Table of Contents
President's Message
You Are Invited!
The NEAFCS Award Results are IN! Congratulations to the Winners!
2018 PILD 1st Timer’s Scholarship Recipient Reflections
Mid-Year Board Meeting Highlights
Southern Region Affiliate Highlights
2018 NEAFCS Annual Session HIGHLIGHTS
Meet the Board: Vice President Member Resources
Important Dates
NEAFCS 2018 Annual Session Registration Early Bird Deadline 7/16/18
NEAFCS 2018 Annual Session September, 24-27 San Antonio, TX
NEAFCS 2019 Annual Session Sept. 30 - Oct. 3, 2019 Hershey, PA
The Marriott Riverside, host hotel for the 2018 NEAFCS Annual Session, has notified us that we have sold out of our group block on a few of our peak meeting nights. We recommend you make a hotel reservation at the higher prevailing rate during these nights as we expect rooms to open up in our block as we get closer to Annual Session. At this time, you will be able to move those nights into our discounted block rate if you have a reservation already made.
What do we need from you? If you are holding a room with the intention of cancelling, please consider finalizing your plans now and cancelling any additional rooms ASAP so others can stay at the host hotel. Allowing attendees to book a room at the host hotel also ensures that the Association will not incur attrition fees for not fulfilling our contracted room block.
Looking for a roommate? Do you have a hotel room and looking for a roommate? Please visit the website here to notify us so we can assist you, as well as possibly open up a room for other attendees. This is a great way to save money and meet new colleagues.
If you try and make a reservation and the hotel is offering certain nights at a higher rate than the discounted rate, please email the National Office so we can offer assistance when additional rooms open up.
Please add the following two emails to your "safe sender" or "white lists" to ensure you continue to receive emails from NEAFCS as we move to a new system.
[email protected]
[email protected]
For those of you accessing your email through a work email server, you may wish to share this information with your IT person and ask for their help in ensuring the email addresses are added to your safe sender lists.
National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Science 325 John Knox Rd. Suite L103 Tallahassee, FL 32303 (850) 205-5638 [email protected]
President's Message Lora Lee Frazier Howard (KY)
A moment of reflection, last week, caused me to think of all the member benefits we offer or will be offering our members this year. These are in no particular order: five first-timer annual session registration scholarships, one free annual registration per affiliate (president or a designee), a stipend for concurrent session and poster session speakers, and a free annual session registration to be awarded to an app user. The benefits we had or started earlier this year: Extension Leadership Conference or ELC (formally JCEP) scholarships started in January of 2018. We have offered the PILD Scholarship for several years.
We provide opportunities for recognition of excellent programming through our awards. We offer you opportunities to share successful programming with others in learning sessions. This year at Annual Session we are offering ignite sessions and world cafes. You have the opportunity to develop your leadership skills by attending ELC, PILD and serving as an officer, either at the state or national level. You can also serve on a state or national committee.
As I was reading over this list, I thought, “Wow! We provide our members great opportunities or should I say great member benefits!” Sharing this news article with a new employee may answer the question of “Why do I want to belong to NEAFCS?” These are wonderful benefits for our members. We are looking forward to being able to offer these to you and for you to take advantage of them.
Karen Munden, Theresa Mayhew, and I represented you at the Summer JCEP Meeting last month. Those representatives from the seven member associations are dedicated to their associations and the extension system. These meetings are always informative as we receive reports from several national representatives. You are able to network with others from across the extension system, creating a unified voice to share successes or concerns.
The winners of last month’s icon were Janice Roberts (NC), Katrin Finch (Montana), Kathleen Olson (Minnesota). Congratulations! Their names will be entered for the free registration to attend the 2018 Annual Session. Remember to look for the Texas star in this newsletter for your chance to be entered into the drawing. Email me the location at [email protected] . Good Luck!
Please feel free to contact me at any time by telephone or email.
Sincerely, Lora Lee
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You Are Invited! Edda Z. Cotto-Rivera (GA), Vice President Member Resources
Are you registered for the NEAFCS 2018 Annual Session? We are very thrilled to feel the expectation of meeting a great group of professionals and other Extension members for a few exciting days. I wanted to take this opportunity to extend a warm invitation from our committee to you. Please come and join us for great learning, bonding and a fun conference! We are looking forward to meeting and greeting many members in San Antonio, Texas. Our Member Resources Subcommittee will be very busy contributing to a great Annual Session. Our volunteers will be in charge of planning, presenting and coordinating the following: the first timer’s breakfast, the life member’s event, the exhibit hall, a concurrent session titled “Increasing Access to Extension Programs for Diverse Audiences”,as well as a concurrent session titled “JNEAFCS…All You Need to Know About the Journal of NEAFCS” aiming to prepare you to submit professional articles for our eJournal publication. We are confident that you will have a chance to find more than one experience that will benefit you both personally and professionally. Can you feel the excitement? Do not miss the opportunity to attend a great NEAFCS Annual Session. I can’t wait to welcome you to the Alamo City!
