Table of Contents
President's Message
Renew Your Membership
2019 Extension Leadership Conference – JCEP
Great Opportunity! No funds? Think again!
Coming in December: PILD Conference Scholarship Apps!
2019 Awards Start December 1st
Annual Session First Time Scholarship Recipient Reflections
News from Member Resources
Share your Success and Expertise: Present at NEAFCS Annual Session
Volunteer Needed – Impact Statement Editor
Eastern Region Update
Western Region Update
Commit to “Dine In” on December 3
85th Anniversary – Major Concerns of Families
Meet the Board: President-Elect
Important Dates
PILD Conference Proposal Submissions Deadline November 14, 2018
NEAFCS 2019 Awards System Opening December 1st
NEAFCS 2019 Annual Session Call for Proposals Opening December 1st
NEAFCS Webinar: Awards December 6, 2018
NEAFCS Webinar: Writing a Winning Proposal December 12, 2018
JCEP ELC Affiliate Scholarship Application Deadline December 15, 2018
Affiliate Annual Reports Due to National Office December 31st
Membership Dues to National Office December 31st
JCEP Extension Leadership Conference (ELC) February 6-7, 2019 San Antonio, TX
PILD Conference April 14-17, 2019 Arlington, VA
Nat'l Urban Extension Conference May 20-23, 2019 Seattle, WA
NEAFCS 2019 Annual Session Sept. 30 - Oct. 3, 2019 Hershey, PA
NEAFCS 2020 Annual Session September 14-17, 2020 Snowbird Resort, UT
Michigan State University Extension is hosting the Farm Stress Management Summit to equip Extension professionals around the country with tools to work with farmers and to educate agribusiness stakeholders.
Join us in Lansing, Michigan, January 24 – 25, 2019, and learn to teach the Farm Stress Management curriculum that provides two workshops to help farmers manage stress and to help those who work with them learn techniques to connect farmers with resources.
Learn More and Register
Please add the following two emails to your "safe sender" or "white lists" to ensure you continue to receive emails from NEAFCS as we move to a new system.
[email protected]
[email protected]
For those of you accessing your email through a work email server, you may wish to share this information with your IT person and ask for their help in ensuring the email addresses are added to your safe sender lists.
President's Message - Enhance Our Past and Embrace Our Future Karen Munden (VA), President
As we began the 85th year of the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, I reviewed our long history, which started long before our association came into being. As I researched, I learned that our field has undergone several names including home economics, human sciences, home science, domestic economy, human ecology, and family and consumer sciences.
The research reminded me about all the areas we provide educational resources for such as: food science, nutrition, health, wellness, hospitality, personal finance, family relationships, family studies, housing, shelter, interior design, human development, parenting, family relations, textiles, clothing, and apparel. We have also extended into the areas of emergency preparedness and aftermath. The capacity to draw from our diverse field should give us merit and strength knowing what we do every day is designed to help someone else improve and sustain their living conditions.
My research also revealed that the Morrill Act of 1862 gave birth to the domestic science as being part of the Land Grant Colleges and Universities’ mission to educate farmer’s wives to better run their household and ultimately improve the quality of life for their families. The Smith-Lever Act of 1914 propelled the idea of going to where individuals live and work to provide educational knowledge and resources. Home Demonstration Agents emerged as Change Agents for a movement to become efficient household managers and wiser consumers. Thus, the Family and Consumer Sciences Agent is a vital entity of Cooperative Extension.
While researching our history, I learned that in 1933 our association was known as the American Home Demonstration Agents. The following year in 1934, our name changed to Home Demonstration Agents’ National Association and changed to the National Association of Extension Home Economists in 1942. In 1965, the National Negro Home Demonstration Agents Association joined the Association. The name changed again in 1995 to the National Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. Our name changed to keep up with the times and to stay relevant. The importance and relevance of FCS in today’s society is reflected on the TV networks dedicated to the field such as Food Network, Home and Garden TV, Do It Yourself, and Bravo.
