “why” and “how”.
We want to increase the use of color in the statements; one way to do that is with more photographs. Instead of using stock photos, we’d like states to submit actual photos from their programs. We will be eliminating the list of board members included at the end of each statement to make room for reporting more impacts. We’re also looking into having affiliates being able to submit their information on line. We might find we need to create an “emerging issues” category. Current categories include childhood obesity; financial management; food, nutrition & health; food safety; healthy homes & the environment; improving children’s lives; and protecting our resources – family life.
Likewise, it’s important to note that the information we’re seeking is what you currently have at your fingertips. Many of us will have just completed our federal reporting process, so can access information from those efforts or use the most recent set of data (even if it’s from 2012) that they have available. We want to make the preparation of these reports as easy and stress-free as possible.
While the Public Affairs Education subcommittee and board will be involved in this process, I would like to hear from state presidents, public affairs vice presidents, and general membership, too. If you could please send me your suggestions ([email protected]) by December 2, I would be most grateful. In the meantime, you can check out the current National Impact Report Data template at
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HBA Receives Friend of NEAFCS Amy Peterson (NE), Past President
The recipient of the Friend of NEAFCS award is an individual or organization, such as business or industry, Extension specialist or administrator within or outside of the Family and Consumer Sciences program, media professional, policymaker, USDA or NIFA administrative staff, who have made significant contributions to Extension Family and Consumer Sciences education program on a multi-state or national level.
The 2013 Friend of NEAFCS Award was presented to the Home Baking Association and their leaders, Sharon Davis and Charlene Patton, at the Galaxy conference during the annual business meeting. Long time supporters of Extension and family and consumer science programming, the Home Baking Association is a true friend of NEAFCS.
The Home Baking Association says it all with their Vision and Mission Statements of :
To grow the practice of home baking and promote home baking by providing tools and knowledge to perpetuate generations of home bakers.
They have offered workshops to states and have done three HBA workshops for NEAFCS, as well as exhibiting at our conference, the last 3 Galaxy conferences, and at National 4-H Congress, and this all in the past 10 years! HBA also has done training for Master Food Volunteers and 4-H Youth and Leader training. Extension also works well to share resources with HBA, as 5 of their Home Baking Association Educator of the Year Awards have been giving to Extension colleagues. Many of you have benefited in the past from educational resources provided by them. HBA does an excellent job of partnering with Extension and go out of their way to raise visibility of Extension resources with their other partners , such as Camp Fire Girls, Boys & Girls Clubs, and FCCLA as a resource for non-commercial, research-based consumer information, and recognizes NEAFCS as a partner on their website.
Sharon and Charlene are no strangers to FCS and Extension! As community club food leaders, and county and state fair Foods judges, they know what it means to know Extension. They have been 4-H Club members, leaders, and parents and Charlene’s mother was a 65 year member in Jefferson County, Kansas! As Sharon said, “I worked with the Stafford Co. KSU Cooperative Extension early in my career. I loved it then and if I could have had two jobs at once, that would have been my hands down pick. The opportunity to do similar work as nutritionist and test kitchen director for the Kansas Wheat Commission drew me away, but I stayed grounded and informed as an FCS educator by working closely with Extension FCS professionals. We have so much to be thankful for--where WOULD I have been without Extension FCS friends, mentors and collaborators?!”.
NEAFCS agrees – where would be without the partnership of the Home Baking Association! Congratulations on being selected as the 2013 Friend of NEAFCS Award.
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Top Three Reasons to Submit Articles for the 2014 Journal of National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Jessica E. Hill (GA), JNEAFCS Editor
It is an honor and privilege to serve as the Editor for the 2014 Journal of National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. In 2012, I served on the Journal Editorial Subcommittee and in 2013 I was an Apprentice.
You may ask yourself, why should I submit an article when I already have numerous responsibilities with my job? Top reason number one, JNEAFCS is peer reviewed. Reason number two, sixteen manuscripts were submitted for the 2012 Journal and thirteen were recommended for acceptance. That number represents a publication rate of 81 percent! Reason number three, your Journal submissions advance the profession of FCS. I hope you will consider submitting results of your research, best practices, and/or implications for Extension. Also, encourage others in your state to contribute to JNEAFCS. Don’t miss the opportunity to submit an article to JNEAFCS by December 31, 2013.
Please consider sharing the results of your efforts with your colleagues through the Journal of National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. See complete Submissions Guidelines at and forward submissions to [email protected].
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Galaxy IV: Annual Session Follow Up for Attendees and Non-Attendees Alike Sonja Koukel, PhD (NM), Vice President for Professional Development
Pittsburgh, PA, known as the “City of Bridges” - so called due to the 446 bridges that span the rivers in this beautiful city. Appropriately, the Galaxy conference theme included the word bridges in the title: Bridging the Centuries: A New Era for Extension.
Over 2500 attendees enjoyed perfect weather (it didn’t rain until the end of the conference), a full and diverse agenda, and opportunities to mix and mingle with old friends and new.