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The NEAFCS Award Results are IN! Congratulations to the Winners! Susan Routh (OK), Vice President Awards and Recognition
CONGRATULATIONS to the NEAFCS Award Winners! Email notifications have been sent to award winners over the past two weeks. If you have not received notification, please check your spam/clutter/junk email folders. If you have received notification, PLEASE RSVP as soon as possible for the Awards Ceremony. Notify your teammates, double check spelling of your name and your teammates’ names, and send the number from your team (if applicable) that will be attending. Over 600 award applications were received through the 2018 awards application process. Over $20,000 worth of scholarships and awards will be presented at the Awards Ceremony during the 2018 Annual Session in San Antonio. We look forward to seeing award winners recognized.
It is time to start selecting your Silent Auction item to send or bring to the Annual Session for the Awards fundraiser. Click here to access the link to the Silent Auction Form and complete prior to arriving at Annual Session. Each state affiliate or your state affiliate’s Vice President Awards and Recognition is encouraged to bring at least one item to the Silent Auction.
If you are coming to Annual Session, please plan to attend the Awards Training Concurrent Session titled “Nailed It!” which is listed as Concurrent Session 6 on Wednesday morning at 8:00 am. Roxie Price and the Training Subcommittee will be giving helpful tips on how to prepare for the 2019 Awards program. See you in San Antonio!
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2018 PILD 1st Timer’s Scholarship Recipient Reflections Edited by Julie Garden-Robinson (ND), Vice President Public Affairs
While I have worked as a county extension agent for 18 years, this was my first opportunity to attend the Public Issues Leadership Development Conference (PILD). I have to say the conference exceeded my expectations. The general sessions were helpful for me professionally as well as personally. John Noltner's sessions helped me to shift my focus and look for the beauty in each moment, even the crazy workdays when nothing seems to go right. This conference also provided a wonderful opportunity to network with co-workers across program areas and across the nation. I also gained a better understanding of where our funding comes from. In Extension, all the acronyms are familiar - NIFA, APLU, AFRI, EFNEP, etc. - but do we really know what they stand for and what they mean to us? Learning about federal funding gave me a clearer understanding of why we do so much of what we do. It also showed me why advocacy for Extension is so critical. I think the most important part of this conference was getting to make visits with my Congressmen and Senators. While it was initially a bit intimidating, as I met and shared with them, I began to feel empowered. It was important for me to tell each of them what we do with the money they provide and how it impacts the citizens we serve. As I began sharing the return on their investment, I remembered why I love my job.
Rachel Hubbard (GA), third from left
I wondered why my colleagues said PILD was the best! Now I know why. The conference connected us to resources, reminded us why reporting is important and how it is used, and recognized our work and value as professionals. With outstanding general sessions providing practical information, and plenty of time for networking, I was inspired as I discovered our collective efforts nationally. I learned how to share our work with and make “the ask” of legislators. PILD gives us an opportunity to speak with a national voice. We are truly able and invested in improving lives. Now that I'm back home, I need to visit with legislative staff and local officials to build hometown relationships. I believe our associations also needs to connect with decision-makers regularly. I also know how important it is to have the “elevator speech” ready and to share local stories and impacts.
Sandra McKinnon (IW)
PILD... Where do I begin? I have to be truthful with you I wasn't too excited about coming as the only FCS Educator from Oklahoma. But after getting there and meeting new friends, it become one of the best conferences I have attended in a while. I really liked the speakers and the topics. It really makes you think about civil dialogue and how we react without really getting to know the person. We all have issues and we shouldn't be quick to judge a person because they have different beliefs than mine. I really enjoyed the presentation on "Incivility and Political Dysfunction.” It really makes you stop and think about how did we get here? She had some wonderful things to share with us. I also really enjoyed the “Peace of Mind” presentation and hearing from my colleges their opinions on how they saw peace. Those topics were great for networking with others and great talking points as I met new friends. I was so impressed to hear more about NIFA and all the things they do and have available for us as educators. But I have to say, having time on the Hill was the best. It has been some time since I visited Congressman and saw the workings of our country. I enjoyed sharing our stories with each and every one of them and being proud about the work that I do. Hats off to a great conference, everyone in Extension needs to attend this conference at least once.