As you can tell, the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences has a long, rich history of changing people’s lives for the better. Thus, the theme I have selected for the year is “Enhance Our Past and Embrace Our Future.” Our history revealed that we have been accustomed to change and being on the cutting edge of education, information, and resources related to improving lives for individuals, families, and communities. Let’s continue our mission as we conduct our work and leave an inspired legacy for generations to come. Remember we are going to “Enhance Our Past and Embrace Our Future!”
Remember to look for the Hershey Kiss in this newsletter for your chance to be entered into the drawing for a FREE Annual Session Registration. Email me the location at [email protected]. Good Luck!
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Renew Your Membership! Joan Koonce (GA), Treasurer
It is that time again! It is time to renew your NEAFCS membership. Your affiliate treasurer must mail 2019 membership dues to the national office by December 31, 2018 in order to qualify for 2019 NEAFCS Awards. Renewals postmark after December 31, 2018 will still be accepted for membership, but will not qualify for awards. Annual dues are $100 for active members. To renew membership, login to with your NEAFCS member username and password and click ‘Dues Renewal’ under the ‘Member Resources’ tab. Update your profile information if needed, print the confirmation page, and mail it along with your check to your affiliate treasurer. It is important to check and update your profile information, so the association can continue to communicate with you.
New members can join NEAFCS at any time during the year. A new application should be mailed to the national office with a check for $100.
In addition to national dues, your state affiliate may require members to pay state and/or district membership dues. This information is provided to you by your affiliate treasurer. Membership dues must be paid before you can apply for an award. You are doing great work, so we want you to apply for one or more of the many awards given through your association and showcase your work.
You can find additional information about membership at under the ‘Member Resources’ tab, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions.
Thanks in advance for submitting your membership dues to your affiliate treasurer by their requested deadline. NEAFCS is a great organization because of your continued commitment to your profession and association.
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2019 Extension Leadership Conference – JCEP Karen Munden (VA)
The 2019 Extension Leadership Conference sponsored by Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) is February 6-7, 2019 at the Wyndham Riverwalk Hotel in San Antonio, Texas. The Leadership Conference is open to all Extension Professionals. No matter if you are brand new to the Cooperative Extension world or have been on the job for some time, you will be able to take new knowledge home with you as a result of attending the conference.
This Conference provides Extension Professionals with materials, resources and strategies to further their leadership skills and abilities at all levels: community, state, and nation. The conference is designed to provide Extension Professionals opportunities to share their best-practices and research-based work with other professionals across all the Extension disciplines and the nation.
The topics that will be discussed during the 2019 conference include: 1) Understanding and Optimizing Management Skills, 2) Identifying Community Collaborations and Partnerships, and 3) Developing Future Organizational Leaders and Succession Planning.
I hope to see you there!
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Great Opportunity! No funds? Think again! Roxie Price (GA), President-Elect
The NEAFCS Board of Directors established the JCEP Extension Leadership Conference Scholarship to encourage attendance by Affiliate Presidents, President-Elects or other emerging leaders. The conference is February 6 & 7, 2019 in San Antonio, TX. Recognizing that many of our Affiliates do not have the resources to send a representative, NEAFCS is offering scholarships to subsidize the cost of attendance. There are 45 scholarships offered at $350 each. Deadline to apply is December 15; however, scholarships are first-come, first-serve. Only one (1) scholarship per affiliate.
Questions? Please contact me directly at [email protected]. For information on the JCEP Extension Leadership Conference, visit
Click here for Scholarship Guidelines and Application
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Coming in December: PILD Conference Scholarship Apps! Julie Garden-Robinson (ND), Vice President of Public Affairs & PILD Planning Team Member
The 2019 Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) Conference will be April 14-17, 2019 at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, VA. This conference is sponsored by the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP). Go to for up-to-date conference information. You can also find the link on the NEAFCS Public Affairs Home Page.
