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January 2020

Evolution of the Newsletter

As you have hopefully noted, we have taken your feedback about how to improve the NEAFCS Network and made some changes. We will continue to do so as we move forward. Keep those ideas and tips coming to President Roxie Price to help us improve!

Important Dates

JCEP ELC Scholarships for Affiliate President/President-Elect
Dec 15th - Deadline for first time preference
February 7, 2020 - Deadline for scholarships

NEAFCS Webinar: 2020 Bake for Family Fun Month Builds Real Life Benefits
January 23, 2020

NEAFCS 2020 Annual Session Call for Proposals
Deadline: January 31, 2020

PILD First Timer Scholarship Application
Deadline: February 1, 2020

NEAFCS Impact Statement Portal
Deadline: February 1, 2020

NEAFCS 2020 Awards System
Deadline: March 16, 2020

NEAFCS 2020 Annual Session
September 14-17, 2020
Snowbird Resort, UT

Mountain Icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com


President's Message
Roxie Price (GA), President 

Happy New Year to you all! 

Last week the NEAFCS Executive Board members met to conduct the 2020 Winter Board meeting and hold Strategic Planning Sessions for 2021-2023. Read More 

The first 5 people to email me with the location of the icon, and a tip on how to enhance this newsletter, will be entered into a drawing for a free registration to the 2020 NEAFCS annual conference in Snowbird, Utah. 

2020 National Leadership
Karen Munden (VA), Immediate Past-President

Welcome to 2020, a brand new month, a brand new year, a brand new decade, and a brand new you.  Many of us have established goals for the New Year and developed strategies to accomplish them. Read More

Awards Reminders
Julie Garden-Robinson (ND), Vice President for Awards and Recognition 

Awards season is heating up, and the national due date for award submission is March 16, 2020.  To recap my December reminder, the committee and sponsors made several updates to awards, including the Financial Management Award, the Past President’s New Professional Award, and the Educational Curriculum Package Award. Read More

Proof, Proof, Proof Your Application
Judy Corbus (FL), NEAFCS Awards & Recognition Training Subcommittee

You have worked hard on your award application and are ready to submit it.  But have you completed that key final step?   Proofread your application!  Taking time to carefully check your work can make all the difference when submitting an award-winning application.  Read More

Come Join Us at JCEP Extension Leadership Conference
Mary Ellen Fleming (CO), Western Region Director & Sharon McDonald (PA), Eastern Region Director

Please join us at the upcoming JCEP Extension Leadership Conference in San Antonio, Texas, February 12 -13, 2020.  The conference will be at the Wyndham San Antonio River Walk.  Read More

March is Living Well Month
Mary Liz Wright (IL), Vice President for Public Affairs 

Extension has been promoting and celebrating The Living Well Month for 20 years to raise awareness of the educational programming offered by Extension Family and Consumer Sciences educators. Read More

Time for Impact Statements
Mary Liz Wright (IL)

 View the full screen here: https://vimeo.com/385355588

Just a reminder, for Vice-Presidents of Public Affairs: PILD (April 5-8, 2020) is right around the corner and we need to have our Impact Statements complete soon so we can share the finished product with our legislators. Please visit the website for samples of previous years and forms to complete this year. The recent changes to this process have made it so much easier to submit information---we need all of your impact data entered into the portal!

The deadline for submission is February 1, 2020! 

Journal of NEAFCS Reviewers Request
Dana Wright (WV), JNEAFCS co-editor

As the New Year begins, I encourage you to consider serving as a peer reviewer for the Journal of NEAFCS. This is an ideal opportunity for both professional development and service to the profession without the requirement of a huge time commitment.  Read More

External Reviewers
Cindy Schlenker Davies, VP of Member Resources

This month I would like to highlight a Member Resource you may not be aware of. There are several NEAFCS members who have volunteered to be External Reviewers for promotion and tenure documents as well as publication reviews. Read More

Make 2020 the Year You Invest in Yourself
Sheila Gains, CO, 2020 Annual Session Tri-Liaison

If investing in your own professional and personal development is on your 2020 New Year’s resolution list, make plans to attend the 2020 NEAFCS Annual Session in Snowbird, Utah. Read More

My Perception of a Person’s Worth Based on Age
Jane Henderson (VA), Diversity Committee  

Individuals from each generation bring with them values and opinions that have been influenced by economic, political, and social events happening at that time.  We work and interact with all generations from traditionalists to generation Z! Read More

Southern Region Update
Lorrie Coop (TX), Southern Region Director 

Hello from the Southern Region. I feel so honored for the opportunity to serve in this role and be a voice for our members.  Read More

Affiliate Spotlight on Colorado
Debby Mathews, (AL) 85th Anniversary Chairman

Colorado’s 85th Celebration was led by their Member Resources Committee chairman. They celebrated during the Spring Professional Development Retreat in Denver with the theme “Honor the Past and Celebrate the Present/Future of NEAFCS”. Read More