Radonna Sawatzky (OK)
To serve as the IEAFCS representative to attend the 2018 Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) Conference, "Cultivating a Climate of Civil Dialogue" was an amazing opportunity. My eyes opened to the national forum of Extension. I met colleagues from across the nation and broadened my understanding of public policy. Engaging in PILD helped me see how important the work each state produces and that sharing impact is necessary - it's all we have! With this newly gained knowledge, I am equipped to share program impacts and success stories with local, state, and national decision makers. I learned about the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). And, the best part - delivering our message to legislators! I loved being on Capitol Hill - it was so inspiring to share our work. As a member of the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS) in Illinois, this experience provided me with important skills to strengthen partnerships, explore effective communication, and bring new resources to my counties. Creating a civil dialogue in the public arena strengthened and solidified the mission of University of Illinois Extension. I can enable people to improve their lives and communities through developing partnerships that put knowledge to work.
Susan Glassman (ILL)
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Mid-Year Board Meeting Highlights Jovita Lewis (AL), Secretary
The NEAFCS Mid-Year Board meeting, held over the course of three days, resulted in a more informed, excited executive board. Board members utilized video conferencing technology to connect with one another, hear reports, discuss new member benefits, and share ideas for the betterment of NEAFCS, the premiere Extension Family and Consumer Sciences association.
The Texas Co-Liaisons brought everyone up to speed on planning for Annual Session 2018, Austin TX, as we look forward to registration opening in early June. A conference app, Ignite/World Café Sessions, unique wellness opportunities, roommate matching, and the backpack/duffle bag service project will bring a new dimension to the NEAFCS Annual Session that we know.
With three pre-conference sessions, 14 Indepth Sessions, an awesome Welcome Event/Service Project at the La Villita, as well as the Leadership Recognition Event at the Alamo, affiliate members will “build capacity through people, programs, and partnerships”.
Of course, no executive board meeting would be complete without reports. President Howard and the other officers gave updates and shared progress toward specific goals and objectives. From future Annual Session planning to Journal of Extension representation, from the member benefits survey to the NEAFCS Endowment, and from creating an NEAFCS value statement to 2019 budgetary needs, this year’s executive board made decisions for the betterment of NEAFCS.
With a little more than half the year behind us, your NEAFCS board will embrace the remaining months to lead the organization in providing outstanding professional development for its membership.
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Southern Region Affiliate Highlights Dianne Gertson (TX), Southern Region Director
The Tennessee affiliate has been busy evolving their association as close as possible to the national board and its functions. The state board had a two-day retreat in January to identify areas where improvements needed to made, re-instated committees that had fallen by the wayside and made adjustments to the bylaws. At the state meeting, the president created a script in-line with what the national board uses for its business meetings. Board members found this to be very beneficial and kept the meeting running smoothly. The board will continue the process throughout the year to ensure all members are getting the full benefits of membership.
Submitted by Sondra Ganus Thorne (TN)
Oklahoma is shining bright and is offering an NEAFCS bracelet for sale at the Annual Session in San, Antonio. These bracelets will be NEAFCS colors of royal blue and silver, with a charm. You won’t want to miss our booth because these bracelets are going to be all the rage. We will be sending out a flyer to Affiliate Presidents and taking some preorders so we won’t sell out. Credit cards will be accepted and we will have more than just the NEAFCS bracelets. So, if you like a little bling be sure and check out the Oklahoma Sales Booth. We hope everyone will want to “sparkle and shine” for NEAFCS as we celebrate our association and our accomplishments.
Submitted by Radonna Swatzky (OK)
Oklahoma had its annual meeting in April and it was a great success. Our theme was “We Can Do It”. Our professional development committee brought in women who empowered us. One of our speakers was a former 4-H member who is now an Oklahoma Highway Patrol woman, another speaker was a very successful lawyer, and one was a breast cancer survivor. These women told about some of their challenges and how they overcame obstacles in their careers. One afternoon was spent engaging in teambuilding workshops and included time in an Escape Room to find clues to get ourselves out. It was a great conference full of teambuilding, inspiration, encouragement, and celebrating success. The OEAFCS conference was definitely empowering and as educators, WE CAN DO IT!
Submitted by Radonna Swatzky (OK)
The summertime heat has hit Texas, but we aren’t letting it us slow us down as we are putting the final touches on the 2018 NEAFCS Annual Session that will be held in San Antonio on September 24-27, 2018 at the San Antonio Rivercenter in beautiful San Antonio, Texas. We are starting the week with a phenomenal Fiesta for our Welcome Event at La Villita to kick-off the Annual Session. Our committees have also been working tirelessly to plan a week rich in professional development with many outstanding sessions, workshops, and speakers. We are also encouraging everyone to participate in the Service Project that will provide backpacks to our less fortunate children who are in foster care and other transitional living situations. Please check the NEAFCS Website for more details on the 2018 Annual Session and I look forward to seeing everyone in San Antonio!
Submitted by Denita Young (TX)
The Georgia Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences will host their annual conference in historic Madison, Georgia on August 28-30, 2018. The conference theme, “Preserving Our Past, Growing Our Future”, allows members to honor 100 Years of FACS at the University of Georgia, celebrate current programming of UGA FACS Extension professionals, and consider opportunities to address emerging issues affecting families and individuals. Special guests include FACS 100 honorees and keynote speaker, Betty Cantrell, Miss America 2016.