PILD first-time attendees may be eligible for one of the 20 ($300) NEAFCS 1st Timer's Scholarships. Contact your affiliate President if you wish to be considered for the state PILD team and this award. Only one scholarship is available per affiliate. The scholarship application window will open mid-December. See the December NEAFCS Network e-newsletter for details.
See to read the inspiring reflections of past PILD scholarship recipients.
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2019 Awards Start December 1st Susan Routh (OK), Vice President for Awards and Recognition
Now is the time to begin preparing 2019 NEAFCS AWARD APPLICATIONS! Prepare award-winning applications with the online tools and receive the recognition you and your outstanding programs deserve! The 2019 NEAFCS Awards Manual will be posted in mid-November and the online application system will open December 1, 2018.
Do you want to see an award-winning application? Check out the 2018 national winners on display on the NEAFCS website.
If you were a 2018 national or regional winner, 2018 award news releases are available now on the website, too.
To be eligible to apply for awards, your dues must be paid/postmark by December 31, 2018. Please work with your affiliate treasurer to insure the dues arrive at the National Office by the deadline.
All applications and supporting documents must be uploaded by March 15, 2019 for regional and national judging. Each state affiliate has their own deadline to complete state judging before sending the top contenders for regional and national consideration by the March 15 deadline. Check with your state affiliate Awards VP, or chair, about your state deadline.
If you have any questions, please contact your affiliate Vice President for Awards and Recognition or me.
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Annual Session First Time Scholarship Recipient Reflections Karen Munden (VA)
NEAFCS was excited to release a new member benefit for 2018 that allowed five members to attend Annual Session for their first time; awarding each of these deserving folks with a complimentary registration. Congratulations again and we are so glad you enjoyed your first experience! – Karen Munden
Thank you for awarding me the 2018 National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS) Annual Session 1st Timer Scholarship to attend the conference in San Antonio, TX. As a new Extension Educator, the conference gave me a great opportunity to learn more about the Extension programming in the area of Family & Sciences. The conference was packed full of beneficial concurrent sessions, ignite sessions, exhibit forums, and knowledgeable keynote speakers. I was able to learn about valuable resources, ideas, curriculum that I can bring back to my community and implement in my Extension work. I especially found the technology and social media presentations inspiring, and am planning to work with my team to try photographing and videoing to reach more audiences. In addition, it’s wonderful to be invited to the First Timer Orientation breakfast. I was able to meet and network with other first timer Extension Educators from other states. Thank you so much!
Siew Guan Lee, MS, RD (Idaho)
I attended my first NEAFCS Annual Session in San Antonio. As I reflect on the session, I think about the theme “Building Capacity Through People, Programs, and Partnerships” and I think about the goals I set for myself for attending my first session. I hoped to gain a new learning experience; I hoped to learn more about NEAFCS as well as Extension to help promote my work within Extension and Extension in general. I also was eager to build a network of Extension colleagues across the country.
I confidently can say that I met all my goals by attending NEAFCS Annual Session. It was such a positive experience leaving me excited and looking forward to NEAFCS Annual Session 2019 in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
I gained a new learning experience and appreciation of Extension across the country that is instrumental. Through the sessions and meetings, I attended; I became more familiar with NEAFCS and the importance of being an active member. I learned about new ways to promote my work within Extension and Extension overall. I came back with a “to-do” list of ideas from inspirational speakers and new Extension friends. Even though I had a long list of things to do when I returned to the office, I felt refreshed and ready to put into practice what I took away from the session.
I am a Registered Dietitian and I am very active in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND). I also am active in my local chapters of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. I have attended many of the dietetic conferences which are great, but NEAFCS really was a change of pace for me and very important in my growth as an Extension Educator. Thank you to all who made NEAFCS Annual Session in San Antonio the best “first timer” session and an overall AWESOME experience.
