President's Message Lora Lee Frazier Howard (KY)
It’s summer here in Kentucky, a time for high humidity and hot weather. I’m a warm weather girl though, and I much prefer summer days to the snow in winter. What I really enjoy about summer are my flowers. I have many and keep buying more. My daylilies, yarrow, and poppies are all blooming. Enjoying my flowers never becomes old, just as attending Annual Session never gets old. I look forward to it every year.
Every year, each state offers our members excellent professional development and leadership opportunities. Nebraska offered an excellent meeting last year, just as Texas is planning one this year. We will be in Hershey, Pennsylvania in 2019, Snow Bird Resort, Utah in 2020, and Michigan in 2021. Each meeting will provide opportunities for our members to showcase their state or region. If you haven’t made a decision to attend the meeting this year, I hope you will. Opportunities are waiting for you.
If you are interested in volunteering to help with the meeting, you will have the opportunity to sign up using Sign-Up Genius. Sign-Up Genius will be ready in the coming weeks, so be looking for an email from the National Office. We are always recruiting committee members. Consider volunteering as a committee member, this will give you the opportunity to be involved in the success of our meeting.
As I write this article, I am in Atlanta representing you at the AAFCS meeting and networking with a wonderful group of professionals who sparked many of us to join the family and consumer science profession. Both Associations impact youth and families creating more informed families, helping to improve their daily lives and ultimately the communities in which they live. Many of you have heard me say this before, “Families and youth need family and consumer science educational programs now more than ever”. All we have to do is turn on the television to realize this.
The winners of last month’s icon were June Chistin Sprenger (VA), Amy Peterson (NE), and Karen Poff (VA). Congratulations! Their names will be entered for the free registration to attend the 2018 Annual Session. Remember to look for the Texas star in this newsletter for your chance to be entered into the drawing. Email me the location at [email protected] . Good Luck!
Sincerely, Lora Lee
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President’s Charity Lora Lee Frazier Howard (KY)
I am pleased to announce that I have chosen the San Antonio Food Bank as my President’s Charity. We have posted a short video on the website and some additional information for your viewing. The San Antonio Food Bank helps by growing food for the Farmers Market, food assistance and distribution, benefits assistance, job assistance, mobile food truck and programs for the elderly and children.
As a family and consumer science professional, I know you are as concerned as I am for families to have adequate food. You will have the opportunity to donate at the end of the first General Session. Be looking for the ladies with the baskets at the doors as you exit. If you are interested in additional information, check their website,
Thank you for giving so a child, family or elderly adult will not go hungry.
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NEAFCS Will Be Turning 85 Lora Lee Frazier Howard (KY)
NEAFCS will be celebrating 85 years in 2019! What a wonderful time to be involved with an association that has been providing leadership opportunities to family and consumer science professionals and helping families for 85 years. What better place to celebrate than Hershey, Pennsylvania!
I have appointed a committee to organize our celebration. Debbie Mathews will serve as chair and the other committee members include Theresa Mayhew, Carol Chandler, Chris Kniep, Susan Routh, and Diane Whitten.
We will kick off our celebration in San Antonio in 2018 with an Anniversary Reception in the Exhibit Hall including sweet treats, an 85 Things To Do List and some other activities. Be thinking of how your State can celebrate as NEAFCS turns 85!
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2018 PILD 1st Timer’s Scholarship Recipient Reflections Edited by Julie Garden-Robinson (ND), Vice President Public Affairs
The PILD conference was a wonderful opportunity to network and learn from other Extension leaders from across the country. Washington, D.C. provided the perfect setting to discuss important issues and talk about civil dialogue in the public arena. This conference helped broaden my understanding of the important issues that impact my local Extension office and the Extension offices of all land grant universities. The speakers at the PILD conference offered impactful conversations about how civil discourse is an important issue for our country as a whole. Carolyn Lukensmeyer provided valuable insight to the issues that we are facing from the perspective of the National Institute of Civil Discourse. There are important issues that need to be discussed, and Extension can be the platform to improve the civility within our communities. John Noltner provided a glimpse into the world through the lens of his camera. He uses photography and civil conversations to tell the story of people from all backgrounds and cultures of the world. His message was simple; have meaningful conversations with people to discover what issues and policies are important to them. You have to get to know the people in the community before you can start to discuss community issues. The last day of the conference was the most valuable. Talking with Congressmen, Congresswomen, and Senators from our home states was an enlightening experience. We discussed the issues that are important within Extension, and how our programs positively impact the citizens and stakeholders of our state. Thank you for this amazing opportunity to discuss important issues that help improve the lives of the people in the great State of Nebraska and the citizens of the United States of America.