Submitted by Denise Everson (GA)
The NEAFCS Kentucky affiliate recognized a need to evaluate marketing and promotion of extension family and consumer sciences in Kentucky. A special committee was appointed to gather agent input and examine areas of improvement and opportunity. After establishing direction and needs, they met with extension administration and the Dean of the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment to share thoughts and strategies including a theme of “telling our story”. Afterwards, the committee developed promotional materials, including securing permission to use the national AAFCS FCS logo on promotional materials.
During our annual meeting, agents shared their FCS stories with the Dean sharing the impacts they were making on the local level. The interactive session was phenomenal and the Dean returned to campus excited about FCS. The committee also planned and hosted a two day workshop titled Embracing Technology to Tell Your Story. Alice Henneman, retired agent from Nebraska joined the agents the first day and led the group through a hands on sessions to use smart phone apps to capture photographs and use in promotional materials. The second day featured workshops on effective marketing strategies, podcasts, Facebook live, action cameras and image essentials for live media and pictures to visually identify the organization. Since the training many agents have implemented new strategies and are visibly promoting programs and impacts. Their efforts have increased attention and new changes are being made system wide to better include FCS and overall extension marketing.
Submitted by Jill Harris (KY)
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2018 NEAFCS Annual Session HIGHLIGHTS Linda Wells (TX), Co-Liaison
WHO: NEAFCS Members and Special Guests WHAT: 2018 NEAFCS Annual Session WHEN: September 24 – 27, 2018 WHERE: Marriott Rivercenter Hotel, San Antonio, Texas WHY: Opportunity to Build Capacity Through People, Programs and Partnerships
H - HOWDY from the Texas Affiliate! Make plans now to join us for a “BIG” week in the Lone Star State.
I - INCREDIBLE In Depth and Concurrent Sessions that are sure to please! A wide variety to choose from that will enhance your programs and give you NEW visions for outreach.
G – GREAT Speakers including Dr. Douglas Steele – The Journey of Change and Kristen Schell – The Turquoise Table!
H – HISTORICAL San Antonio is celebrating its 300th birthday and YOU will be here to help us celebrate!
L - LEADERS of our NEAFCS profession will be recognized and awarded for their outstanding contributions toward our mission and goals!
I – IGNITE/WORLD CAFÉ presentations are NEW this year!
G – GRAND Pre-Conferences and Exhibitors will bring up- to- date information and resources to enhance program efforts! The Silent Auction will be GRAND too!
H – HOSPITALITY & HAPPINESS all week long for everyone as they enjoy networking, gaining new ideas and the opportunity to re-kindle their passions for our profession!
T – TERRIFIC accommodations and venues to enjoy every moment of every day!
S – SPECIAL plans are being made for very SPECIAL people . . . YOU!
There is one more “W” word. . . WELCOME: Y’all Come & Join Us!
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Meet the Board: Vice President Member Resources Edda Cotto-Rivera (GA), Vice-President Member Resources
In September of 2007, almost 11 years ago I attended my first NEAFCS meeting in St. Paul, Minnesota. I was so excited to attend my first national conference! Looking back to the list of Annual Sessions sponsored by our organization, I realize that I have only missed one Annual Session (Columbus, Ohio in 2012). In 2007, I did not know that one day I was going to have the opportunity to serve our wonderful organization as Vice President Member Resources. My two year term will come to an end in San Antonio, but my commitment to NEAFCS will not end there. There are very valuable gifts that I will treasure for years to come.
As a native of Puerto Rico I have had the chance to visit really exciting places across the mainland, all because of NEAFCS. I met a fellow Puerto Ricon and Extension agent in Portland, Maine who happened to be originally from my hometown; our friendship has grown since then. In Albuquerque, NM, a group of bilingual agents from four different states started to dream about collaborating, and Enlace Latino, an Extension publication in Spanish and an award- winning newsletter was born. In Kentucky, my Georgia state affiliate, shined by presenting many comcurent sessions and receiving multiple recognitions. In Montana the breathtaking scenery and the joyful welcome event made us all bond! In Alabama, we celebrated the 75th Anniversarry of our organization and in Nebraska, we left a mark when we shared multiple stuff animals with children in need. Oh, I can’t forget that at the Greenbrier I almost felt like royalty and attended excellent professional concurrent sessions.
I have been proud to represent my state affiliate and the University of Georgia. I have shared my new life long memories with my dear family: my two daugthers, their husbands and my precious Nina who after a year and a half is calling me Abu (short for grandma in Spanish).
Being a Board member has been an honor but also a precious gift. I look forward to continuing to nurture all the special friendships that have been established. I wish the same for each of you and encourage you to be involved!
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