Amber E. Denmon MS, RD, LDN (Pennsylvania)
While attending the NEAFCS Annual Session in San Antonio, I was astonished to see how many people from all over the country came together to share ideas, learn and grow from others’ experiences. The variety of topics offered in the sessions gave the presenters an opportunity share their successes in their particular areas of study. In Arkansas, we say, “Every county is just so different,” referring to the clientele, demographics, likes and dislikes, economic status, county leadership, etc. Through talking with Extension representatives from many states, I have learned that this statement is true for every region around the country. While we may have differences in our roles within Extension, it is evident everyone attending the conference truly cares about improving the lives of everyone in their communities. I feel as if I have grown as a newer agent and I am thankful for the opportunity to attend the 2018 NEAFCS Annual Session in San Antonio, TX. I hope to attend many more professional development opportunities in the years to come.
Meredith Wayman (Arkansas)
All Extension professionals should attend the annual NEAFCS conference! Attending the NEAFCS Annual Session provided me with a plethora of opportunities that have positively impacted my professional and personal life. The Concurrent Sessions were interactive, educational, and inspiring. I began planning to implement some programs in my county while I was still at the conference and purchased a curriculum on Mindfulness shortly after returning home! It was really great to meet other educators, build bridges, discuss best practices, and enjoy a cultural immersion experience that would have been unattainable otherwise. Attending Annual Session is extremely beneficial to an individual’s career and personal life and I highly recommend going! I cannot wait to go back!
Daron J. S. Monnin (Indiana)
To capture the impact of attending the 2018 NEAFCS Annual Session, I reflect back on my initial reasons for attending. The first was to gain perspective on successful approaches, techniques, and content from those who have been in the field to improve my outreach and effectiveness in reaching disparate audiences. The second was to glean expertise from those researching current needs, trends, and issues. The third was to network with peers from around our nation to see how my work could become part of the fabric of Extension, so that together we are improving our environment for physical, mental, and financial wellness. These three ideals were met and exceeded by the wonderful variety of workshops, programs, social events, and opportunities to get involved in both the national and local work of NEAFCS. I returned back to my state with a wealth of well researched program content, professional development tools, new contacts, and of course, a belly full of Tex-Mex food! The greatest value of Extension is its people from across America: their passion and care for their communities. The greatest impact of the annual session is knowing that my experience was not unique, but was shared by hundreds of others who are excited to share their gifts and talents. Thank you for giving me this opportunity through the generosity of the NEAFCS First Timer’s Scholarship!
Dorothy Nuckols, MPH, AFC (Maryland)
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News from Member Resources Cindy Schlenker Davies (NM), Vice President for Member Resources
Hello, I am pleased to be your new Member Resources VP following Edda Z. Cotto-Rivera who did a great job in this position! NEAFCS has given so much to me I glad for the opportunity to give back to our professional association.
We had productive committee meetings at the Annual Session in San Antonio and I will be sharing some of the great work these committees are doing throughout the year.
Speaking of Annual Session, a huge thank you to Brittany Martin and team for the largest new comer’s event in years. The Texas affiliate outdid themselves with decorations, a San Antonio themed backdrop for photos and Texas hospitality to make every new member feel welcomed. Each table wove their own spider web as they got to know each other tossing yarn back and forth across the table. It was really something to see!
The lifetime members also had a great event in San Antonio and enjoyed learning and sharing amongst old friends. It is always such a delight to see our lifetime members return each year to Annual Session.
The NEAFCS Journal was sent out October 15, 2018. Dana Wright, Sarah Ransom and the Journal Committee worked hard to put this together. Throughout the year we will be highlighting different articles from this year’s Journal and showcase our talented writers. If you are a writer this committee might be one you’d like to join! Thank you to this team for your great work. You can access the NEAFCS Journal here:
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Share your Success and Expertise: Present at NEAFCS Annual Session Jayne McBurney (NC), Vice President for Professional Development
As you traveled home from San Antonio, did you think to yourself, “our state has some great programs; we should present them at NEAFCS!” After listening to what other states are doing, does it inspire YOU to present? If you answered either of the questions “YES”, here is your chance! (Do not stop reading if you answered “No!”)