Bradley Averill, Nebraska
When I started with Texas A&M Agrilife Extension 8 years ago, I know I had training about levels of funding and I thought I understood them. It wasn't until attending the PILD conference that I really understood our funding streams and systems and why they are important. More importantly, I understand how what seems like routine and mundane work of monthly reports and year end Impact summaries really does affect us every day in funding. We are doing such fabulous work, and we need to share out Impacts more loudly and clearly, so others can see what we are truly doing every day in the lives of local people. PILD also helped provide training on communicating not only what I do every day and my impact but how to think about civil dialogue and communicating on different levels and needs with our audiences. This conference really made me think beyond just my local level and how my impacts at the local level have an impact on so many levels.
Felice Acker, Texas
Thank you for the opportunity to attend the 2018 PILD Conference. The entire conference was excellent! I very much appreciated this year's theme on civility. It has made such an impact on me, and I've shared much of what I learned with my co-workers, friends, and family. I've also put the ideas into practice on social media. I appreciated the presentations by Carolyn Lukensmeyer and John Nolter. Both were inspiring and touching. Even though I've been an Extension employee for more than 12 years, hearing from NIFA and their focus on the national plan of work was very educational. I also benefited from the breakout sessions - especially when I was able to hear about the various work going on through Family and Consumer Sciences. Networking with agents/educators from other states is always helpful! I appreciate the opportunity to be added to various email lists; the information available is very informative. Visiting the Capitol was an amazing experience, and I appreciate the opportunity. I believe every Extension employee across the nation would benefit from this conference, and I will encourage other agents from WV to attend in the future. Again, thank you for this opportunity.
Gwen Crum, West Virginia
I am honored to have been able to represent the Arkansas NEAFCS association at the 2018 PILD Conference. This conference was packed with numerous learning and networking opportunities. Carolyn Lukensmeyer, the keynote speaker, talked about incivility and political dysfunction. She talked about how instead of automatically disagreeing with someone you should instead try asking another question to better understand their viewpoint. During one the sessions, we talked about how to have positive civil discourse when debating with friends. The presenter said that when taking a stance make sure to have three references to back up your statements. During the NEAFCS meeting, I enjoyed the networking opportunities and hearing about what fellow NEAFCS members were doing in their States. On the second day, the PILD conference committee did a great job of preparing me for the hill visits. They had a panel on 'Communicating on the Hill' which included role-playing a good and bad example of meeting with elected officials and staff members. We were given the opportunity to ask House and Senate staffer's questions to help us prepare. Those two sessions helped me greatly when finalizing what I was going to say during my hill visits. The highlight of the trip was getting to see the capital and have a sit-down talk with Arkansas elected officials. I enjoyed getting to share with them personal stories of how the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service has impacted the people of Arkansas. The picture attached is of me with Senator John Boozman.
Rachel Chaney, Arkansas
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News From the Journal of Extension Luann Boyer (CO), Journal of Extension Representative
The Journal of Extension “Innovation Issue” sponsored by eXtension Foundation is in the manuscript editing process. Our publication date has been moved to late September 2018 due to the overwhelming response and time it took to review and select the submitted abstracts. Nearly 200 abstracts were submitted and have been narrowed to about two dozen articles. The eXtension grant includes funding to do an evaluation of the special issue and gather feedback on whether future Special Issues should be pursued. It will also include receiving suggestions for special issue topics.
We plan to have an exhibit in San Antonio and I look forward to visiting with our members. With the special issue coming out about the same time, we may have an internet hook-up for members to go online at the exhibit and check it out. At the exhibit, there will also be time for you to ask questions about the journal including how to submit for publication and how to become a reviewer.
One of the accomplishments our Board members worked on was making the requirements for peer reviewers less stringent. Peer Reviewers used to need extensive research and peer reviewed journal publications, including the Journal of Extension, to be considered. As a result, it was difficult to get enough reviewers and to have those who had broad backgrounds in their general discipline. We have eased the reviewer requirements so being published in other peer-reviewed journals meets the requirement. I’ll be recruiting reviewers in San Antonio, especially those who have education backgrounds with broad perspectives in family and consumer sciences.
My time on the board will be complete in December 2018 when I finish my term as Treasurer for the Board. NEAFCS Board will appoint a new representative for a 3-year term which begins January 2019. The Board meets face-to-face, twice a year (typically March and September) for 2 days and other business is done by conference call. NEAFCS has funds budgeted to assist with travel costs for those meetings.The board has additional information about the responsibilities of their representatives, and I can visit by phone or email with anyone who would like more information. Phone: 970-768-0322; email: [email protected]
See you in September!!
