NEAFCS 85th Anniversary!

Nurturing the Richness of Lifelong Learning
NEAFCS members celebrated their 85th anniversary at the sweetest place on earth. What a wonderful time to be involved with an association that has been providing leadership opportunities to family and consumer science professionals and helping families for 85 years. 85th Anniversary Kickoff — The 85th anniversary year celebration was officially kicked off during the 2018 Annual Session in San Antonio, TX.
85th Anniversary Celebration – the 85th anniversary celebration ended in Hershey, PA at the 2019 Annual Session. Thank you to the committee members for all of their hard work! – Debby Mathews, Patricia Powley, Terri Mayhew, Carol Chandler, Carol Schlitt, Jan Fleener Scholl, Chris Kniep, and Susan Routh.
- Photos of the 85th Anniversary celebrated in Hershey, PA - please send any photos you have to add to the collection to [email protected].
- Facebook trivia posts to celebrate 85 Years
- 85th Anniversary Scavenger Hunt Questions with answers
- NEAFCS Hall of Fame – the Hall of Fame was established in 2019 where four exceptional women were inducted for their commitment, dedication and effective leadership and involvement in NEAFCS at the state, regional and/or national level. Click here to view Press Release.
85th Anniversary Pin –NEAFCS colors were displayed with blue and white diamonds which were commemorative of the 85th anniversary pin. Members had the opportunity to pre-order pins prior to the Anniversary Celebration to wear them proudly while in Hershey, PA. You still have the opportunity to purchase a pin and add to your collection. Click here for the order form.
NEAFCS History Biographies of FCS Educators in the 20th and 21st Centuries - Article by Jan Scholl 100 Years of Extension FCS History – Webinar by Jan Scholl
Affiliate Reports - How did your affiliate celebrate their 85th anniversary, or celebrate NEAFCS’ 85th? Click on the reports below to read. Pictures of the celebrations can be found here.
Do You Have Any History Files to Share? Send any photos, information, memorabilia and memories to NEAFCS Historian, Christine Kniep.
Christine Kniep 2391 Katy Court Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54904-7954 Electronic materials may be sent to her via email.