On December 1, the Request for Proposal Submission site will be available! You have until January 31, 2019, to input your submission for a session for the Annual Session in Hershey, PA. Your submission will be reviewed by your peers following a specific rubric of criteria.
Want to assure a great proposal? Mark your calendar NOW for the “Writing a Winning Proposal” Webinar on December 12th. Plan now to learn great tips for putting together a great proposal that will be selected for presentation.
Presenting at a national meeting is a great way to develop your professional portfolio and achieve a higher rank in your university system. Our process is a blind review, thereby giving strength and validity to the system that is used to evaluate your submission. Through the sharing of your program success and expertise, your colleagues learn and become motivated to expand their programming further.
Plan now to write YOUR winning proposal!!!
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Volunteer Needed – Impact Statement Editor Julie Garden-Robinson (ND)
We are in need of a content editor for the Impact Statement in the area of financial management. As you may know, we collect short summaries of Extension work nationwide using our online system. I provide this information in a spreadsheet to the editors, who then edit and organize the information to make the handouts that are used all around the country with decision makers at all levels. After that, I do a final fact check and edit, then I work with the national office to finalize the design.
- See to view the 2018 Impact Statements.
- You receive credit for your work on the document so it is a good resume builder, too!
I would greatly appreciate a volunteer or even “co-volunteers” to work on this important task. Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to be the financial management impact editor. You can email me directly at [email protected]. Thank you for your help!
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Eastern Region Update Sharon McDonald (PA), Eastern Regional Director
As the new Eastern Regional Director, I have been busy learning the ropes and getting to know my fellow NEAFCS Board Members. I am looking forward to serving our eastern members over the next two years.
I would encourage everyone to review the monthly NEAFCS Network (e-newsletter) for important dates, information about the association as well as professional development opportunities.
Congratulations to all award winners from the Eastern Region!
- Dean Don Felker Financial Management Award – Barbara O’Neill, NJ – 1st East and National
- Early Childhood Child Care Training – Kerri Wade and Team, WV – 1st East
- Food Safety Award – Sue Snider, DE – 1st East
- Mary W. Wells Memorial Diversity – Shaija Mathur and Team, NJ – 1st East and National and Cheryl Bush and Team, DE – 2nd East and 3rd National
- Program Excellence Through Research – Barbara O’Neill and Team, NJ – 1st East and 2nd National
- Excellence in Multi State Collaboration – Maria Pippidis and Team, DE – 1st East
- Communication: Internet Education Technology – Sherri Cirignano, NJ – 1st East and 3rd National
- Community Partnership – Denise Continenza, PA – 1st East and 3rd National
- Innovations in Programming – Lynn James and Team, PA – 1st East
- Past President’s New Professional – Stacy Reed, PA – East Region Winner
- Distinguished Service – Kathleen Savoie, ME and Joanne Kinsey, NJ
- Continued Excellence – Robin Kuleck, PA
Looking forward to everyone visiting our region in 2019 at the annual session in Hershey!
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Western Region Update Mary Ellen Fleming (CO), Western Region Director
I would like to introduce myself as the new Western Region Director. My name is Mary Ellen Fleming. I am an FCS agent serving a six-county area in southern Colorado, the San Luis Valley. I have worked for Cooperative Extension for 36 years beginning in New Mexico and continuing in Colorado. I have been an NEAFCS member for that same amount of time. I have served as president of both the New Mexico and Colorado Affiliates. In 2006, it was my pleasure to serve as the Affiliate Liaison in hosting the Annual Session in Colorado. If your state has not hosted an Annual Session, I would highly encourage you to do so! Yes, it is a lot of work, but a highly rewarding professional development experience.