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Inclusive Reflection In Lieu Of Prayer Ines Beltran (GA), Member Resources Committee, Diversity Sub-Committee Chair
According to the New Demographic projections done by the Pew Research Center, the number of religions worldwide is rapidly changing due to differences in fertility rates and the size of youth populations among the world’s major religions. If current trends continue, by 2050 …
- Atheists, agnostics and other people who do not affiliate with any religion will make up a declining share of the world’s total population.
- The global Buddhist population will be about the same size it was in 2010, while the Hindu and Jewish populations will be larger than they are today.
- India will retain a Hindu majority but also will have the largest Muslim population of any country in the world, surpassing Indonesia.
- Muslims will be more numerous in the U.S. than people who identify as Jewish on the basis of religion.
There are occasions when inclusive reflection is more appropriate than public prayer. It provides audiences comfort in that there is no attention given to one particular set of beliefs over another.
The University of Missouri Extension Diversity web site presents some examples on how to do this:
Let us pause: We meet together in an effort to build community, to advance education and understanding. We seek the patience of one another as we strive to learn and grow, and the stamina to make a difference in our state, nation and world.
Let us pause: We gather here today as colleagues and friends with attention to a common goal. That goal is the continued service to the citizens of our state through our programs and information. We understand our responsibilities as committed educators as well as learners — personally and professionally. We seek the patience of each other as we strive to learn and grow, and the stamina to make a difference in our state, nation and the world.
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San Antonio . . . Here We Come!! Linda Wells and Lorrie Coop (TX), Co-Liaisons
With the summer months quickly slipping by, our thoughts are turning toward making preliminary trip preparations for the upcoming 2018 National NEAFCS Annual Session in San Antonio, September 24-27, 2018. Hopefully, you have already registered and made your choices for the In-depth Sessions, Tours, Pre-Conferences, and more!! However, if you haven’t registered yet – it is not too late. “Early Bird Registration” will be held until July 16, 2018. You won’t want to miss out on being a part of our professional organization as we come together to network, learn new programmatic skills and techniques, celebrate accomplishments and have a great time being in the Lone Star State!!
In this issue of E-News we thought it would be helpful to offer some planning and preparation tips so that your experience will be a very positive one from the time you leave home until you arrive back in your office!!
Tip #1: Even if you have attended many annual sessions, we highly suggest that you go to the website for a wealth of helpful information. What a great way to review some wonderful suggestions for a successful experience, no matter how many Annual Sessions you have attended.
Tip #2: Check out the information on the website and the NEW NEAFCS Annual Session App. There you will find a wealth of information that you will know ahead of time to make your week even more beneficial. The In-depth Sessions, Concurrent Sessions and Showcase of Excellence choices are listed so you can begin making your choices.
Tip #3: Hopefully, you have made arrangements to spend a few days before or after the Annual Session in the San Antonio area. Check out the tours that are available as well as the outstanding pre-conferences that are being offered.
Tip #4: When packing your bags, we suggest that you think about bringing an extra bag – or at least leave some room to spare. We are quite sure you will want to take home some wonderful souvenirs from Texas, and of course some “educational goodies” from the Exhibit Hall and Market Place. Another option is that you might want to consider mailing or shipping items back to your home or office. There is a business center in the hotel and a post office nearby.
Tip #5: Consider bringing address stickers or labels that can easily be used in the Exhibit Hall to request additional information or be considered for the door prizes that will be given throughout the Annual Session. You might consider including your email address on your labels as well. Business cards are always great to have with you to exchange throughout the week with colleagues from across the nation.
Tip #6: You may be wondering about what kind of weather to expect during the week you are here. Fall in Texas lends lower temperatures than the summer months, however, please know it will be warm with some humidity. There may be rain, so tuck in an umbrella. We always need rain, so it will be welcomed – but really won’t stop anything we have planned. The temperature will range from 84° - 91° during the days and the nights will range from 62 ° - 70°, while the Annual Session is going on.