Heartfelt thanks and congratulations are extended to the JCEP Board, Steering Committee members, the city of Pittsburgh, and all the friendly volunteers for delivering an exciting and informative conference. Special thanks go out to the NEAFCS National Office staff, all the committee members and volunteers whose hard work and commitment made this successful conference a reality.
Exhibits The Exhibit Hall was a busy place with approximately 60 exhibitors providing information, educational materials and free promotional items. We know that attending and exhibiting at conferences is all about building relationships and learning about new products and services. I’m happy to report that exhibitors commented on the friendliness of our attendees and the number of members who took time to thank them for their participation. Thanks to everyone who connected with the exhibitors. Please follow up with either a handwritten note or email message thanking them for their participation. Much time, energy and money are invested into these conferences and we want the exhibitors to know of our appreciation.
Concurrent Sessions Just a gentle reminder to consider submitting proposals for annual sessions. For Galaxy, there were 143 proposals (up from108 in 2012!) submitted by NEAFCS members. Cindy Shuster, Program Development Sub-committee Chair, provided this information. The 143 proposals fell into the following categories: 89/Competency Building, 39/Showcase of Excellence, and 15/Research Reports. Seventy-four percent of the Competency Building, 62% of the Showcase of Excellence, and 40% of the Research Reports received scores of 85% or higher. However, due to limited space and numbers of potential proposals per association, 58% of the Competency Building, 100% of the Showcase of Excellence and 50% of the Research Reports were selected for presentations on behalf of NEAFCS.
Make Plans to Attend 2014 Annual Session in Lexington, KY Save the dates: September 15-18, 2014. If you are not currently a committee member, please consider signing up and being active in the conference. There are a variety of subcommittees that can use your support and expertise. Every member is encouraged to be an active part as NEAFCS is only as strong as its members. Visit the NEAFCS online homepage and use the drop down menu nested under “About NEAFCS.” From here, access information about the various committees and use the link to sign up. We look forward to seeing you in Kentucky!
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Dr. Bruce McPheron: A Time of Celebration and a Time of Revision Susan Routh (OK), Southern Region Director
Dr. Bruce McPheron, Vice President of Agricultural Administration and Dean of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at the Ohio State University served as the Capstone Speaker of the GALAXY IV Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. Dr. McPheron challenged conference attendees to not only celebrate the Centennial of the Smith-Lever Act, the legislation that created the Cooperative Extension Service, but to begin planning for the BICENTENNIAL celebration of the Extension Service. Dr. McPheron stated that Extension professionals need to summon the courage to talk about issues that Cooperative Extension faces in the next one hundred years or the decision could be left to others outside Extension. He identified eight issues to be addressed:
- Staffing: A local presence has power. Dr. McPherson stated, “It’s not about the boots (on the ground) – It’s about the brains that hover over those boots.”
- Delivery system: More novel ways should be incorporated while not forgetting the importance of the personal contact.
- The current Financial Model: Extension professionals know that the current model is not sustainable. Grant funding constrains the focus of programs. Charging fees for programming is acceptable, but affordability should be considered especially among limited-resource communities/families. As long as research-based programs are provided at no cost, Extension loses positional revenue.
- Expectations of funders: Typically, these expectations are tied to “something” (i.e. economic development). This is NOT free money.
- Scope of the program: The issue is closely tied to the first two issues. Where Extension professionals are housed on campus and the connection to the university drives this issue. Is Extension placed in “academic houses?” The push has been to move away from the transitional model.
- Recognition in the University institutions: Extension should serve as the gateway of the most powerful information outlet across the university. Because Extension’s budget is not a fluid model, Extension is not able to keep up with the other two areas of the land-grant university (research and teaching). Extension professionals should strive to change the perception of Extension at the university level and insure that university administration understands the significance of Extension to the university.
Dr. McPheron likened the three-legged stool model (the land grant mission) to a different representation – The Ladder. The “Land Grant University Ladder” includes two uprights (Education and Research) which are connected by rungs (Extension). “The stool will not allow one to reach a ‘roof’ (top); you need a ladder.” The rungs (Extension professionals) are a useful tool.
- Competitors: Is Extension brave enough to benchmark against other youth organizations? Or does Extension silently despair? Youth organizations are replicating the 4-H model and delivering programs that Extension does not address. Extension should learn from competitors and adapt their position.
- Marketing: How does Extension tell its story? The voices of those who benefit from Extension are most effective. Extension professionals should invest time to build a culture where audiences attribute their successes to Extension.
Dr. McPherson stated, “We need disruptional change – To define our future before it is defined for us.”
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Meet the Board Sondra Ganus Apple (TN), Treasurer
Sondra works as the County Director and FCS Agent in Hardin County, Tennessee; a rural county along the Tennessee River. She began her career in Extension in Alabama. Her home roots pulled her back to Tennessee where she has worked for the last 7 years.
Sondra has a BS in Sociology from the University of North Alabama and a BS and MS in Family and Consumer Sciences from the University of Alabama. Her state affiliate roles have included conference, regional and state treasurer and state vice president of awards and recognition.
Sondra has a seven-year-old daughter, Lydia, who is the light of her world. The two enjoy traveling, cooking and the beach.
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