Western Region Presidents, please send me information on your affiliate’s activities so I can share them in this publication.
News for now from the Western Region is the AnaMaria Diaz Martinez from Washington State University Extension has been appointed the Western Region representative on the Finance Committee for the next two years. Congratulations, AnaMaria!
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Commit to “Dine In” on December 3 Julie Garden-Robinson (ND)
NEAFCS is partnering with the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) to promote “dining in” on December 3, which is Family and Consumer Sciences Day. The date was chosen to honor Ellen Swallow Richards, the founder of AAFCS, on her birthday. More than 400,000 have committed to dining in since 2014.
Visit to commit to dining in, and you might even win a prize from one of the many sponsors.
- Check out the AAFCS website for information, tools, and research on the benefits of families preparing and eating healthy meals together.
- Add the Dining In logo to your email signature or your social media presence. See for the logos.
- Be sure to follow and share posts from the NEAFCS Facebook page, which will promote Dining In, too.
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85th Anniversary – Major Concerns of Families Chris Kniep (WI), 85th Anniversary Committee member
Since its beginning, NEAFCS members have been in a unique position of being able to address family concerns at community, county and state levels. With “boots on the ground” across the county, NEAFCS members know their communities, routinely assess family needs, and secure resources to address these needs.
In 1984 and 2009, corresponding to the Association’s 50th and 75th anniversaries, national studies were conducted by NAEHE/NEAFCS to determine the major concerns of America’s families. In 1984, a random sample of members were surveyed by surface mail. In 2009, the entire NEAFCS membership was surveyed by electronic mail. What did they find through these surveys?
Before looking at the key findings, try to remember 1984 and 2009…
- President Ronald Reagan
- Average Cost of new house $86,730
- Average Income per year $21,600.00
- Movie Ticket $2.50
- 1 gallon of gas $1.10
- 1 LB of Bacon $1.69
- Top movies: Beverly Hills Cops & Ghostbusters
- Original McIntosh Computer went on sale for $2500
- President George Bush/Barack Obama
- Average Cost of new house $232,880.00
- Average Income per year $39,423.00
- Movie Ticket: $7.50
- 1 gallon of Gas $2.73
- 1 LB of Bacon $3.19
- Top movies: Avatar and Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince
- 3G networks increase
With this context in mind….in 1984 the top four issues identified by members were medical costs, pay equity for women, preschool childcare and the elderly. In 2009, the top four issues were employment, health care, financial security and taxes. What would you say the top issues are 10 years later, or will be in our Centennial year, 2034?
A detailed report of these surveys, “Major Concerns of Families 1984 and 2009: A Twenty-Five Year Comparison of Public Policy Issues by the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences” was published in the 2011 NEAFCS Journal and is available on the NEAFCS website at:
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Meet the Board: President-Elect Roxie Price (GA)
Hey Y’all! I am so excited to be serving on your board as President-Elect. A little about me…I come from the country, the deep woods of South Georgia, where we still take the nearest neighbors cakes and cookies on special occasions and value family above all. My husband is also an Agent for the University of Georgia in the area of Agriculture. We both enjoy going to the Appalachian Mountains and fishing.
I have a Master’s degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. My passion has always been to serve those in need, and my Extension career has given me this opportunity. I have been with the University of Georgia Extension since 2001 in the area of Family and Consumer Sciences and worked in four different counties. I served on the NEAFCS board from 2013 to 2015 as VP of Awards and Recognition. After this term, I knew I wanted to stay involved with our association. It was one of the best professional development experiences of my life!
I highly encourage everyone to consider NEAFCS Committee and National Board positions. Align yourself with the path that will carry you to where you desire to be and make it happen. I believe in you! If you have questions about your NEAFCS path, call me anytime and I will be glad to advise you.
See you in Hershey, PA!
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