Tip #7 : Speaking of clothing... the annual session meetings dress will be business/casual and the activities that are outside of the hotel, such as the tours and in depth sessions will be casual. There will be a considerable amount of walking throughout the conference and especially the first day, so be sure to bring comfortable walking shoes. The “Howdy Event” is sure to please and dress will be “colorful casual”. If you are interested in participating in the Wellness Activities, be sure to bring appropriate shoes and comfortable clothing for the planned activities. Jackets or shawls are highly suggested as it is always cooler in the meeting rooms. If you receive an invitation to attend the Leadership Event, the theme is “Denim & Diamonds” and the evening will be a dressy/denim occasion. Also, for the Awards Banquet on Thursday evening the dress will be professional/dressy .
Tip #8: Be ready to drink lots of water so you stay hydrated among all of the activities and meetings. It would be a great idea to bring plenty of sun screen, for your time in the sun.
Tip #9: If you arrive on Saturday or early enough on Sunday and would like to have a list of the area churches, we will have a list available at the registration/hospitality areas.
Tip #10: Affordable and convenient ground transportation options include airport and hotel shuttles, taxis, ubers, and limos which connect the airport and many points of interest around town. Please refer to the website for more transportation information.
Tip #11: You might want to pack a few snacks for your trip – they are always handy to have between meals, just in case you get a bit hungry!!
Tip #12: Try to register as soon as possible upon arrival. The registration area will be located on the second floor of the Marriott Rivercenter Hotel. Upon receiving your program book, take some time to check it out and highlight all of your priorities. This will save you from missing something and help ensure you get all that you possibly can out of your experience. Also, it is a really good idea to put your name and state on the outside of your program book, just in case it gets misplaced, it might find its way back to you. It would also be a good idea to label your tote bag as well – remember they will all look the same.
Tip #13: Check out the Hospitality Table throughout the Annual Session. Texas and all of the rest of the Southern States are excited that we have “company” and want to make you feel right at home!!! There will also be an information/notice board available if you would like to leave messages, requests, etc. for attendees. The San Antonio Convention and Visitors Bureau will be providing a wealth of information about area attractions and restaurants, so be sure to check out their information for great opportunities to enrich your stay in San Antonio.
Tip #14: If your state would like some assistance with a location for your States Night Out, please let us know. Our NEAFCS website has restaurants listed and you can also go to the San Antonio Convention and Visitors Bureau website at for a wealth of locations for all kinds of food and great attractions in the areas of art, history, cuisine, family, golf, culture, recreation and shopping.
Tip #15: If your spouse is coming with you, there will be information at the Hospitality Table that will include a variety of options they can choose from for a week full of enjoyment as they “strike” out on their own.
Tip #16: If you are presenting during the Concurrent Sessions, our Texas Affiliate will be providing complimentary computers and projectors in each of the session rooms, so you won’t have to travel with this AV equipment. Be sure to bring your flash drive and any handouts that you will need.
Tip #17: Rest if you can before you come and be ready to have a wonderful experience in San Antonio as they celebrate their 300th birthday while we have our Annual Session.
Tip #18: Meet as many colleagues as possible while you are at the Annual Session. The friendships that you make and the networking opportunities will be priceless.
Tip #19: Be a part of the 2018 NEAFCS Community Service Project. We are asking members to bring a new back pack or duffel bag that can be donated to children in transitional living situations, such as foster care. Child Advocates of San Antonio (CASA) will work with various agencies to distribute the bags to children in need. Cash donations will also be accepted and appreciated.
Tip #20: Enjoy yourself and have a wonderful time in Texas!!
We hope these TIPS will be helpful to you as YOU make your plans to come to San Antonio. We are very excited that “company is coming” to see us real soon.
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Meet the Board: Eastern Regional Director Diane Whitten (NY), Eastern Regional Director
For the past 19 years, I’ve been working as a food and nutrition educator for Cornell Cooperative Extension of Saratoga County. I live in a beautiful part of Upstate NY where vacationers come to watch thoroughbred horses race at the Saratoga Race Course, enjoy concerts at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center, and stroll down Broadway in beautiful Saratoga Springs. I moved here 33 years ago to be close to the Adirondack mountains where I find endless places to hike and paddle.
I’m nearing the end of my two year term as Eastern Region Director which has honed my leadership skills and has helped me to learn so much about the functioning of our Board of Directors, and the dedication of our members who make up the board. I’ve also gained a great deal of knowledge about what our national office does, and I’m impressed by the professionalism of our staff.
I’m happy to share that I now have a son-in-law, since my daughter, Katy, just married John at a quintessential Vermont Inn this past May. My son, Brady, continues to thrive in San Francisco working as a computer scientist for Adobe.
If you’re ever asked to be a regional director, I would encourage you to do so. Besides learning about and serving NEAFCS, you’ll also make some new friends from around the country.
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